
Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Abilene texas
Okay so now that pretty much everywhere is either in deer season or about to start i figured we could give this a shot...

this will be kindof like the hogs. russians. razors lets see em. but lets make it for deer season.

share a pic tell the story just keep it going and everyone will only have one place to check and see all the latest and greatest.

This afternoon, opening day, muzzle loader season here in TN. Half way to my bag limit on antler-less deer.

Late afternoon, hunting over a field we've been hunting all archery season. Lots of deer, just none in range. Saw what I thought were two at 130yds. This is a field with deep brush cover, deer pop up from nowhere because you cant see them coming. Took the shot and then thought I had messed up and shot a little doe that I'd looked at but was meant to pass over for a bigger one. Though I had a not quite ideal hit on one of the ones I saw bound off. The way the little one was moving I thought it had laid down to die. Turns out there were 3 and the one I shot at I hit a little high and got a spine shot and it dropped in it's tracks, but with the smoke cloud I didn't see that.

By the time I reloaded and sat a couple of minutes another doe showed staring straight at me at 125. Had to take my time to get set for the shot and not spook her. This one knew I was out there and was looking. When this one got hit it blasted off at warp 3 for about 25 or 30 yds then tumbled ass over ears. I've only seen them go down like that in video.


Almost makes up for being shut out during bow season.

Got this one last week. A Coastal Carolina buck. Big bodied deer for this area though. Had to have some meet. An OK 8 point. Not a lot of trophy deer in SE NC on the coast. Shot a very nice 10 point in 2006 here on the coast, which I have mounted on the wall, and I haven't seen another like it since LOL.

Shot just after the sun came up crossing a small field which I was hunting. Dropped instantly at about 75 yards.

Rifle was a Howa 1500 .270win with a Vortex Viper 2x7x32 BDC mounted on top. Round was a Hornaday 130gr SST


This was the first year that I used a trail camera for scouting and got a picture of this buck on 21 October. The camera was set up on two scrapes about 350 yards away. Yesterday (11/5/11) he came by my favorite stand which sits on top of a hill in some older thinned out pines. The understory is pretty thick and I can’t see into it in many places. The rut is active for my part of Georgia. I saw two other bucks chasing does earlier in the morning and a number of other does, yearlings and fawns. One of the bucks was a shooter but was too far off and running a doe into a grown up clearcut. I’ve hunted this hill for ten years or better. It is a real good spot as I am rarely ever go home without seeing deer.

When the rut is in full swing, I usually stay in the stand much later than normal. This buck came trolling through about 11:00, eastern, by himself. He popped out of some of the thick stuff well past me. Even from behind, I immediately recognized him as the buck in the picture because the leaning brow tines. It was real windy and I was trying to stop him with some grunts and whistles but he couldn‘t hear me. I had to yell at him a couple of times to get him to stop long enough for a shot. I took a well placed quartering away shot at 90 yards and recovered him about 40 yards from where he was standing.

I figured if I hunted the hill enough, he would eventually show up. He had already run off some of his weight and was down to 155 pounds. But that is about average for 3.5 year old around here. The rifle is a Remington 700 5R in a McMillan A5, kryloned OD and sponged by me. Scope is a Nikon Monarch 5.5-16.5 and I used a 165 gr. Accubond with 43 gr. of Varget handload.

I posted this one a little earlier but I thought it would be a good sorry to this thread.

The 2011 Youth Day deer hunt, September 24, 2011.....

We woke to a steady rain on Saturday morning but we were going no matter what the weather was doing. We left the truck just after first light and started our long walk into the location we were going to hunt next to the New River. We were moving very slowly as we glassed the edges of the fields trying to catch a deer heading back into its bedding area. About 7:15am we spotted four does browsing for acorns under a big oak on the top of a ridge. The wind was in our favor and with the rain covering our sound we were able to stalk within 50 yards of them and setup in a patch of small pines. I asked my son if he wanted to take the biggest doe but he said he wanted to hold out for a buck. We watched them for a couple minutes as they browsed their way back in the laurel thickets towards their bedding area. As we watched them head out of sight the rain stopped and the fog started to roll in off the river. We decided to continue out the ridge and glass the last field before we started into the timber.

Once we reached our vantage point on the ridge over looking the last field we began to glass, no deer to be seen. We decided to sit on the ridge to watch the thermals carry the fog for a few minutes to determine what the wind was going to do with our scent before we entered the timber. As all of you hunters know a deer’s sense of smell is their number one defense and I am working with my son to teach him how to read the wind and play it to his advantage. We had been sitting there for about 5 minutes when I saw a big bodied deer working along the edge of the woods on the other side of the field. I watched it through my binoculars for a few seconds and could tell it was a good buck but the fog was making the details hard to see. I told my son to get his shooting sticks set up and get ready to take the shot. The deer was quartering away slightly and eating acorns. I ranged the deer at 290 yards. Then I told him how high to hold on the deer’s body to compensate for the bullet drop and to let me know when he was ready. After a couple of seconds he said “Ready Dad!” as my Dad and I watched through our binoculars I told him to “Send it”. With the crack of the rifle the deer kicked like a mule and ran into the woods where we heard it crash. We sat quietly for 5 long minutes just to be sure we would not push him then we went to find his buck. It turned out to be a very nice big bodied 9 pointer. That’s when the high fives and hugs began.

Needless to say my Dad and I are very proud of our hunting buddy.





Congratulations to you and your son Oneshot. I get so much joy seeing children hunt. I can't wait till my son is a little older, right now my 11 year old cousin tags along with me sometimes, and he just gets excited every time he see's something.

Well fellow hunters and hide members, I have not stretched a string in 4 years on my bow. The oldest excuse in the book. "WORK". My father the old devil dog was wondering why he did not see any bucks last year while gun hunting my property. I told him he needed to use his climbing tree stand. I have used this tactic in years past gun hunting the same funnel and have always seen bucks. Well he is getting along in years and showed up at my house with a new ladder stand for two people. He asked if me and my brother would put it up? No problem. So two weeks ago we hauled the box to the top of the ridge with a few tools and set the stand up. This past week he asked if I had been seeing any bucks behind the house on the hill. I said yes. He then asked if I had hunted the stand yet I said no I was letting things settle for his use this gun season. Well dad knows I do not work veterans day and for good reason and he suggested I do so. Friday morning in eastern Ohio was nice and crisp with little to no wind. The sun was clearing the ridge and warming. I heard some movement down hill and to the right of my position. At first I thought it was a fox squirrel headed to one of my hickory trees. It was not. Instead it was a mature buck working his way up the ravine. At no time did I have a good view of his head gear but could tell he was nice. So I readied myself for a possible opportunity. At 27 yards everything stopped with the buck in full view. The only sound to be heard was a sudden exhale of the deer as he bolted I could see the blood glinting off the leaves. I sat down to collect myself and replayed the release in my mind. It seemed as though now the sun had popped full bright, I looked at my watch it was 8:00 am straight up. I did not hear the tell tale crash the guys always rave about in the videos but was confident in the hit. At 8:20 am I started down the ladder of the stand and laughed to myself, my legs were jello. I felt like I did when I harvested my first one when I was 14. I had good sign at the start and with any luck the trail would be short. In 62 yards I could make out his form piled up next to a fallen log. Here he is: [img:center][/img]

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ghostcoyote</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Well fellow hunters and hide members, I have not stretched a string in 4 years on my bow. The oldest excuse in the book. "WORK". My father the old devil dog was wondering why he did not see any bucks last year while gun hunting my property. I told him he needed to use his climbing tree stand. I have used this tactic in years past gun hunting the same funnel and have always seen bucks. Well he is getting along in years and showed up at my house with a new ladder stand for two people. He asked if me and my brother would put it up? No problem. So two weeks ago we hauled the box to the top of the ridge with a few tools and set the stand up. This past week he asked if I had been seeing any bucks behind the house on the hill. I said yes. He then asked if I had hunted the stand yet I said no I was letting things settle for his use this gun season. Well dad knows I do not work veterans day and for good reason and he suggested I do so. Friday morning in eastern Ohio was nice and crisp with little to no wind. The sun was clearing the ridge and warming. I heard some movement down hill and to the right of my position. At first I thought it was a fox squirrel headed to one of my hickory trees. It was not. Instead it was a mature buck working his way up the ravine. At no time did I have a good view of his head gear but could tell he was nice. So I readied myself for a possible opportunity. At 27 yards everything stopped with the buck in full view. The only sound to be heard was a sudden exhale of the deer as he bolted I could see the blood glinting off the leaves. I sat down to collect myself and replayed the release in my mind. It seemed as though now the sun had popped full bright, I looked at my watch it was 8:00 am straight up. I did not hear the tell tale crash the guys always rave about in the videos but was confident in the hit. At 8:20 am I started down the ladder of the stand and laughed to myself, my legs were jello. I felt like I did when I harvested my first one when I was 14. I had good sign at the start and with any luck the trail would be short. In 62 yards I could make out his form piled up next to a fallen log. Here he is: [img:center][/img]

Nice buck Ghostcoyote
Like the droptine. What is he like 14 point.


I already posted a pic of mine in another thread but what the hell Ill post here too.
I shot my first buck this year. I shot him with a Remington 700 LTR .308 with SAS suppressor at 567 yards. Double lung shot. He ran about 20 yards and dropped.

okay so i finally have some time to do a write up and upload pics. as stated before the rifle was a from lightfoot. it is a 6mm remington, Shilen 27 inch barrel with 360 vias type break. in a HS precision tactical stock with adjustle LOP and comb. 20moa nightforce base withe Burrs XTR rings holding a zeis 6.5x20-50mm scope. load was IMR 4350 with an 85 grain Nosler Partition. at 3650fps. after a good range session i decided to sneak up over the top of a hill and take cover on the edge of a cliff watching a valley thinking it would have good movement from animals trying to escape the windy evening. When i got into my position there were 7 good toms feeding. after a few does and small bucks i finally saw a good buck walk out. i he was about 275 yards and i was trying to get a good look at him. He was a good deer but not quite sure on his age. so i watched him feed for a little while and then bed down for about 20 minutes. I found it weird but didn't take to much from it. When he got back up i realized a very bad limp. It was in all 4 legs he just looks very stiff. I wasn't sure what it was that he had gone through but given his walk and bedding down at 530pm while other bucks are chasing hot does very close by i decided to take the shot. before i could get the shot off he stepped into a thick brush line. i had a good idea of where he was going to come out and went ahead and ranged the area and started determing my trajectory. the wind was 16mph at 70 degrees right to left. i dialed in at where i thought he would be and waited, he was moving quit slow. Just as i thought he wasn't going to come he walked in to exactly my Natural POA. he was 561. I was dialed 7.75 MOA up should have been 8 but had LOS angle playing its role, and 5.75 to the right. hold should have been 7.25 for wind but down in the valley the wind tapers off pretty good. I could get descent mirage and wind reading throughout the scope from different brush trees and mirages. I took the shot feeling confident on a harris with a rear bag. I was able to watch my impact and saw he was hit good. he did his little dance trying to decide which way to go and dropped about 20 yards from where he was standing. When i got there i realized what the issue was that he was experiencing. he had a bullet wound that looked to either be from early that morning or possibly the day before. buck surprised me by scoring in at 152 6/8" and weighed in at 152lbs field dressed as well.

back at the cleaning area before hanging him up

skinned out with view of my bullet wound (nice and fresh bright red ) and the other one (bass of the neck somewhat rotten meet with areas turning black inside)

gun as it sits now. sling is just p-cord i wove up

Thanks again lightfoot. didn't take long to have fun with a stick of that magnitude

Thanks, 18 scorable my brother says nineteen but 3/4" doesn't qualify when scoring a point. It has to be 1". I'll have a green score probably in a week for those interested. Thanks again for the compliment.

Rifle season opens in Bama on Saturday. I've been watching a few bucks the last several weeks and trying to get on them with a stick and string but the cards never aligned. Guess I'll try and take the easy road on Saturday and use a boom stick. But in .243 it may just bounce off.

I have two Deer picked out for Saturday. One early am, before an equipment auction I'm going to, and one, later that evening. Sunday, 0200 it will be Hog time. Two of us are going to try an get all 9 at one time, while they are sleeping.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oneshot976</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I posted this one a little earlier but I thought it would be a good sorry to this thread.

The 2011 Youth Day deer hunt, September 24, 2011.....

We woke to a steady rain on Saturday morning but we were going no matter what the weather was doing. We left the truck just after first light and started our long walk into the location we were going to hunt next to the New River. We were moving very slowly as we glassed the edges of the fields trying to catch a deer

heading back into its bedding area. About 7:15am we spotted four does browsing for acorns under a big oak on the top of a ridge. The wind was in our favor and with the rain covering our sound we were able to stalk within 50 yards of them and setup in a patch of small pines. I asked my son if he wanted to take the biggest doe but he said he wanted to hold out for a buck. We watched them for a couple minutes as they browsed their way back in the laurel thickets towards their bedding area. As we watched them head out of sight the rain stopped and the fog started to roll in off the river. We decided to continue out the ridge and glass the last field before we started into the timber.

Once we reached our vantage point on the ridge over looking the last field we began to glass, no deer to be seen. We decided to sit on the ridge to watch the thermals carry the fog for a few minutes to determine what the wind was going to do with our scent before we entered the timber. As all of you hunters know a deer’s sense of smell is their number one defense and I am working with my son to teach him how to read the wind and play it to his advantage. We had been sitting there for about 5 minutes when I saw a big bodied deer working along the edge of the woods on the other side of the field. I watched it through my binoculars for a few seconds and could tell it was a good buck but the fog was making the details hard to see. I told my son to get his shooting sticks set up and get ready to take the shot. The deer was quartering away slightly and eating acorns. I ranged the deer at 290 yards. Then I told him how high to hold on the deer’s body to compensate for the bullet drop and to let me know when he was ready. After a couple of seconds he said “Ready Dad!” as my Dad and I watched through our binoculars I told him to “Send it”. With the crack of the rifle the deer kicked like a mule and ran into the woods where we heard it crash. We sat quietly for 5 long minutes just to be sure we would not push him then we went to find his buck. It turned out to be a very nice big bodied 9 pointer. That’s when the high fives and hugs began.

Needless to say my Dad and I are very proud of our hunting buddy.






Now this is one happy little hunter. Congrats on a very nice deer.

Prolmaging, tell me what its like to hunt Missouri from a Bama perspective. I've been out west mule deer and elk hunting several times but I've never been out of the state to hunt whitetails.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ProImaging</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The deer arent as jumpy as they are down here, i think thats because our season is so much longer. also the buck's arent as nocturnal, the big ones anyway. other than the size thats about it. </div></div>

I've come to the conclusion that there are few game animals as jumpy as an Alabama whitetail. Like you said, its because of the long season (Oct - Jan) and the dog hunters, which are fading, but the deer havent forgot.

Well took a few friends hunting out at the farm. I had a nice "10" I saw in a glimpse during bow season, moved some stands and setup everything for him to be taken on opening weekend. Preferably by me but it didnt end that way which is ok. I have seen a few others since these two that have been killed.

The first one is taken by my friends wife. She is a one shot one kill wonder on opening weekend. Every deer has been harvested in a single shot by her. Deer was shot at ~200 yards and ran 25-30.


The second is the brute I seen in bow season that I had just a glimpse of. Deer was killed out of the same stand as the previous deer this one at about 250yards with a .243 quartering away entered behind the last rib destroyed the lungs and top of the heart.


Got to say u guys have some mighty fine trophies and backstraps!

This is a buck I just took on our farm in Kentucky this week. We hunted hard all week in some rough high winds, rain for two solid days, and worst thing I believe every old mature buck was already on lock down with a doe. But knew that some good weather was due after the rain so held out before making the trip back home.

I decided to change up my hunting some to and instead of waiting on one to stroll past me I put a stand in a spot right off a cedar thicket that had no pressure on it all year where I expected for one to maybe be with a doe but had to have a north wind to hunt this spot. Just my luck the front pulled through and the rain stopped and my daddy told me it would be a good time to try that new spot. I got settled in and 9am had rolled around with not one deer yet. About that time I looked up and saw a huge doe step out the thicket and start feeding. I looked on and noticed another deer a few yards in and thought it may be her yearlinog coming in behind her and then I caught a glimpse of tines. I got my gun up looking to see what it was as it stepped out and size up his body. As soon as he stepped out I never looked at the rack again I knew by the body size he was what I was after, an old mature deer. I settled my crosshairs on the crease of his shoulder and squeezed off the shot. DRT, not even a quiver.

The buck had a broke g3 but is the biggest bodied deer I've ever taken. 235 lbs live weight. A true toad, not the biggest rack I have but one of my best trophies ever.

Taken with my built savage 114 American classic 7mm rem mag, 26" Douglas xx fluted heavy sporter barrel, trued action, stockade recoil lug, action bedded, luepold rings & bases, bushnell elite 5-15x50 elite 3200. Handload 154 gr. Sst at 3069 fps.





Aint the biggest buck rack wise, but i thought id weed him out of the gene pool. Got him at 10 yards with my bow.

I'm kicking myself now because i saw an easy 145+ right after i shot this guy.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jthompson</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> $5000 in a long range rifle, and I shoot a buck @ 75 yards.

Damn! That thing is a beast!

WV bucks
Tried getting this one at 60 yds with Contender 401 powermag but he slipped off. Used a MGM 6.5 Creedmoor encore rifle at 125ish yds.

Uncles heavy 10pt encore pistol 260Rem at a lasered 229yds

This is the buck that I shot last year the weekend before Thanksgiving. My dad and I got in the stand at about 4:00PM and we didn't have very high hopes for the hunt. The conditions were terrible. It was about 85 degrees, EXTREMELY windy, and a full moon. That year there were four trophy bucks that were killed, two trophy bucks that were 10 points or higher, and two trophy 8 points. We held a drawing to see who would get to shoot them out of our 10 lease members, and we ended up getting one of the 8 point tags. We had one trail camera picture of a really nice 8 point that we had scored at about 160 but no one had ever seen him in person, only that one picture. The stand that we sat on that evening had never been hunted before, we had just put it up a few months prior so we figured we'd give it a go. We weren't sitting in the stand for 30 minutes and we saw a buck in the feedpin. We got the binoculars to see what it was and it turned out being the buck that we were after. Once we realized it was the one, I started shaking worse than I ever have before. I have had "buck fever" countless times, but this was beyond "buck fever". After waiting a few minutes and letting the buck get settled in, my dad gave me the O.K. to shoot it. I grabbed my Remington Model 700 .25-06 and slowly got it out the window. I waited until he turned broadside, put the crosshairs right behind his shoulder, took a deep breath, and slowly squeezed the trigger. Right when I shot he took off running towards the brush 100 yards away from the feedpin. I chambered another round, followed him through the scope waiting for him to stop so I could get off another round before he got to the brush. He ran until he came to the fence about 15 yards from the brush. He didn't jump it. He stopped at the fence, took a few steps back, did a few circles, and fell to the ground. I had lung shot him and he was just running off adrenaline. Fortunately I didn't have to shoot a second time and he didn't make it to the brush where we probably never would have found him. We loaded him up in the truck and went back to the barn to clean him. We skinned him and caped him out and now it was time for the fun part, scoring him. We had scored him at roughly 160 from the trail camera picture so we weren't expecting anything over 165. By the time it was all said and done, he scored 174 5/8. He was 26 inches inside, 25 and 26 inch main beams, 14? inch G3's, and 8 inch brow tines. It was definitely a buck of a lifetime and a memory that I will never forget. Sorry for the crappy pics, photobucket hates me.




I too already posted this in another thread but here it is:

Oh yeah, the data: Savage 10FCP Phantom suppressor .308, 175SMK 44gr RL-15

"I hit him with the Swarovsky, and he was around 650yds. I watched him go into some deep and tall sagebrush, my brother in law sat and watched, while I ran towards the brush patch. On my way there, four more doe's jumped out and started running towards the buck's last known position. I knew they would tattle on me as soon as they got there so I kept running, looking for a good shooting spot. I found one, a clear spot in the grass with a good view of the patch where the buck was still hidden. I laid down and ranged the doe's as they began emerging on the far side of the brush patch, just shy of 400yds, one after another they came out, I figured he would be last. He came out of the brush like a ghost, he just appeared, I had already dialed my elevation, I was doping the wind which was left to right. I made my wind judgement and pressed the trigger, the buck reared up on his hind legs as though I'd hit him, I listened for the familiar smack sound to return to me, but it never did. I settled back upon him and to my surprise he was still there, not knowing whether or not I had hit him, I held a bit lower and sent the next one. I watched through the recoil and saw only his shape settle in the tall grass, his feet up in the air. My brother in law was still 400yds or so behind me, and didn't even know I had shot the buck. I had to do a victory dance with my hat in the air for him to start making his way down.

I ran up to the buck, still unsure of how big or small he was. I was quite surprised when I saw this:

My first shot had gone high and actually grazed one of his antlers, visible in some of the pics. The second one went right through his throat, and dropped him in his tracks.





He is the ugliest thing I've ever seen, but he was a blessing in a very ugly disguise."

There are some massive bucks in this thread. I only hunt for meat and only have a short time so usually just take the first usable deer available. This is only the second year I have been home for a deer season lately. This year was super special as my 5 year old was able to tag along and spot deer for me and operate the camera. I think she is hooked.....

Shot at 225 yards on LRF. 15mph wind from 4 o'clock.

280 Ackely pushing a 150 Nosler BT at 2700.

Last time I will use a Nosler for hunting. Its all I had loaded for this rifle and really wanted to get a kill with it. Every other rifle I have a SGK load for but not this one.


We were having a little fun with the camera. This little guy hung around for a while.



Cold windy and took him in the last hour today. Watched and waited on 1 other monster who managed to sneak off way out of range.

This is sort of a milestone for me. This is the first buck I have personally harvested in over 12 years. Although, I have guided for many. For me he's my personal best whitetail.

He's mine and after the past few years of my life he's a trophy in many ways.

Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic i asked my ranch hand to hurry and meet me for a pic before the light diminished.


Here's the equipment that help accomplish success.

Gap Rock .308 and stuff.. 43. grs of H4895 and a 175 SMK.
