Seems like any morning I head to the archery range before work there are deer grazing on the practice range. Today I got the bright idea of putting the iphone up to the range finder and bingo.... the range finder app!
Now if only the bucks were this tame, and it wasn't a public park, and it was the proper season, and I had the right tags, but alas, no. I did mange to get within 24 yards of them before the decided to wander off but I couldn't get the camera/finder lined up fast enough for a pic.
Now if only the bucks were this tame, and it wasn't a public park, and it was the proper season, and I had the right tags, but alas, no. I did mange to get within 24 yards of them before the decided to wander off but I couldn't get the camera/finder lined up fast enough for a pic.