Summary: Bank manager has car accident, takes pain pills, gets hooked, loses job, switches to heroin, off to jail for drug possession.
Suffers intestinal rupture in jail, severe pain, peritonitis, guards and nurses laugh at her, she dies.
Summary: Bank manager has car accident, takes pain pills, gets hooked, loses job, switches to heroin, off to jail for drug possession.
Suffers intestinal rupture in jail, severe pain, peritonitis, guards and nurses laugh at her, she dies.
A jail employee filled out forms when the woman first arrived on March 30, explaining that Ostler had several medical condition that she took medication for, including Crohn's disease.
Inmates in the jail reported hearing the woman yell, moan, curl up in a ball and refused eating for two days and showing signs of dehydration
And when inmates tried to inform guards at the jail, they were told that Ostler was 'coming down off drugs,' and told said to the woman, 'I'll bet it feels like you're going to die, doesn't it? Just a couple more days.'
She was told to stop pushing the alarm button, asking for help, the suit alleges.
For over two days, inmates pleaded that guards assist the woman and told them that she was crying and yelling.
When they found that Ostler stopped breathing, jail staff came and tried to perform CPR before taking her to the hospital.