Defiance Ruckus vs Lone Peak Fuzion Vs Impact 737R

Which Action - Give Reasoning

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  • Aug 11, 2019
    Out West
    ***Please read before voting & give a reason for your vote***

    I'm thinking I'll be in the market for a new action here shortly. I'm looking to build a short action, likely chambered in 6mm creedmoor. Depending on ammo availability in the future, it may move to a 6.5 CM or 308 after the 6 CM is used-up (not looking to change-up bolt faces). Chassis will likely be an MDT ACC (maybe a Whisky 3), trigger will likely be a TriggerTech special/primary. I won't be using AW mags, just AICS. I have a couple custom actions and some semi-custom actions, but it's not something I'm really "in to". In no particular order, the following is my understanding:

    • All three have integrated rail & recoil lug.
    • All accept pre-fits
    • Impact has trigger hanger, other 2 use pins
    • All three are nitrided
    • Impact & LPA have mini M16 extractor & plunger ejectors, I think Ruckus does as well?
    • All bolts are 4340
    • Weight isn't an issue for me, but it looks like LPA is lightest, Impact is in the middle, and Defiance is heaviest
    Fluting & faceting doesn't really matter to me. Brand name doesn't really matter. I don't get overly wrapped around the axle with "smoothness". I don't want the action to be overly sticky or easily bind, but as long as the action feeds, fires, extracts, & ejects reliably, I'm happy.

    Not to be a dick, but I don't care if you have an Origin or [fill in the blank] that's cheaper and "just as good". I'm aware of the ARC sale. I've used a Mack Bros & know they are supposed to be in stock soon. There's a lot of awesome actions out there, I'm just looking into these three specifically right now.

    For those of you that are far more discerning than I am regarding actions, what are some differences or pros/cons between these three actions? What sets one apart from the other?

    Thanks for helping me pick my favorite color!
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    Lone Peak: most or all cock on open. So it feels “smoother” on the close

    Impact: partial cocking on open and close. So different feel when closing

    Ruckus: not as “smooth” on the close feeling as lone peak, but similar

    Impact has what feels like a little more clearance on bolt. So it’s “looser” feeling. That’s not a negative. Just feel and preference.

    Ruckus seems to feed better for me in my XLR than my lone peak. Not in a way the lone peak doesn’t feed. Just seems/feels easier. That could just be a fitment issue.

    Bottom line, the only real difference is the “feel” of them. They are all top notch actions.
    I chose Impact for logistic reasons. At the the time, there were far more impact prefit barrels floating around than others. I’ve picked up several barrels from PX at discount, most of which brand new. My friends all use Impact and at times we’ve traded or borrowed barrels from one another.

    An impact barrel will headspace on a Lone Peak but I think amount of supported case may be a bit off. There are a lot more Defiance prefits now than there used to be.
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    Impact has a little more clearance but also has two anti bind guide rails EDM'd into the raceway. Makes for an action that is very resistant to gumming up with dirt while also being very hard to bind up while running the bolt forward. To me it is super annoying to have an action that all of a sudden gets sluggish and gritty when there is just a tiny amount of blow dirt built up on the bolt and inside the action. Every defiance I have ever felt was like this, but I don't have personal experience with the Ruckus and maybe they have changed their clearances. I have played with a couple lone peak actions and I tend to prefer the "feel" of the Impact.
    I haven’t been able to get behind a Lone Peak, but have had plenty of time behind a buddies Impact and for me was a choice between the Impact and the Ruckus.
    After owning the Ruckus I’m sure I made the right choice for my preferences. Both with TT Diamonds, the Impact has much more cock-on-close than the Ruckus, and the Ruckus feels smoother in the raceways than the Impact. My buddy hasn’t played with trigger hangers to see if the cock-on-close can be changed but he has a Ruckus getting built anyway so I doubt he’ll play around with it.
    That said, the Impact hasn’t let him down once over 3,000 odd rounds.
    There really is no wrong choice with these options.
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    I’ve had all 3 and pretty much any other action you’d want to throw in the ring.

    Still have the Impact and a Deviant. Sold the others. As others have said, they’re all very similar, personal preference, etc. I prefer the Impact because it runs no matter what and the Deviant because it feels like a bank vault.

    Impact and LP are very similar. Both superior to the Ruckus, on par with a Deviant.

    Pick one and run.
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    I’ve had all 3 and pretty much any other action you’d want to throw in the ring.

    Still have the Impact and a Deviant. Sold the others. As others have said, they’re all very similar, personal preference, etc. I prefer the Impact because it runs no matter what and the Deviant because it feels like a bank vault.

    Impact and LP are very similar. Both superior to the Ruckus, on par with a Deviant.

    Pick one and run.
    How did you feel the Deviant was superior to the Ruckus?

    Also, the newer Defiance actions have more clearance, have you encountered reliability issues with them that you haven’t seen with the Impact?
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    My deciding factor was the options for pre-fit barrels and chassis/stocks is the greatest with the impact. I also have been in environments when the Impact keeps ticking when other actions start locking up. This normally occurs when its dusty and windy. I think the tolerances with the impact are such that it still feels smooth, but still operates with some obstuctions like grit.
    Pretty much any of the custom modern day actions are smooth and realiable. If I’m in a match, I don’t even notice the smoothness of an action because I am concentrating on the other variables. That is, until the action starts acting up.
    The actions you mentioned are geared for the same market, so your going to be splitting hairs.
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    My deciding factor was the options for pre-fit barrels and chassis/stocks is the greatest with the impact. I also have been in environments when the Impact keeps ticking when other actions start locking up. This normally occurs when its dusty and windy. I think the tolerances with the impact are such that it still feels smooth, but still operates with some obstuctions like grit.
    Pretty much any of the custom modern day actions are smooth and realiable. If I’m in a match, I don’t even notice the smoothness of an action because I am concentrating on the other variables. That is, until the action starts acting up.
    The actions you mentioned are geared for the same market, so your going to be splitting hairs.
    Totally agree on pre-fits, although the availability of pre-fits for other action brands is becoming fairly close. I wouldn’t buy an action based solely on that nowadays, it’s a lot better than it was a year or two ago.

    The word you are looking for is clearance, not tolerance, and there are many actions with more clearance allowing for operations in dirty environments. I don’t have a horse in this race (I own many actions from many brands), but most modern actions that aren’t built to be benchrest only can tolerate a good bit of dust/grit/whatever. Defiance was definitely on the tight clearance side of the house, but most, if not all of their new actions come machined with more clearance in the bolt to receiver interface to allow for this. You used to have to request it, which is where the reputation comes from. I’m only responding to these posts about 737rs and Defiance actions describing the reliability factor as it seems to be marketing that’s permeated many on this forum.

    When asked about it, I’ve yet to see anyone show an example of a binding action in dust that isn’t the super-tight fitting type, just trumpet the whole “impact keeps ticking when other actions start locking up” line, without having actually seen it in person. I have an Impact, and I’ve had it lock up in with mud/grit-soup during a nasty rainstorm teaching a course. I’ll never shoot in a massive depression in the middle of 1”-per-hour+ rain again If I can avoid it. I also have had other actions lock up; the looser they are, the more reliable they are. There’s no magic in the Impact that other modern actions don’t have. I think all of the recent production from most of the companies are built with greater clearances to handle these situations. It’s more about feel/features/aesthetics/etc as long as you avoid the BR stuff.
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    How did you feel the Deviant was superior to the Ruckus?

    Also, the newer Defiance actions have more clearance, have you encountered reliability issues with them that you haven’t seen with the Impact?

    They are similar, but the Ruckus has more “clearance” and feels clunkier. It’s not as refined as the Deviant in terms of feeding, ejection, or bolt manipulation.

    I’ve owned multiple Deviants over the years, from the OG stainless actions to the newer nitrided actions. All else being equal (round count, finish, etc.) they are very similar and have been 100% reliable. Deviant is probably one of the tightest feeling custom actions available, they run like they’re on ball bearings and lock up like a bank vault. Clean or dirty, dry or wet, they just plain work much like the Impacts do.

    And that’s not to say that the LPs, Ruckus, or similar are not good quality actions. They all are. But there is a certain feel you get with a well-worn Deviant or Impact that feels unlike anything else. I’d trust both of them right up there with my AIs in terms of reliability, and that’s why I still have them.
    Have you thought about a Terminus Zeus action? There seems to be some of the qualities you mentioned above that it has. It uses trigger “bolts” and does have a hand threaded option for profit barrels.
    Impact: the same people who make the actions make pre-fits barrels. From my personal experience you cannot get a better “fit”. My most accurate rifle is an Impact action made up to an Impact barrel on a Foundation stock. Everything on rifle purchased from Impact Precision. There also appears to be a greater selection of pre-fits from others companies for Impact than the others. Not saying anything bad about the others. They are awesome. We finally are at a time where as consumers if we want to switch our own barrels we no longer have to send our rifles off to get them switched. We have the option of doing it ourselves without any compromise in quality.
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    Thanks for all of the input. I decided on a Fuzion, but couldn’t find one in stock. Ended up grabbing a Ruckus…..about a week later received an in-stock notification from Altus for a Fuzion 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

    How you liking the fuzion? I just bought one with ab bartlien off the px, new never fired. Gonna drop it into an MPA matrix. Chambered in 6 dasher. Very pumped about this.
    Just a quick note. I currently have all three.

    Objectively, I don’t think anyone could make a case that any are better than the others.

    Subjectively, you’ll find various reasons why people prefer one over the other. And they are all valid reasons.

    Objectively again, except for the mental side possibly having a negative effect on your performance, none will make you shoot better or worse.

    I have since picked up and AT-X and now none of these get used all that much anymore. But I’m an AI fanboy and they “fixed” any of the issues that kept AI from hanging with customs at matches.
    How you liking the fuzion? I just bought one with ab bartlien off the px, new never fired. Gonna drop it into an MPA matrix. Chambered in 6 dasher. Very pumped about this.
    I ended up with a Ruckus. Work has been nuts, and I only have about a case of ammo through it. It’s fed, fired, extracted, & ejected well so far.

    Feels different than my Lone Peak Razors. Not necessarily better or worse, just different.
    Just a quick note. I currently have all three.

    Objectively, I don’t think anyone could make a case that any are better than the others.

    Subjectively, you’ll find various reasons why people prefer one over the other. And they are all valid reasons.

    Objectively again, except for the mental side possibly having a negative effect on your performance, none will make you shoot better or worse.

    I have since picked up and AT-X and now none of these get used all that much anymore. But I’m an AI fanboy and they “fixed” any of the issues that kept AI from hanging with customs at matches.
    Any idea when AI is guna start dropping their new versions of AT-X? Been stalking MH and things keep going backwards - price hiked cuz of demand/supply chain Id assume; now you cant even preorder them.

    I bought an LMT MARS-H almost 2 years ago now and dont want to fall into that hole again....