Hinged rings are based on the design CONCEPT, which is well known for a long time. This is what USPTO will likely point out if somebody attempts to get a utility patent for something which uses the same design CONCEPT. I do not see why USPTO would accept "hinged" as a claim while hinged shaft collars utilize the same CONCEPT for a long time. However, other details of a specific design is a different story, and can vary to provide the desired function of the design. May be these other details were filled as claims and USPTO did accept certain claims, or may be nothing like that has been filed with USPTO. So, I was just talking about IP protection, which ARC may or may not have...
I personally like Ted's work, I'm just not sure if he has an actual patent for ARC hinged rings. If "hinged" is not one of the claims, granted by USPTO specifically to ARC, Scalaworks can certainly use the same, known for a long time, design concept to create their own specific design, with no guilt of "stealing" anything from ARC.
Personally, I consider hinged rings, no matter where these rings are coming from, to be the the most advanced rings for scope mounting.