Daniel Penny

And for God’s sake, stop breeding with Jewish women!
He was acquitted in about the most woke, leftist, judicial system in the country, IMO. Yeah, NYC under Alvin Bragg.

The fact that Bragg's office couldn't get a conviction with a friendly judge and jury just highlights how radical and bias Bragg and his policies are.
My take is this shows that New York citizens tired of all the crime and were not convicting someone who stood up for the others
Awesome news and for the people of New York, we have spoken. And also to note, this incident occurred merely weeks after another deranged psycho pulled a pistol and shot a random passenger on a Manhattan bound Q train to death in a completely unprovoked attack. People were on edge and Jordan Neely had been very loudly threatening to kill everybody on the train car he was in.
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I'm kinda surprised he was acquitted

People must be really, really sick and tired of the hoodrat homeless bullshit that happens in public

The yelling/shitting/pushing grandma down the stairs
Me too, such a shit place to live where you can't help your fellow man or yourself from the vermin you walk around. He's a lucky man the jury AND the liberal judge were compassionate. He will never help another person again. Always remember the infamous adage;
"No good deed goes unpunished"
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I'm certainly pleased that Penny has been acquitted of the criminal charges. And I sincerely hope the same happens in re: this civil action being brought against him by the father or others.

Still, the damage has been done. It doesn't matter if Penny was convicted or not (or held liable civilly). The fact that they were willing to bring charges against him is sufficient to scare the crap out of anyone that might consider assisting in a SD scenario as Penny did. The process became/becomes the punishment.

They (Bragg/Soros etc.) got what they wanted.