CZ 452 Varmint Misfires


Full Member
Mar 31, 2010
The rifle is about 2 years old. In the last few months it has become unreliable with multiple misfires per box of wolf match target. The rifle has been fired thousands of times so I may have wore something out but I don't know what that would be. What do I need to get to fix the issue and where do I get it?
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

I'd be looking at fouling of the action as the probable culprit.
When was the last time you did a thorough cleaning, including
disassembling the bolt all the way down to it's components.
GSR buildup in the bolt/firing pin/extractors is the usual cause of my ftf.
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

^^^What he said^^^

While you have it apart to clean, J&P has some nice upgrades for your 452.

My first thought would be the bolt take down tool. I might pop in a new firing pin spring while I had it apart for cleaning, and maybe some new action screws make it easier to take down without buggering the screws.
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

I had the exact same issue with my Savage Model 62 when I started shooting again after some years. Turns out I probrably had shot it a couple thousand rounds and didn't clean it when I was 16 and just left it sitting. I took apart the bolt cleaned everything and never another issue since(but now I clean it a bit more often)
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

Use the force Luke...

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

clean the bbl, chamber, pull the bolt apart and clean it. After several thousand rounds, if it's not the cleaning, it could simply need a new striker or spring...very easy to replace (some striker/pins are very easy to repair too)

Try different ammo...wolf is OK but not very reliable in my opinion. Try some CCI green tag, CB longs, maybe some Fioch stuff or Agila.
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

Thanks for the replies. The video was great. I took the bolt apart and cleaned and oiled everything. I tried the rifle out yesterday and it is back to normal. Thanks so much for the help.
Re: CZ 452 Varmint Misfires

Since I have never taken the bolt apart before I can't really say what all the parts are supposed to look like. The firing pin looks a little worn but it may have always looked like that. I was talking to one of my friends at work that I had sold some ammo to a few weeks ago and he said he had a bunch of misfires out of the two boxes he got so it may have not been my rifle at all.