DeSantis edges out Trump in straw poll for Prez. What sayeth the Hide?

You also have the guy on project veritas admitting to harvesting thousands of ballets on MN. Or the two people in TX arrested for harvesting in Austin and Houston. The video of the election supervisor in GA planning a fake emergency to send observers home and planning to load fake ballots and actually on video doing it. Nope, no evidence. None at all.
@Choid You make the assumption that Blue places have an honest vote. If the vote is corrupted are they really blue. The only audits that are possible is where blues are not in control. I am for a complete nationwide audit. lets find the truth. But that cannot happen when the fox controls the keys to the hen house in those places.

Honest? You began with no fraud you guys are nuts audits are stupid. Then audits began and you changed to yes I really hope you guys are right. Chameleon.
You also have the guy on project veritas admitting to harvesting thousands of ballets on MN. Or the two people in TX arrested for harvesting in Austin and Houston. The video of the election supervisor in GA planning a fake emergency to send observers home and planning to load fake ballots and actually on video doing it. Nope, no evidence. None at all.
There should be a button that allows you to punch a poster in the balls through the computer who still parrots the "They don't have hard evidence of voter fraud" bullshit.
Rollin that story back faster than Joe eats his Ice Cream. Ya may be a hero and infallible in your own mind, but its like ya got a 40' dick and you step on it every chance you get.

We all know whats up, its the reason why ya got so many blocks to yer name.

Let's all just wait to see what happens in good ole Arizona. I find it interesting that GA toured the facility and a week later good ole Brad is talking about election discrepancies and issues in the GA election (ya know, the most secure EVA).
we're not going to be able to vote our way out of our current situation.

Trump, and anyone like him, well not get into office ever again. "They", the uniparty composed of power/money hungry politicians and oligarchs, have the machines, algorithms, general manpower of the useful idiots, and courts.

The next president, if from the "right" or "right-of-center" will be milqetoast, bland in policy, definitely won't reverse any of the marxist-based policy put into effect by this current administration (critical race theory, etc), will be open to "reach across the aisle to move this country forward".. maybe with good oratory skills and may "act presidential" and that will make The Sheeple relax (compliant).
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That sounds just as disturbing as having a registry and unique ID for exercising another fundamental right, firearms ownership.
It's optional... ONLY if YOU want to verify your own vote... NOBODY else knows who has that unique ID but you... AND, it's only valid to verify that vote in that election. What's the problem with that?

And... it's generated at the booth.. each time you vote...
Election audits are a right of the people. And against massive evidence and obstruction you dumb faggots only response, is but the Kracken, another bit of mischaracterized bullshit. We literally watched states not just block pole watchers. They sent them home and continued to count in private. You don't need proof those votes are fraudulent. They were illegally counted and therefore void.

Voting is not a fundamental right for any dip shits who think it is. Having an election audited is though....
Unique voter I.D. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Nope any legal state issued I.D will be fine to vote, in person only. See if you remove all those ballots floating around. No ballots to harvest. Holly shit, there went a bunch a fraud right there.

There are literally states that made ballot harvesting legal. Why?
i say the republicans just have to learn to cheat bigger. make it so they are beating the dems at their own game. if they try to audit, throw it all back in their face like they are crying about now. There's no consequences for cheating in elections. only thing that it gets you is elected. So Republicans just need to cheat harder.

if they do that, the media and Dems will scream bloody murder about voter fraud. lets just super charge this banana republic right mao.
Yeah man! The Delta forces that raided the CIA safe house in Germany where the voting servers were, THE KRAKEN.

View attachment 7652451
"The Kracken" is statement made that was similar to "waking the giant." It was being used as a simile. It has nothing to do with all the LARP bullshit, and is actually just another mischaracterized statement used to grab the attention of low information people. Kind like the LARP shit you are mentioning.
i say the republicans just have to learn to cheat bigger. make it so they are beating the dems at their own game. if they try to audit, throw it all back in their face like they are crying about now. There's no consequences for cheating in elections. only thing that it gets you is elected. So Republicans just need to cheat harder.

if they do that, the media and Dems will scream bloody murder about voter fraud. lets just super charge this banana republic right mao.
So, the people who don't follow the laws, will then follow the laws. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I fucken dare you to try to harvest ballots in democrat run city. You will be in prison so fast.

There is abosulty no other reason for the blitz in registering voters for this election other than to harvest ballots. Which with electronic databases they don't even have to do. Just print ballots for people who didn't send them in, during the night and in the days following the election. When votes don't count and can't be accepted anymore, unless legislature changes the voting the laws. Which they didn't.
Unique voter I.D. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Nope any legal state issued I.D will be fine to vote, in person only. See if you remove all those ballots floating around. No ballots to harvest. Holly shit, there went a bunch a fraud right there.

There are literally states that made ballot harvesting legal. Why?

Bullshit.. it's a unique "VOTE" id.. temporary for just that vote... Two problems.. even voting in person doesn't mean shit. Domionon, adjudication and swapping votes inside with remote access... What goes in is NOT what comes out.
You MUST be able to verify your final vote registered in the election was correct... This current voting is like the fucking wizard of OZ behind the green curtain.. it's a shame.

The anonymous voting was so the mob didn't bust your kneecaps for not voting the way they wanted...
Three points regarding both the past election and the upcoming elections
1. Hard to fathom that the far left literally licked Former President Trump’s shoes Until he decided to run under the Republican ticket. Then they hated him as viscously as anyone who ever ran. Very strange unless one considers that the far left is run by money hungry / greedy power brokers. (Who are in it for the money and only the money)
2. As long as large cities continue to exist as voting members of states, most elections will be the result of what the large (and predictably far left) cities want. My solution is to make large cities/metropolitan areas separate city-states, allowing the rural areas to govern their own selves. Further, if the large cities so choose, allow them to succeed from the United States and obtain protectionist status. Which is somewhat ironic because they would be asking for protectionist status from those they despise so much
3. The current congress has become a non-entity. Because there is no middle ground, no compromise, culture among the members of congress, it has become an all or nothing institution. Meaning, whatever party is in control gets what it wants and discussion or debate is a non-event. The only thing recourse the minority party has is the filibuster which the far left so badly wants to eliminate. The hate that swirls around the members of this institution aimed towards those they disagree with is of Biblical proportions.

My thoughts
I will NEVER, let me repeat NEVER vote for the lessor of two evils. In my lifetime I have done this twice each time the choice picked proved to be a real loser who ran our state into the ground.

So, is 79 too old? Depends; some folks should have been retired to the nursing home many years before 79. (A fellow with the initials jb is a good example) Some folks are really mentally strong at 90. The choice of Former President Trump or Florida Governor DeSantis, is to me a non-choice. Either is a down to earth man who will be hated by the far left and will try to do a good job with a congress that no longer is functional.
"The Kracken" is statement made that was similar to "waking the giant." It was being used as a simile. It has nothing to do with all the LARP bullshit, and is actually just another mischaracterized statement used to grab the attention of low information people. Kind like the LARP shit you are mentioning.
I know. It was said by Sydney Powell at one if her press conferences.

I'm not sure if you could tell, but was being a bit sarcastic in my post you quoted. I figured Chuck Norris would be an indication of my hyperbole.
BLUF: I hope DeSantis doesn't run, atleast until 2028. The last 18 months have proven the need to really remember what the 10th amendment is about, and we need more sane, freedom based leaders in Governor positions.
Three points regarding both the past election and the upcoming elections
1. Hard to fathom that the far left literally licked Former President Trump’s shoes Until he decided to run under the Republican ticket. Then they hated him as viscously as anyone who ever ran. Very strange unless one considers that the far left is run by money hungry / greedy power brokers. (Who are in it for the money and only the money)
2. As long as large cities continue to exist as voting members of states, most elections will be the result of what the large (and predictably far left) cities want. My solution is to make large cities/metropolitan areas separate city-states, allowing the rural areas to govern their own selves. Further, if the large cities so choose, allow them to succeed from the United States and obtain protectionist status. Which is somewhat ironic because they would be asking for protectionist status from those they despise so much
3. The current congress has become a non-entity. Because there is no middle ground, no compromise, culture among the members of congress, it has become an all or nothing institution. Meaning, whatever party is in control gets what it wants and discussion or debate is a non-event. The only thing recourse the minority party has is the filibuster which the far left so badly wants to eliminate. The hate that swirls around the members of this institution aimed towards those they disagree with is of Biblical proportions.

My thoughts
I will NEVER, let me repeat NEVER vote for the lessor of two evils. In my lifetime I have done this twice each time the choice picked proved to be a real loser who ran our state into the ground.

So, is 79 too old? Depends; some folks should have been retired to the nursing home many years before 79. (A fellow with the initials jb is a good example) Some folks are really mentally strong at 90. The choice of Former President Trump or Florida Governor DeSantis, is to me a non-choice. Either is a down to earth man who will be hated by the far left and will try to do a good job with a congress that no longer is functional.

I see a HUGE problem with your #2.
Like it or not lets look at a few un arguable facts.
#1 - there are more left in this country than right by a pretty good margin
#2 - the right controls more land (which doesn't vote)
#3 - the left is concentrated in cities that swing elections because of volume of people in a small area.

I think everyone can agree on that, now my issue with what your saying is the Right or Rural America is the welfare child of the Cities and the left. they simply don't have the funds to afford the infrastructure to exist without the the tax revenue of the left. The Blue states pay far more in federal taxes than they receive in funding, While the Red states take more than they put in.
Sydney Powell completely blew it. She has ruined any credibility she thought she had.

Let me put a little BullGear spin on Ms. Powell. I do believe she had information that was going to bring the country to it's knees. I don't know what it was, but a lawyer doesn't come out with a statement like that without having facts to back it up. There would be absolutely no reason to try to pull a bluff with the hand that was dealt.

I believe she was "gotten to" and was told that if she wanted her family to be safe, there would be no release of the Kracken. She would be given 1 way to go and that was to keep herself and her entire family safe and alive.

She would be given an opportunity to fade into the background and gracefully walk away. The Right would be mad at her and her failure to resolve many issues she made promises to expose. But here family would be alive.

How many alphabet agencies do you think would have gone down if she was allowed to continue? How many of "OUR" leaders do you think would fall if the Kraken was released?

Don't think it could happen that way? Pull your head out of the sand and look around. It's happening all over the place as we speak.
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Let me put a little BullGear spin on Ms. Powell. I do believe she had information that was going to bring the country to it's knees. I don't know what it was, but a lawyer doesn't come out with a statement like that without having facts to back it up. There would be absolutely no reason to try to pull a bluff with the hand that was dealt.

I believe she was "gotten to" and was told that if she wanted her family to be safe, there would be no release of the Kracken. She would be given 1 way to go and that was to keep herself and her entire family safe and alive.

She would be given an opportunity to fade into the background and gracefully walk away. The Right would be mad at her and her failure to resolve many issues she made promises to expose. But here family would be alive.

How many alphabet agencies do you think would have gone down if she was allowed to continue? How many of "OUR" leaders do you think would fall if the Kraken was released?

Don't think it could happen that way? Pull your head out of the sand and look around. It's happening all over the place as we speak.
hahahahahahahahahaha. It's always the same fucking answer. They got to her. They have dirt on him. The truth is with us. Ghost Ezra says so.

Sometimes I wonder if these insane theories are so delicious to certain groups in society because they have spent no time around their imaginary conspirators. Those of us who have perhaps have a different view of how the world works. It isn't all back room deals, satanic rituals and extortion. Usually it just is what it is. People either produce, or they perish. But the divide in this country between people who have worked in what is seen as the "establishment" and those who haven't is just wild to me.
Let me put a little BullGear spin on Ms. Powell. I do believe she had information that was going to bring the country to it's knees. I don't know what it was, but a lawyer doesn't come out with a statement like that without having facts to back it up. There would be absolutely no reason to try to pull a bluff with the hand that was dealt.

I believe she was "gotten to" and was told that if she wanted her family to be safe, there would be no release of the Kracken. She would be given 1 way to go and that was to keep herself and her entire family safe and alive.

She would be given an opportunity to fade into the background and gracefully walk away. The Right would be mad at her and her failure to resolve many issues she made promises to expose. But here family would be alive.

How many alphabet agencies do you think would have gone down if she was allowed to continue? How many of "OUR" leaders do you think would fall if the Kraken was released?

Don't think it could happen that way? Pull your head out of the sand and look around. It's happening all over the place as we speak.
To expand on this a bit more, maga conservatism is turning itself into the same kind of professional victim class it so despises. When I was growing up, conservatives believed that they had agency, that they impressed themselves on the world, they were doers. They were innovators. They made things happen. They despised the idea that somebody couldn't get ahead because the man was always stepping on their neck. That was loser think, and my father would have slapped me for even suggesting such a thing. But this is what it has come to. Everything is because the man is plotting against you. It's the elites, by golly. It can't be your fault, the world just isn't fair for people like you.

If that is what conservatism has become, you can just fuck the hell off.
Wish Trump would run for house seat and be speaker 2021/2022 what bombshell that would be!
In 2024 Candace Owens and Kayleigh McEnany for president and vice president (either order) Then have a AG that is TOUGH .
Fire everyone that they could fire in the White House
Example: Mike Flynn entrapped refuses to give. Then the DOJ puts their jackboot on the neck of Flynn’s son. Flynn pleads.

Conservatives have morals and believe in law and order. They want to do the right thing.

The Left has none of the above, violence and illegal behavior is their bloody sword. Only because they know the right can be pushed because of their moral code.

But the volcano rumbles and the wall is quickly approaching the back of the right. When that wall is hit and that volcano blows, the left will rue that day. Then the cry’s of their victim hood will mean nothing to the rage they will face.

Play with fire and you can only escape the burn for so long. I hope to god law and order prevails before that day arrives. JMHO
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MAGA Trump built a great economy, a great military, secured the border, gained world respect. Employment across all races improved, wages increased and he did more for the black and Hispanic people than any Democrat ever did.

Biden and the America was never great Dems, stole an election, are destroying an economy and destroyed border security. The world laughs at us, Iran plays us the fool and Russia gets it pipeline while ours is closed. All while increasing racial tension.

So tell me Chode is that a conspiracy theory put forth by weak MAGA folks? How about the FBI being involved in “the supposed insurrection” all conspiracy of of weak Conservatives right? What would your father have said about that.
MAGA Trump built a great economy, a great military, secured the border, gained world respect. Employment across all races improved, wages increased and he did more for the black and Hispanic people than any Democrat ever did.

Biden and the America was never great Dems, stole an election, are destroying an economy and destroyed border security. The world laughs at us, Iran plays us the fool and Russia gets it pipeline while ours is closed. All while increasing racial tension.

So tell me Chode is that a conspiracy theory put forth by weak MAGA folks? How about the FBI being involved in “the supposed insurrection” all conspiracy of of weak Conservatives right? What would your father have said about that.

It’s amazing how minorities and Jewish people vote for the left, I mean it’s not some conspiracy where you need a secret decoder ring to see how they use those groups like cattle
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MAGA Trump built a great economy, a great military, secured the border, gained world respect. Employment across all races improved, wages increased and he did more for the black and Hispanic people than any Democrat ever did.

Biden and the America was never great Dems, stole an election, are destroying an economy and destroyed border security. The world laughs at us, Iran plays us the fool and Russia gets it pipeline while ours is closed. All while increasing racial tension.

So tell me Chode is that a conspiracy theory put forth by weak MAGA folks? How about the FBI being involved in “the supposed insurrection” all conspiracy of of weak Conservatives right? What would your father have said about that.
So, this is insane as the people who built the economy were the people working, not Trump himself. And while I agree with nearly all of his economic strategy, it is basic, Republican economics. Mostly it went to hell as far as getting things done once Gary Cohn left, but a D congress didn't help.

He didn't build a great military, he relieved some of the pressure as far as spending cuts. Personally, I think we spend far too much on defense. He didn't really secure the border (he tried.) And other than Israel and Brazil, and maybe a couple of other unimportant countries, pretty much every nation detested him. Not that it matters. I don't care what other countries think, but call a spade a spade.

I can't stand Biden. I am never going to defend him or his policies. Whether they stole an election is very much a debate, not a piece of fact. I don't know the world laughs at us. From what I could tell from my international network of people, they laugh a lot less now than they did during the Trump years. Maybe we are talking to different internationals.

What you said, besides being wrong on some points, is not a conspiracy theory. It is a statement of facts as you see them. I might disagree on some, not on others. Whatever. Now, when you get to Beattie's theory of insurrection, yeah, that is a conspiracy theory, almost the definition of one. I mean, the theory is that the FBI and left wing groups conspired to make MAGAs storm the capitol. Is that loser MAGA think? Again, yes. Did it happen? Maybe, but currently there is nothing but supposition there. I know Beattie a very little. We have mutual friends. He is a propagandist. Remember that. Even he admits it. My father would have been terribly skeptical of the story, I believe. He's dead, though. Luckily for him he doesn't have to see what has happened to the conservative movement he loved.

But the weak MAGA brain isn't the belief in singular theories of events. It is the overall belief that behind each corner lurks somebody out to make sure you can't have what you want. Behind every book is a bought and paid for supreme court justice. Behind every vote is somebody pulling the strings to make sure it isn't counted. Behind every event, somebody putting his finger on the scale. Nothing happens but for a reason, there is no luck, only elites torturing MAGAs while they diddle kiddies and worship the devil. If you covered the names of the players in the game, the conservatives of the 80s would have thought you were talking about what they referred to as welfare queens.
^part of that

Why do people say “..the world thinks of America”

Why the hell should I care what some eurotarts, or the third world think of the country?

Do you know how much the average American worries about the politics of Sweden/France/Guiana? We don’t, most couldn’t name the leaders of most of these nations and don’t care to, myself included, who cares what some irrelevant country thinks
^part of that

Why do people say “..the world thinks of America”

Why the hell should I care what some eurotarts, or the third world think of the country?

Do you know how much the average American worries about the politics of Sweden? We don’t, most couldn’t name the leaders of most of these nations and don’t care to, myself included, who cares what some irrelevant country thinks
I think I agreed with you there, just pointed out that his point of view on it was incorrect.
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I think I agreed with you there, just pointed out that his point of view on it was incorrect.
He said, "gained world respect". You countered with "pretty much every nation detested him," (technically a change in subject, but an inconsequential one). The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Of course they detested him - he cut the gravy train, demanded they step up to their responsibilities, and put American interests over theirs, as the leader of America should. Putin and Xi aren't that well-liked around the world either, but there is no question that they (and the countries they represent) are respected, nor is there any question as to who they put first.
edit: You are correct to say "I don't care what other countries think," and this is why.
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i say the republicans just have to learn to cheat bigger. make it so they are beating the dems at their own game. if they try to audit, throw it all back in their face like they are crying about now. There's no consequences for cheating in elections. only thing that it gets you is elected. So Republicans just need to cheat harder.

if they do that, the media and Dems will scream bloody murder about voter fraud. lets just super charge this banana republic right mao.
Then we'll be a country of Democrats. They will have won. I ain't jumping into that septic swamp.
But the weak MAGA brain isn't the belief in singular theories of events. It is the overall belief that behind each corner lurks somebody out to make sure you can't have what you want. Behind every book is a bought and paid for supreme court justice. Behind every vote is somebody pulling the strings to make sure it isn't counted. Behind every event, somebody putting his finger on the scale. Nothing happens but for a reason, there is no luck, only elites torturing MAGAs while they diddle kiddies and worship the devil. If you covered the names of the players in the game, the conservatives of the 80s would have thought you were talking about what they referred to as welfare queens.
Lets see what is behind the weak MAGA brain shall we

We have a Media that toots lies in unison.
We have a big tech that sensors and leads folks on a leash to a common thought.
We have a Corporate Elite that want us all to believe in wokeness.
We of course have a Govt that ignores the violent left but wants to crush the peaceful right. They also want you to concede that you are a racist if you do not follow their vision. And of course they want to censor freedom af thought and speech. We cant have the little people hearing different points of view now can we.

So it would seem to me the cynicism of the weak MAGA brain is truly intellectually justified. They are cynical by experience. Of course some go a bit over the edge but that is what happens when folks are told to ignore reality. Told to ignore the man behind the curtain. Told that they should not believe their own lying eyes.

But you want them to suspend that which they see with their own eyes. If they do not then they are weak MAGA brains. Of course you refuse to recognize that there must be some hidden hand driving the narrative. But I think you do recognize it, but you are fully part of helping to drive that home narrative. You must try to shame them away from the self evident truths of where we are at. Why do you do that? Because you are not an honest person. JMHO
Lets see what is behind the weak MAGA brain shall we

We have a Media that toots lies in unison.
We have a big tech that sensors and leads folks on a leash to a common thought.
We have a Corporate Elite that want us all to believe in wokeness.
We of course have a Govt that ignores the violent left but wants to crush the peaceful right. They also want you to concede that you are a racist if you do not follow their vision. And of course they want to censor freedom af thought and speech. We cant have the little people hearing different points of view now can we.

So it would seem to me the cynicism of the weak MAGA brain is truly intellectually justified. They are cynical by experience. Of course some go a bit over the edge but that is what happens when folks are told to ignore reality. Told to ignore the man behind the curtain. Told that they should not believe their own lying eyes.

But you want them to suspend that which they see with their own eyes. If they do not then they are weak MAGA brains. Of course you refuse to recognize that there must be some hidden hand driving the narrative. But I think you do recognize it, but you are fully part of helping to drive that home narrative. You must try to shame them away from the self evident truths of where we are at. Why do you do that? Because you are not an honest person. JMHO
There is some good bit of truth to the things you identify, though I'd argue, as I long did with my left wing friends, that corporate bias is non-ideological in general, and really just goes where it sees market opportunity. I have yet to come across actual people in corporate America, outside of tech, who believe any of this. I'd also question how much freedom of thought and speech are limited at this point. I mean read the Porta John for God's sake. In any truly restricted nation, a large group of heavily armed people would not really be allowed to share what is, at best, information "dangerous" to the regime, and at worst, complete and utter bullshit. Or maybe switch best and worst.

I think another place you are slightly wrong is to act like this is a change in media. The media has always been like this. It was like this in the 50s, the 60s etc. The biggest difference is that back then, people accepted folks like Cronkite as "truth tellers" and didn't understand they were left wing activists. So again, I'd argue that this has gotten better over time. Not that the media has, but that the rise of independent sources of news, which all almost exclusively trace their way back to Rush Limbaugh and his revolution, has made us much freer and much more knowledgeable. So yeah, the media sucks, but it is better to know that than to just accept what they feed you.

But the existence of bad actors does not lead me to believe that everything bad that happens is because somebody is behind the curtain, pulling strings. I think these bad things create hurdles, but also opportunities. As you even mention, most of these things aren't hiding behind the curtain, they are waving their dicks in our faces. You can either assume there is more behind the curtain, or you can deal with the dicks. My sense is that it has become easier to assume the Wizard than to work hard against what we see. Going back to Rush Limbaugh, I really have a hard time imaging him looking at all of this and just deciding the game was fixed, let's start complaining and stop trying since it isn't fair and we can't have what we want.

I will say that the final issue you bring up, the one about disparate treatment of left and right wing rioters is extremely troubling. It seems to be an issue both localized in big cities, and on a federal level. I don't see it happening everywhere, but it is absolutely awful. I don't know that a country can actually withstand that long term. I will say this, though, to try to bring it together with the rest of what I believe and have written. I think the BLM/Floyd rioters should be in jail. I also think the 1/6 rioters should be in jail. I think the peaceful folks from both events should not be in jail, as peaceful protest is a right. I do think it is weak Maga mind to start blaming the FBI for making people riot. It may be a shit tactic of the FBI, but if you riot, you are a rioter. Like everybody's parents said about jumping off a bridge if your friends did first. I feel the same way about those who got caught up in the BLM riots because Antifas were rioting. You riot, go straight to jail. It used to be a particularity of conservatives that when our kind did bad shit, we didn't try to excuse them for it, while liberals would always excuse their miscreants because of the hard lives due to color, race, poverty etc. They just didn't have control over their lives. If you can't say no to an undercover FBI agent, assuming those stories have validity, straight to jail in my world.

Not sure you will find that more honest, but there you go. To paraphrase the great Avon Barksdale, if it true, we fight on that truth, and if it's a lie, we fight on that lie. That is my perspective. You always have to keep moving forward, you never just give up because the bad, powerful people are making things hard. That's American history. That is why generation after generation went from immigrant in the ghettos to prosperous Americans. That virtuous cycle has ended for most member groups of the professional victim class, and conservatives should not become another member.
Lets see what is behind the weak MAGA brain shall we

We have a Media that toots lies in unison.
We have a big tech that sensors and leads folks on a leash to a common thought.
We have a Corporate Elite that want us all to believe in wokeness.
We of course have a Govt that ignores the violent left but wants to crush the peaceful right. They also want you to concede that you are a racist if you do not follow their vision. And of course they want to censor freedom af thought and speech. We cant have the little people hearing different points of view now can we.

So it would seem to me the cynicism of the weak MAGA brain is truly intellectually justified. They are cynical by experience. Of course some go a bit over the edge but that is what happens when folks are told to ignore reality. Told to ignore the man behind the curtain. Told that they should not believe their own lying eyes.

But you want them to suspend that which they see with their own eyes. If they do not then they are weak MAGA brains. Of course you refuse to recognize that there must be some hidden hand driving the narrative. But I think you do recognize it, but you are fully part of helping to drive that home narrative. You must try to shame them away from the self evident truths of where we are at. Why do you do that? Because you are not an honest person. JMHO

Don't try and reason with a troll. He's loving the attention.
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Lets see what is behind the weak MAGA brain shall we

We have a Media that toots lies in unison.
We have a big tech that sensors and leads folks on a leash to a common thought.
We have a Corporate Elite that want us all to believe in wokeness.
We of course have a Govt that ignores the violent left but wants to crush the peaceful right. They also want you to concede that you are a racist if you do not follow their vision. And of course they want to censor freedom af thought and speech. We cant have the little people hearing different points of view now can we.

So it would seem to me the cynicism of the weak MAGA brain is truly intellectually justified. They are cynical by experience. Of course some go a bit over the edge but that is what happens when folks are told to ignore reality. Told to ignore the man behind the curtain. Told that they should not believe their own lying eyes.

But you want them to suspend that which they see with their own eyes. If they do not then they are weak MAGA brains. Of course you refuse to recognize that there must be some hidden hand driving the narrative. But I think you do recognize it, but you are fully part of helping to drive that home narrative. You must try to shame them away from the self evident truths of where we are at. Why do you do that? Because you are not an honest person. JMHO
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He said, "gained world respect". You countered with "pretty much every nation detested him," (technically a change in subject, but an inconsequential one). The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Of course they detested him - he cut the gravy train, demanded they step up to their responsibilities, and put American interests over theirs, as the leader of America should. Putin and Xi aren't that well-liked around the world either, but there is no question that they (and the countries they represent) are respected, nor is there any question as to who they put first.
edit: You are correct to say "I don't care what other countries think," and this is why.

Not sure how much respect Russia and china have, both quasi third world shit holes.

Remember the Olympics on china where the runners had to wear masks, wasn’t for a chinese plague on the loose, but because the air was so nasty with all their pollution 😂

Or the endless human rights and environmental disasters that are china

Russia, well its a defeated empire, like the old guard dog, once big and strong, now smells like death, if you tripped over it it would probably die, but it still has a couple teeth and will try to bite you
Not sure how much respect Russia and china have, both quasi third world shit holes.

Remember the Olympics on china where the runners had to wear masks, wasn’t for a chinese plague on the loose, but because the air was so nasty with all their pollution 😂

Or the endless human rights and environmental disasters that are china

Russia, well its a defeated empire, like the old guard dog, once big and strong, now smells like death, if you tripped over it it would probably die, but it still has a couple teeth and will try to bite you
Who do we in America constantly hear are our two biggest nation-threats? China is poised to become the greatest super power in the future. They command “respect” the same as a dog that will try to bite you, using your analogy. Ignore them at your peril. That’s the point I’m making. They can be counted on to look after their own interests (and you’d better be ready for it if you’re negotiating with them) where it seems America cannot at present.

Third world, human rights, environment, all good reasons to “detest,” but irrelevant regarding respect for their ability to wield power, whether for good or evil.
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Who do we in America constantly hear are our two biggest nation-threats? China is poised to become the greatest super power in the future. They command “respect” the same as a dog that will try to bite you, using your analogy. Ignore them at your peril. That’s the point I’m making. They can be counted on to look after their own interests (and you’d better be ready for it if you’re negotiating with them) where it seems America cannot at present.

Third world, human rights, environment, all good reasons to “detest,” but irrelevant regarding respect for their ability to wield power, whether for good or evil.

I don’t really listen to the news, much better fiction you can watch.

As for china, don’t they still have old Russian hand me down carriers?

Personally I think china will need to be dealt with and put back into another century of shame, though I don’t think china has the power they like to think they have, dealing with them sooner rather than later would be advisable, sadly covid would have been the ideal excuse for the world to put them back into their fortune cookie, but nooope politicians will sell their own grandkids down the river for a few million.

First step in fighting china is fighting big gov at home.
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Not sure how much respect Russia and china have, both quasi third world shit holes.

Remember the Olympics on china where the runners had to wear masks, wasn’t for a chinese plague on the loose, but because the air was so nasty with all their pollution 😂

Or the endless human rights and environmental disasters that are china

Russia, well its a defeated empire, like the old guard dog, once big and strong, now smells like death, if you tripped over it it would probably die, but it still has a couple teeth and will try to bite you
This is a surprisingly cogent analysis. Russia is problematic because they cannot afford to act rationally. They simply do not have enough power to project that way, so they revert to chaos. It is not good for the world, but it is no longer a situation of dealing with a great power.

China is different in that they are basically a rational actor on the world stage, but are unconstrained by what we consider normal morality. They are also still very, very poor internally, and will have many challenges. They are a big enough power that we can't really impress our will on them and also cannot ignore them. I don't think the popular refrain of detaching from China completely is wise, but what do I know. Realistically, we are joined at the hip for the foreseeable future.

As to the other regional powers, I have to give Trump credit. Unlike conventional wisdom foreign policy folks, he clearly understood who the regional powers were and were not. Biden has reverted to acting like we get to decide who wields power in various areas, and if reality gets in the way, well then fuck reality. Not a smart policy.
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This is a surprisingly cogent analysis. Russia is problematic because they cannot afford to act rationally. They simply do not have enough power to project that way, so they revert to chaos. It is not good for the world, but it is no longer a situation of dealing with a great power.

China is different in that they are basically a rational actor on the world stage, but are unconstrained by what we consider normal morality. They are also still very, very poor internally, and will have many challenges. They are a big enough power that we can't really impress our will on them and also cannot ignore them. I don't think the popular refrain of detaching from China completely is wise, but what do I know. Realistically, we are joined at the hip for the foreseeable future.

As to the other regional powers, I have to give Trump credit. Unlike conventional wisdom foreign policy folks, he clearly understood who the regional powers were and were not. Biden has reverted to acting like we get to decide who wields power in various areas, and if reality gets in the way, well then fuck reality. Not a smart policy.

Thanks for the back handed compliment ;)
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I don’t really listen to the news, much better fiction you can watch.

As for china, don’t they still have old Russian hand me down carriers?

Personally I think china will need to be dealt with and put back into another century of shame, though I don’t think china has the power they like to think they have, dealing with them sooner rather than later would be advisable, sadly covid would have been the ideal excuse for the world to put them back into their fortune cookie, but nooope politicians will sell their own grandkids down the river for a few million.

First step in fighting china is fighting big gov at home.
So, the original point @FS1 made was that under Trump, America gained world respect. It was countered by the other poster that he thought most nations detested him. My point was that one has nothing to do with the other. We may detest China and Russia, but we are foolish to not respect them as adversaries. I can’t speak for @FS1, but I took his comment about gaining world respect to mean that they believed Trump would not hesitate to wield America’s power to look out for American interests. Under Biden ....not. Which is essentially what your last sentence means.

To add, Biden cares very much about whether other countries like us, which pretty much everyone involved in this part of the discussion has conceded that we couldn’t care less what they think of us.
So, the original point @FS1 made was that under Trump, America gained world respect. It was countered by the other poster that he thought most nations detested him. My point was that one has nothing to do with the other. We may detest China and Russia, but we are foolish to not respect them as adversaries. I can’t speak for @FS1, but I took his comment about gaining world respect to mean that they believed Trump would not hesitate to wield America’s power to look out for American interests. Under Biden ....not. Which is essentially what your last sentence means.
I think it is fair to say our allies respected us less, and they let it show. Many instances, like Trudeau and Macron laughing at Trump etc, that never would have happened under any other President. It is also fair to say that many of the dictatorships in the world respected us more because for the first time since Kissinger we weren't pretending about the world as it was.

Not sure how much of it really matters, though.
Trudeau laughing at Trump - no comment necessary. Our allies were pissed because he demanded they pay up for their own defense. Plus he rightly ditched the Paris Accord. Not popular with them.