Designated Marksman Match in South Carolina Oct 4th


Full Member
Aug 17, 2014
South Carolina

Palmetto 3 Gun is holding a Designated Marksman style match October 4th at Backwoods Quail Club near Georgetown SC. The match is Part of the Palmetto Precision Series, sponsored by Spectre Targets. The match will consist of 2 man teams engaging 1 -2 MOA resetting steel out to 500 yards from various field positions. There will be 5 stages with at least 6 targets per stage. one stage will be a true team stage with both shooters engaging and array of targets at the same time . We will be shooting out of vehicles, off barricades, and other props. At least one stage will have handgun targets. Scoring is time plus penalties. There will be a prize table for the top shooters and a drawing for prizes open to all participants. The price is $150 per team, and includes a meal and match T shirts. If you're interested, you can email me at [email protected] or check out our facebook page. It will be a great time. Hope to see ya'll there!
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This is going to be a Blast, Back Woods is a nice place, and Lee will set up some Great stages. He will challenge your skills while maintaining a fun match. Count me in I signed up and also if I can help with anything let me know, Can't wait look forward to shooting the match.
We will sign in at 8 and start shooting at 9. This is a known distance match, rangefinders are allowed. The round count will be approx 50 rounds of rifle and 25 pistol, IF you don't miss. I usually bring 100...
Count me in and evidenced by my lackluster performance at the Individual match last weekend, I needs da practice. :)

Looking forward to a great match and more powder burning.
Guys - I talked with the Match Director this AM and he asked that I post this information on the match...

Palmetto 3-Gun is pleased to bring the shooters of the East Coast the Palmetto Precision Series, a multi-event, multi-discipline series involving both Designated Marksman and Individual Precision Rifle-style matches. The inaugural event is scheduled to be held Saturday, October 4th in Hemingway, SC at Backwoods Quail Club, a world-class sporting clays facility and preserve.
Back Woods Quail Club | "Southern Hospitality At It's Finest!"
The first event will be a DM event, and shot in a team format, comprised of both rifle and pistol. For those shooters wishing to shoot 5.56, there will be a separate classification for those competitors. Courses of fire will include 5-6 stages, engaging steel of known distances out to 550 yards from a variety of positions and obstacles. Stages will be limited by par time for the team.

Recommendations/Requirements for the Designated Marksman event:

Rifle capable of 1.5 MOA or better – Calibers 300 Win Mag or less
Bolt or semi-automatic rifle
Rifle-mounted bipod
Rifle Sling
Rear bag / rear mono-pod / squeeze bag
Pistol with 2 magazines
Retention-style holster
Backpack (for gear and positional support)
Recommended round count – 100 rounds rifle, 30 rounds pistol

Signup begins at 8:00AM and shooting to commence at 9:00

$150 per team – includes meal and T-shirts
Prizes to be offered for top finishers in each division, and gear/prizes to be raffled off for all registered competitors.

Sign up via Squad Signup here:

DMM Match: Registration

Optional equipment to include: Binoculars, spotting scope, rangefinders, tripods/shooting sticks
Equipment cannot be pre-staged on the obstacle unless specified in the stage description.

Match motel information:
Quality Inn
Georgetown SC

Hampton Inn
Georgetown, SC

Updates can be found also on Facebook at

We are excited about bringing a challenging series of events to the shooters on the East Coast and elsewhere!
Don't know what happened to my original post , but the match is October 4th at Backwoods Quail Club near Georgetown, SC. The match format is 2 man teams shooting 5 stages of auto resetting steel from 100 out to 550 yds. The scoring will be time plus penalties for targets missed once par time has expired. The cost is $150 per team. Match fee includes match tee shirts and a meal.
Palmetto 3-Gun is pleased to bring the shooters of the East Coast the Palmetto Precision Series, a multi-event, multi-discipline series involving both Designated Marksman and Individual Precision Rifle-style matches. The inaugural event is scheduled to be held Saturday, October 4thin Hemingway, SC at Backwoods Quail Club, a world-class sporting clays facility and preserve.
Back Woods Quail Club | "Southern Hospitality At It's Finest!"
The first event will be a DM event, and shot in a team format, comprised of both rifle and pistol. For those shooters wishing to shoot 5.56, there will be a separate classification for those competitors. Courses of fire will include 5-6 stages, engaging steel of known distances out to 550 yards from a variety of positions and obstacles. Stages will be limited by par time for the team.

Recommendations/Requirements for the Designated Marksman event:
Rifle capable of 1.5 MOA or better – Calibers 300 Win Mag or less
Bolt or semi-automatic rifle
Rifle-mounted bipod
Rifle Sling
Rear bag / rear mono-pod / squeeze bag
Pistol with 2 magazines
Retention-style holster
Backpack (for gear and positional support)
Recommended round count – 100 rounds rifle, 30 rounds pistol

Signup begins at 8:00AM and shooting to commence at 9:00

$150 per team – includes meal and T-shirts
Prizes to be offered for top finishers in each division, and gear/prizes to be raffled off for all registered competitors.

Sign up via Squad Signup here:

DMM Match: Registration

Optional equipment to include: Binoculars, spotting scope, rangefinders, tripods/shooting sticks
Equipment cannot be pre-staged on the obstacle unless specified in the stage description.
Match motel information:
Quality Inn
Georgetown SC

Hampton Inn
Georgetown, SC

Updates can be found also on Facebook at
We are excited about bringing a challenging series of events to the shooters on the East Coast and elsewhere
In the 223/5.56 class both must use this caliber, if either competitor uses other caliber rifle that team will be shooting the open class but one 223/5.56 cal. rifle is allowed in open per team.
It will depend on the stage. Most will be from 180 - 300 seconds.
Generally you will have 5-6 reactive steel targets per stage that each shooter will engage during the teams allotted par time. Some stages the two team members will engage the target array together. The team stages will have more targets. Targets not hit will accrue a penalty and this will added to the teams stage time. Team with the lowest time (least misses) wins.
Some folks have asked about the retention holster. Any holster that will retain your pistol during vigorous movement will be fine. We don't want anyone getting a DQ because a hot pistol fell out during a stage. Our goal,is for everyone to be safe and have a great time banging steel.
Just a couple of days away - in talking with Lee, there is a 300-yard range that can be used for zero confirmation prior to match commencement.

Looking forward to a fun day of shooting!
Finished target setup this afternoon. The owner of Spectre Target showed up with brand new steel for us to abuse and a pair of uppers he picked up on his way down provided by Del-Ton for prizes. Its going to be a fun match that will test all the shooters skills. The team stage will be a blast, with both teammates sending lead down range simultaneously. Sticking to the DM format, we've put 2 MOA steel from 113 yds to 530 yds. One of our sponsors The Gun Store, is heading down in his 5 ton in the AM. He's generously providing it as a stage prop. It's going to be a good time!
Inaugural DM event for Palmetto Precision series is in the books! Graced by fantastic weather, great shooters and a challenging course of fire, it was a great day on the range - special thanks to all the shooters that came out to support the event, the sponsors, and Backwoods Quail Club for a first class venue (and some amazing chicken bog)!

Hope to see everyone soon at the next event - and Lee, I'm developing a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship for the gopher.



A couple of pics from the match, it was a great time. My partner and I were killing it, we thought we had first in the bag easily before earning a DQ at the last stage. Great stages though, I particularly liked the one where we shot simultaneously. I ended up taking a couple of his handgun targets and he got one of my rifle targets. I like the teamwork aspect, it lets you use each other's strengths rather than it just being the total of two shooters times.

Probably the best looking match shirt I've received, too!
The match went well, just a little long. That was totally my fault for not keeping my squad moving. The facilities are great and were already planning or next match in March 2015.
I want to give a big thanks to everyone that came out to shoot and to all our Sponsors for being so generous with their support.
Spectre Targets
Tactical Firearm Finishes
Carolina Specialties
The Gun Store
I also want to congratulate our Open division and overall match winners, Gabe and Chad, and our Limited / 223 division winners, Mitch Henke and Harry Meyer. Great shooting guys!

Here are the match results:
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Here's Pump Jr aka Wavepounder, displaying the latest in Wiebad Fall fashion...

and later showing the versatility of the Pump Pillow. Shooting makes one sweeeeeeeepy. :)


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Now everyone knows my call sign for my other job in the adult film industry...thanks Dur.

This match was a lot of fun with good stages and a good group of guys. Can't wait to make the next one!
This looked like it was a great match. Would an out-of-stater be able to enter this match in the spring? Assuming of course that I can fit it into a trip to see my Daughter and family in Summerville at that time. I should be able to strong arm my shooting buddy to be a teammate.
Anybody can enter. We'll put up a link as soon as we firm up a date for March.
Plans are to have a match in late March, another in May, and then late Sept - Early Oct.
the range is also a commercial hunting operation. We have to work around quail season Nov - March, and April turkey season.