DD5V1 Feeding issues chamber damage


Feb 17, 2019
San Angelo TX
New to the forum long time lurker.

Was looking for help or advice for the following issue. I recently purchased a DD5V1 from a local retailer in Texas. First time out to the range to zero and had several issues. I was unable to get a round (175g sierra BTHP from Mass Ammo) to fully chamber using only the bolt release. It would seat a round about 3/4 the way into the chamber and required multiple taps on the forward assist to put fully into battery. No issues extracting rounds but same issue every time it tried to chamber the next round. Fired 10 rounds this way then decided try and see what was going on. On takedown noticed what appears to be a chipped chamber from the 2'oclock to the 4'oclock position. It matches where the extractor is located on the bolt face. Bolt and extractor look fine. Spent cartridges look fine with exception of some superficial scratches where there was contact on the feed ramps. Everything was oiled well before shooting. Magazine looks fine too. Attached some pics.

Any ideas suggestions? Sent request to DD hopefully hear back later this week.


Will that ammo fit into a go gage?

Any other ammo tried??

If it won’t chamber FGMM, get in touch with DD customer service for them to fix it.
I would try to chamber another brand of ammo before getting DD customer service involved. M80 ball, commercial hunting ammo, or another factory load should be tried to trouble shoot. If spent brass, that is now fire formed to the chamber, will go into and out of the chamber freely and the unfired ammo won’t.... may be a sizing issue with the ammo. Just doing a lot of thinking out loud on this one.
Hard to tell what we're seeing with those blurry pictures. Can you post some pictures that are in focus so we can tell what's going on?

Does your extractor stick out proud of the rim of the bolt? Meaning, would the extractor contact the barrel before the bolt? If it does, DD may have machined that feature on the barrel, it sure doesn't look "chipped", but again it's impossible to tell with those pictures.

The King is right though, that wouldn't affect chambering except maybe the last bit of bolt lockup. Only chambering "3/4 of the way" per your description indicates something else.

Color a case with a Sharpie marker and try to chamber it. Show us a pic of where the Sharpie marker is rubbed off the case; that'll tell where it's getting bound up.
Did you clean/lube it before you took it out? What mags were you using? Sounds like something is slowing down the forward cycle if it only took taps on the forward assist to get the bcg to seat.
It’s hard to tell with your shitty pictures but in all honestly I’d send that back to those Anti2A fags at DD and demand a new rifle.

Sell said rifle for a terrible loss because everyone knows the DD5 is a POS and use those funds to purchase a quality rifle.

LMT, KAC, etc
It’s hard to tell with your shitty pictures but in all honestly I’d send that back to those Anti2A fags at DD and demand a new rifle.

Sell said rifle for a terrible loss because everyone knows the DD5 is a POS and use those funds to purchase a quality rifle.

LMT, KAC, etc

That’s not a helpful response, and let’s help him fix the rifle he already has.
Nothing gets done when we smash and eat one another here. When a member has a problem, and comes looking for help, this is not the way to help him, or make this forum a BETTER place. Leave that crap for TOS.

OP, I believe that spot on your chamber is intentionally there. It provides clearance for the extractor when the bolt closes.
I’m very inclined to think the issue was ammo related. Try some Federal 168gr GMM. That’s a go to round for MANY. It’s also very accurate for 600 and in. When it goes transonic, it’s known to get wonky, but inside it’s supersonic range, it’s pretty solid.
If the gun won’t shoot Federal GMM well, then there’s an issue.
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Awesome, I appreciate all the responses, even the no filter ones. Yep, called DD and that recess is in the barrel extension by design. Said run it wet and try some different ammo. Ill give the federal a chance and see what happens. Just surprised having so many feeding issues when my other "crappy" Ar 10s run that ammo just fine.

Thanks for all the help!
Awesome, I appreciate all the responses, even the no filter ones. Yep, called DD and that recess is in the barrel extension by design. Said run it wet and try some different ammo. Ill give the federal a chance and see what happens. Just surprised having so many feeding issues when my other "crappy" Ar 10s run that ammo just fine.

Thanks for all the help!
I have a DD5 and I checked my chamber, also see that recess you speak of. I’ve had no issues at all with federal or horandy ammo. What glass you running on yours?
Cool ok chamber good to go then. Maybe I just need to run it really wet. Im using the Mag that came with it. It won’t sit my armalite mags. Just sucks I have a db10 and an old armalite that run everything without issue. wasn’t expecting to have this problem with a gun that cost more than twice as much. Interesting to see what different mags and ammo do for me. Running an IOR 1x10 I picked up from someone in the PX right now. Have vortex on pretty much everything else.
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Cool ok chamber good to go then. Maybe I just need to run it really wet. Im using the Mag that came with it. It won’t sit my armalite mags. Just sucks I have a db10 and an old armalite that run everything without issue. wasn’t expecting to have this problem with a gun that cost more than twice as much. Interesting to see what different mags and ammo do for me. Running an IOR 1x10 I picked up from someone in the PX right now. Have vortex on pretty much everything else.
Vortex glass is great! I put one of the Trijicon Accupower units on my DD...so far so good, but it’s far from some of the other stuff I have...got a deal on it new and couldn’t pass it up.
I’ve owned my DD5V1 for 5 years. I’ve put 9,850 rounds down range from 100 yards to 700 yards without issues. I believe the problem this guy is having is strictly ammo he is using.
Very well could be. I shipped it to dd and they sent back a report essentially polished feed ramps and said it was working fine. Great customer service. I did ask what ammo they used and they said military standard ball. I’ve had issues with fgmm. What do you shoot through yours?
Very well could be. I shipped it to dd and they sent back a report essentially polished feed ramps and said it was working fine. Great customer service. I did ask what ammo they used and they said military standard ball. I’ve had issues with fgmm. What do you shoot through yours?

Sir I reload 98% of my rounds. When I first picked up my DD, I went and bought several different 308 brands and weights. Cheap rounds and quality rounds.
Before I ever fired my first round I took the gun apart and cleaned it and greased it.
This rifle has NEVER MALFUNCTIONED period. I keep all my rifles clean and maintained.
I’m sorry to hear of your problem, however; DD is quality through and through.

168 grain SMK’s my match load
Federal primers
IMR 4064 powder

M80’s FMJ my fun run load
CCI Primers
BL-C2 powder
I never commented on quality. It’s a very aesthetically pleasing rifle and well put together. I’m having some feeding issues. I’ve tried a lot of interventions and I’m still having problems. I can only comment on mine (sample size of 1). 10000 rounds without a malfunction is extraordinary. Sounds like you have an exceptional rifle. I’m not trashing anybody just trying to get mine to work like yours.
I had a very similar chamber markings and experience with a V2, was a single shot rifle basically due to failing to feed and extract. DD customer service was exceptional but after two trips to DD, firing 10 types of factory ammo I was told the bcg was not mil-spec and had tight tolerances that had to be broken in. I was advised to shoot 200-300 rds of premium ammo to allow the upper and bcg to break in. To me this was a bit crazy at the price point to essentially burn through ammo for break in.

still support and recommend DD but that rifle had some major issues. That being said, the new version and new bcg do sound promising so hopefully this was addressed with the new designs.
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I looked at one of the new V3,4,5 rifles the other day. DLC on the bcg was slick. I noticed that the tail of the bcg is weighted, are the V1’s and 2’s? The charging handle was a definite upgrade over the ball detent design. The adjustable gas block was easily accessed with a wrench. Heavy profile barrel yet the rifle was just a little heavier than an 18” spr. Over all, it seemed like a nice rifle. At a $2199 price point, it’s essentially priced like a LMT defender. Given a choice, I’ll go with LMT every time. I like DD products, but I’m not paying to test a system. LMT has it figured out.
I looked at one of the new V3,4,5 rifles the other day. DLC on the bcg was slick. I noticed that the tail of the bcg is weighted, are the V1’s and 2’s? The charging handle was a definite upgrade over the ball detent design. The adjustable gas block was easily accessed with a wrench. Heavy profile barrel yet the rifle was just a little heavier than an 18” spr. Over all, it seemed like a nice rifle. At a $2199 price point, it’s essentially priced like a LMT defender. Given a choice, I’ll go with LMT every time. I like DD products, but I’m not paying to test a system. LMT has it figured out.

that’s awesome you got to check them out, the v3-v5 bcg is brand new so not in the 1 or 2.
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