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dedicated build project for Aguila SSS Sniper Subsonic 60 Grain 22LR


Full Member
Jul 1, 2013
I would like advice on what is the best way to do a special build rifle project that is just dedicated to only shoot the Aguila SSS Sniper Subsonic 60 grain 22LR bullets with a suppressor.
I already bought two Primary Weapons System (PWS) T3 receivers with the straight pull toggle action at a close out price just before PWS sold the design of that action to Volquartsen so this build needs to start with that receiver.

I have heard that to make that long bullet shoot accurately, you must have a fast twist like 1:9 or even a 1:7 twist.
I have also heard that the minimum barrel length to shoot that long bullet accurately is a 20 inch barrel.
A 20 inch barrel with a suppressor on the end would be really long and heavy for a field gun, but if that is what I have to do to make this long bullet shoot accurately, I will do it. I would rather have a 16 inch barrel, but not if it won't shoot that long bullet accurately.

The goal for this build is to consistently hit a 2 inch diameter target at 100 yards. I know there are other cartridges that are more accurate than this Aguila SSS ammo, but I just want that 60 grain thump so please bear with me on this and help make my dream a reality.

Here are my Questions for you guys:

1. This rifle will be dedicated to shooting the 60 grain SSS Aguila 22LR cartridge so we do not need to be concerned with making a compromise that will shoot both 60 grain and regular 30 to 40 grain bullets. With that in mind, what twist rate do you guys recommend, the 1:9 or the 1:7 twist rate?

2. Since this build will be dedicated to shooting only that 60 grain SSS ammo does the barrel need to be 20 inches long or will 16 inches be long enough?

3. Will I not have to worry about baffle strikes with a faster 1:9 twist barrel for that 60 grain ammo ? For that 60 grain bullet, would a 20 inch barrel reduce the likely hood of baffle strikes more than a 16 inch barrel ?

4. I do not want a heavy bench only gun because it is to be a hunting gun carried in the field so do you recommend a carbon fiber barrel to keep the weight down ?

5. What .22LR barrel manufacturers do you recommend with that fast twist rate of 1:9 or 1:7 ? And where can I buy them ?

6. I have heard different opinions about the results of this 60 grain ammo, some good with the fast twist and some were bad results, but it sounds like the bad ones were because they were using the standard 1:16 twist, is that the consensus here ?

7. I have also heard that there were some problems with the PWS T3 action, but I also read that they got the bugs worked out at the end before they sold it over to Volquartsen. Is that correct ?

8. I heard that some guys head spaced the barrel with a couple of shims to make the T3 extra accurate, is that necessary on the late production T3 runs after the bugs were figured out ?

9. Any other suggestions or recommendations for this special 60 grain dedicated build ?

10. Since I have two of those PWS T3 receivers, for the 2nd build I was thinking about either buying an integrally suppressed barrel or using that Tactical Solutions SB-X Barrel with the silencer threaded inside the barrel shroud. This 2nd rifle build would not be for the SSS 60 grain ammo. It would only be for regular 40 grain sub-sonic ammo. Any suggestions or advice for that build ? Should I go SB-X barrel or integral suppressed barrel ? If integral, which make & model is the best ?

I really appreciate everyone that helps me by sharing their knowledge and experience.
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies.
Beyer barrels ? I think, the make the aluminum shroud barrels and offer the fast twist 1/9 , can’t remember specs and I was contemplating a fast twist build for the 60 gr thump but the cartridges made now are not consistent enough from what I read , I’m following to see what you figure out ,good luck
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