It goes farther then that. I have told this story before.
My mother in law is a very.....well anal person..... She checks and double checks EVERYTHING.
When voting in the election for KS gov. I want to say that selection was on the last page of the ballot. She voted using the electronic machine. She goes back through the pages and checks her votes. She gets to the page for the governor of KS and it has switched to Kelly. Odd she thinks, switches it back. Then she goes back and checks them all again, last page and again it is set to Kelly.....hmm, lets try this one more time. Back to page one, that one has everything I picked, next.....and finally the last page and her selection has stayed this time. She clicks submit.
Now she is getting up there in age, but she is still darn sharp. She also understands "computers" fairly well so I don't think it was an issue with an "old lady" not knowing what she is doing. That thing changed her vote to Kelly. Clearly I was not there in the booth to witness this but why would she lie about this. Not in her nature AT ALL. So yes it is just what she told me, but I think it went down just like she said it did.
I doubt she was alone in this.
I don't buy a single number the .gov puts out NOT A SINGLE ONE. I also don't buy into the numbers we are being told about this or that issue. When you actually talk to people even the few Libs left that can think at least a little, they are not cool with a great many things going down. The LGBLKJGSIUYI$EW:UIFGY

++-+-+**** deal is a real big sticking point with anyone with children or grand children. They are starting to wake up. But you will never see that in print.