Customs & Border Patrol picks the AI Modular Precision Weapon's Platform

I think it's not a bad thing to develop some sophistication and view this situation as a shit sandwich and border patrol is one of the pieces of bread.

Where we run into problems is when the pieces of bread insist the sandwich is fine. Its not...and the pieces of bread in a shit sandwich are still covered in shit.

If you work border patrol, quit. There is no point in going to work. And if you all quit maybe something would change.

The border is worse than open - when we process people at the border we take them out of an extremely hostile environment that kills plenty of hikers and outdoorsmen....and we feed, clothe, house, water, and bus them around our nation.

Arresting and processing the border crossers is literally enabling their continued journey.
I think it's not a bad thing to develop some sophistication and view this situation as a shit sandwich and border patrol is one of the pieces of bread.

Where we run into problems is when the pieces of bread insist the sandwich is fine. Its not...and the pieces of bread in a shit sandwich are still covered in shit.

If you work border patrol, quit. There is no point in going to work. And if you all quit maybe something would change.

The border is worse than open - when we process people at the border we take them out of an extremely hostile environment that kills plenty of hikers and outdoorsmen....and we feed, clothe, house, water, and bus them around our nation.

Arresting and processing the border crossers is literally enabling their continued journey.
The problem with getting border guards to quit is only the good ones will leave and the bad eggs will all stay, that's how it's always played out in history.

All I want is for LEOs to admit hat the situation is a shitshow and the powers above them are the problem.
And also to not enforce shitty laws when they don't agree with them.
The things that is killing the West isn't the idiots in charge, it's the people that enforce the corruption that allow the system to carry on.

I live in NZ where we have been through a 4 year period that was beginning to feel more and more like I imagine East Germany felt.
I know for a fact the LEOs and civil servants privately didn't agree with the way things were going, but the lack of publicly speaking out is what allowed the sharade to carry on.

I'd rather LEOs say openly that the system is rigged but they are staying on the gravy train for the pension and job security, rather than sit in silence and pretend everything is fine.