Hunting & Fishing Deep in the heart of Texas


Full Member
Jun 4, 2011
Houston, TX
Had a great Thanksgiving, good food and great people. My dad and I woke up early the next morning, shook off the whiskey, and started the five hour drive to paradise - at least the closest thing to it in Texas... The Hill Country.


The hunting was slow with the moon being so bright and up till 0400 every morning. But in the end I won the waiting game. It was a beautiful Sunday morning; clear skys, light breeze, temp sitting in the low 40s. I'm sitting in my tree stand, that I normally bow hunt from, to see what the 300 blackout can do. Around 0800, two doe found their way to my AO. They came through traveling east-west at a dead sprint. I didn't have much time to respond. She had just passed a tree that I knew was 45y and was about to be out of sight. So I stood, took aim, and fired. Her front legs immediately gave out, she tumbled twice, jerk once and was dead.

BDA=lungs turned into jelly, two broken shoulders, and a chunk of her heart fell out of the exit wound when I picked her up.

She weighted around 70#



Exit side rib damage

Rifle Data:
DSA 300blk upper
S&W M&P 15 sport lower
RRA national match trigger
TBAC 30BA suppressor

Load Data:
110 Vmax
20gn H110
reformed LC brass
Re: Deep in the heart of Texas

I was impressed with the damage. I know it's a small deer, but the little 110 vmax had no problem breaking through both shoulders and wrecking everything in-between. I had planned on a head shot to preserve meat, but wasn't going to take that chance on a running target.
Re: Deep in the heart of Texas

I also have a box of 110 barnes black tips that I plan to load, but want to wait till I get a hog with the 110 vmax; so I can compare the results between the two bullets on different game.