Died Suddenly Documentary World Is Live On Rumble

Did Toby Keith post about getting all vaxxed and stuff?

I am certain the Royals all jabbed up...

And now two high-profile are badly ill. Turbo Cancer and some unknown stomach ailment. All of a sudden?

Sick Suddenly. Dying quickly seems to be a thing!

supposedly also required vaccination proof to attend his concerts.
not surprised his team erased or deleted clotshot posts from his profile.
supposedly also required vaccination proof to attend his concerts.
not surprised his team erased or deleted clotshot posts from his profile.

Yeah.... deleting vaxx posts. That should be front page news. So.... how many people did he kill. And later hide his culpability? That Narrative needs to be, say, out there.

Well, no refunds.

And in this case, it seems to mean a rare form of turbo-cancer that oncologists are scratching their heads over going "Never even %$#@ heard of this before."



PS... Forgot to mention "No Refunds, Chuck le Trois!"
Yeah.... deleting vaxx posts. That should be front page news. So.... how many people did he kill. And later hide his culpability? That Narrative needs to be, say, out there.

Well, no refunds.

And in this case, it seems to mean a rare form of turbo-cancer that oncologists are scratching their heads over going "Never even %$#@ heard of this before."



PS... Forgot to mention "No Refunds, Chuck le Trois!"
i don't think it was that easy for people to understand the dangers, or that they were being lied to.
i believe in their hearts they believed they were helping people.
/thank goodness for sites like this that don't censor people. i think we changed some minds here. i hope so.

obviously i never intended to take the clotshot, and never had flu shot either.
but i also had an early warning system. the healthcare company i worked for has medical imaging modalities in 42 states, and i could see nurses being fired daily for refusing to take the clotshots, after seeing what it did to their co-workers.

as somebody explained recently, pharma doesn't need to spend billions on advertising. they have "doctors" to push their shit already.
they spend so much, they basically own the networks that need that income to survive, hence they have some control of the narrative.
this link says drug ads were 75% of the total with a big jump in 2020.

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i don't think it was that easy for people to understand the dangers, or that they were being lied to.
as somebody explained, pharma doesn't need to spend billions on advertising. they have "doctors" to push their shit already.
they spend so much, they basically own the networks that need that income to survive.
this link says drug ads were 75% of the total with a big jump in 2020.

LBC, I will respectfully but vehemently disagree with at least part of your statement here. And pardon my rant in advance.

So... all the folks on the Internet sites like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and everywhere else who were censored for raising the alarm... Or for being skeptical. Or who were called luddites for 'Not trusting the science' (when the very definition of 'science... is not trusting it...'. The doctors who were fired. The columnists who were sued or, in some places jailed, for being "Anti-Vaxx Hoaxers..." The Doctors who talked about Ivermecton or said 'Use some caution... All crushed by a massive government and NGO and Pharma propaganda effort that extended down to destroying individuals lives... and killing the elderly....

Nope, none of those people understood. Even here on SH... where we had (thanks to the HMFWIC) an open forum for discussion and sharing of ALL information... heck, we understood! And we'se just dumb rednecks.

Didn't understand the dangers? No, they were complicit in a massive effort to push 100 percent of the Western population to take an ineffective, dangerous shot. When if they just opened their minds to those being Crushed for being the canaries in the coalmine... they ould have understood.

Toby Keith and his handlers demanded that his fans take an experimental, dangerous shot just in order to see him sing? I mean that is Jim Jones level shit. "Do as I say, masses!" Because, you know, I'm a country singer with a medical degree listening to an operating system programmer who apparently has a medical degree who is in cahoots with a CDC director who has preached genocide for his whole career?

Yeah... he didn't understand because he didn't want to undertand. Went with the way the wind was blowing. Listened to quacks.

I forgot the exact number... but it was 60 percent?? Ish? Of the American people who said "Hell No." And were accused of being murdurers while people made plans to put them in camps, fire them from their jobs and careers, discharge them from their service.... in some case demanded they be executed? Huge numbers DID understand. Oh and by the way... huge numbers of them were HIS fans and people. Who might have listened elsewhere if he had not blackmailed them with show tickets.

And now his staff has gone and deleted his Vaxx posts and is trying to act like he was one of us all along?

If a bunch of dumb-ass 'gun-shootin' types can "understand." Then I'm pretty sure Toby Keith and, perhaps more importantly, his retinue of handlers... could have opened one ear up and listened to some dissenting opinions. And maybe he and a few other of the Hollywood "Vaxx me Dr Fauci" types could have stood up and said "Masks don't work. Watch out for vaxxines. Demand Ivermectin and Hydroxyhoweveryouspellitquin..." and been leaders for sanity.

But nope, they helped drive the bus right over a cliff.

Ok, fine, Toby Keith was a country star. And maybe he did something stupid and went with the flow. But if his legacy is now to cover up his complicity in killing hundreds, maybe thousands... maybe tens of thousands of his fans with his cooperation in '20-23... then he should be remembered a bit less favorably.

And his handlers should be facing tribunals.

Along with thousands more.

Well, maybe after we get the illegals out... we can figure out what to do with the SS Camp Doctors.


PS. This is a great thread and thanks LBC for keeping it up. Just because I disagree with one thing doesn't mean you haven't hit the nail on the head daily for something like two years. Sirhr
An absolute risk reduction of approximately 1 percent for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations meant that a substantial number of individuals would need to be injected in order to prevent a single mild-to-moderate case of COVID-19.

To prevent one case of COVID-19 infection, 142 individuals would need to be vaccinated with Pfizer’s shot, the study said. When it came to Moderna, 88 people had to be injected.

Taking into account these numbers as well as the infection fatality rates of COVID-19, the researchers concluded that roughly 52,000 people would need to be vaccinated to prevent one COVID-19-related death.

This would mean two lives saved for roughly 100,000 injections of the Pfizer vaccine. However, there is a risk of 27 deaths per 100,000 doses of Pfizer shot, the researchers calculated. As such, for every life saved by the jab, almost 14 lives would be lost due to the mRNA vaccine, the study stated.

Lost $1.5 million by my estimate due to those figures.

On the bright side I’m not one of the deaths.
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LBC, I will respectfully but vehemently disagree with at least part of your statement here. And pardon my rant in advance.

So... all the folks on the Internet sites like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and everywhere else who were censored for raising the alarm... Or for being skeptical. Or who were called luddites for 'Not trusting the science' (when the very definition of 'science... is not trusting it...'. The doctors who were fired. The columnists who were sued or, in some places jailed, for being "Anti-Vaxx Hoaxers..." The Doctors who talked about Ivermecton or said 'Use some caution... All crushed by a massive government and NGO and Pharma propaganda effort that extended down to destroying individuals lives... and killing the elderly....

Nope, none of those people understood. Even here on SH... where we had (thanks to the HMFWIC) an open forum for discussion and sharing of ALL information... heck, we understood! And we'se just dumb rednecks.

Didn't understand the dangers? No, they were complicit in a massive effort to push 100 percent of the Western population to take an ineffective, dangerous shot. When if they just opened their minds to those being Crushed for being the canaries in the coalmine... they ould have understood.

Toby Keith and his handlers demanded that his fans take an experimental, dangerous shot just in order to see him sing? I mean that is Jim Jones level shit. "Do as I say, masses!" Because, you know, I'm a country singer with a medical degree listening to an operating system programmer who apparently has a medical degree who is in cahoots with a CDC director who has preached genocide for his whole career?

Yeah... he didn't understand because he didn't want to undertand. Went with the way the wind was blowing. Listened to quacks.

I forgot the exact number... but it was 60 percent?? Ish? Of the American people who said "Hell No." And were accused of being murdurers while people made plans to put them in camps, fire them from their jobs and careers, discharge them from their service.... in some case demanded they be executed? Huge numbers DID understand. Oh and by the way... huge numbers of them were HIS fans and people. Who might have listened elsewhere if he had not blackmailed them with show tickets.

And now his staff has gone and deleted his Vaxx posts and is trying to act like he was one of us all along?

If a bunch of dumb-ass 'gun-shootin' types can "understand." Then I'm pretty sure Toby Keith and, perhaps more importantly, his retinue of handlers... could have opened one ear up and listened to some dissenting opinions. And maybe he and a few other of the Hollywood "Vaxx me Dr Fauci" types could have stood up and said "Masks don't work. Watch out for vaxxines. Demand Ivermectin and Hydroxyhoweveryouspellitquin..." and been leaders for sanity.

But nope, they helped drive the bus right over a cliff.

Ok, fine, Toby Keith was a country star. And maybe he did something stupid and went with the flow. But if his legacy is now to cover up his complicity in killing hundreds, maybe thousands... maybe tens of thousands of his fans with his cooperation in '20-23... then he should be remembered a bit less favorably.

And his handlers should be facing tribunals.

Along with thousands more.

Well, maybe after we get the illegals out... we can figure out what to do with the SS Camp Doctors.


PS. This is a great thread and thanks LBC for keeping it up. Just because I disagree with one thing doesn't mean you haven't hit the nail on the head daily for something like two years. Sirhr
no point in a discussion if we are just going to all agree with each other. there's another name for that.

according to the cdc:
81% of americans succumbed to the propaganda and had at least one clotshot. 90% of people 12 yrs or older.
69% took the initial series of clotshots and "boosters".
only 17% have taken the new shit.

basically, <10% of adults are purebloods.
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i say this a lot. the nazi and soviet holocausts were not done by hitler,stalin,beria,himmler alone they had 1000s of helpers and enablers. to me,any one in any organization,public or private,that instituted or authorized any punishment for failure to take the death shot should be immediately stood UAW and dealt with. these people in the 40s and now are guilty of mass murder and too many other things to mention. the destruction caused by the covid scam and it's managers has essentially destroyed america. i have doubts that it will or even can be restored. the mental derangement caused by the media,the schools and the influencers makes that unlikely.
guess i sure don't need to be dictator. would make stalin look like a wimp and would not have enough enablers. afraid my solutions would be considered way too radical and on shaky ethical grounds.
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i say this a lot. the nazi and soviet holocausts were not done by hitler,stalin,beria,himmler alone they had 1000s of helpers and enablers. to me,any one in any organization,public or private,that instituted or authorized any punishment for failure to take the death shot should be immediately stood UAW and dealt with. these people in the 40s and now are guilty of mass murder and too many other things to mention. the destruction caused by the covid scam and it's managers has essentially destroyed america. i have doubts that it will or even can be restored. the mental derangement caused by the media,the schools and the influencers makes that unlikely.
guess i sure don't need to be dictator. would make stalin look like a wimp and would not have enough enablers. afraid my solutions would be considered way too radical and on shaky ethical grounds.

Der Karens, Ja?

no point in a discussion if we are just going to all agree with each other. there's another name for that.

according to the cdc:
81% of americans succumbed to the propaganda and had at least one clotshot. 90% of people 12 yrs or older.
69% took the initial series of clotshots and "boosters".
only 17% have taken the new shit.

basically, <10% of adults are purebloods.
Do you think it is really less than 10%.

Seems like 50% of the people I know avoided the vax.
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Do you think it is really less than 10%.

Seems like 50% of the people I know avoided the vax.
i think that the cdc cannot be trusted, and they might have reason to exaggerate, but it might not be that far off.
the healthcare company i worked for mandated the clotshot for patient facing staff, and we didn't fire 50%, although it was in the hundreds.
people might not say if they were or not as well, out of shame or embarrassment.
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LBC, I will respectfully but vehemently disagree with at least part of your statement here. And pardon my rant in advance.

So... all the folks on the Internet sites like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and everywhere else who were censored for raising the alarm... Or for being skeptical. Or who were called luddites for 'Not trusting the science' (when the very definition of 'science... is not trusting it...'. The doctors who were fired. The columnists who were sued or, in some places jailed, for being "Anti-Vaxx Hoaxers..." The Doctors who talked about Ivermecton or said 'Use some caution... All crushed by a massive government and NGO and Pharma propaganda effort that extended down to destroying individuals lives... and killing the elderly....

Nope, none of those people understood. Even here on SH... where we had (thanks to the HMFWIC) an open forum for discussion and sharing of ALL information... heck, we understood! And we'se just dumb rednecks.

Didn't understand the dangers? No, they were complicit in a massive effort to push 100 percent of the Western population to take an ineffective, dangerous shot. When if they just opened their minds to those being Crushed for being the canaries in the coalmine... they ould have understood.

Toby Keith and his handlers demanded that his fans take an experimental, dangerous shot just in order to see him sing? I mean that is Jim Jones level shit. "Do as I say, masses!" Because, you know, I'm a country singer with a medical degree listening to an operating system programmer who apparently has a medical degree who is in cahoots with a CDC director who has preached genocide for his whole career?

Yeah... he didn't understand because he didn't want to undertand. Went with the way the wind was blowing. Listened to quacks.

I forgot the exact number... but it was 60 percent?? Ish? Of the American people who said "Hell No." And were accused of being murdurers while people made plans to put them in camps, fire them from their jobs and careers, discharge them from their service.... in some case demanded they be executed? Huge numbers DID understand. Oh and by the way... huge numbers of them were HIS fans and people. Who might have listened elsewhere if he had not blackmailed them with show tickets.

And now his staff has gone and deleted his Vaxx posts and is trying to act like he was one of us all along?

If a bunch of dumb-ass 'gun-shootin' types can "understand." Then I'm pretty sure Toby Keith and, perhaps more importantly, his retinue of handlers... could have opened one ear up and listened to some dissenting opinions. And maybe he and a few other of the Hollywood "Vaxx me Dr Fauci" types could have stood up and said "Masks don't work. Watch out for vaxxines. Demand Ivermectin and Hydroxyhoweveryouspellitquin..." and been leaders for sanity.

But nope, they helped drive the bus right over a cliff.

Ok, fine, Toby Keith was a country star. And maybe he did something stupid and went with the flow. But if his legacy is now to cover up his complicity in killing hundreds, maybe thousands... maybe tens of thousands of his fans with his cooperation in '20-23... then he should be remembered a bit less favorably.

And his handlers should be facing tribunals.

Along with thousands more.

Well, maybe after we get the illegals out... we can figure out what to do with the SS Camp Doctors.


PS. This is a great thread and thanks LBC for keeping it up. Just because I disagree with one thing doesn't mean you haven't hit the nail on the head daily for something like two years. Sirhr
I think @LBC is actually right and here's why. The majority of people literally CAN NOT think a thing if the talking heads don't tell them to. Zero critical thinking skills. For whatever reason there is a slice of humanity that looks at things they are being told and say

I'm talking about regular people here. Not those that knew for a fact something was going on and pretended otherwise. <<<Which seems to me these are the people you are alluding to and I'd say they are probably fewer in number than those we've taken to calling purebloods. Just food for thought there.
i don't think it was that easy for people to understand the dangers, or that they were being lied to.
So for the normies, the above statement is true. Should they have known better? I'd say of course. But it's kinda like the difference between street smarts and book smarts. Not a perfect analogy, but we've all seen the book smart people just be dumber than fuck in a street smarts situation.
Do you think it is really less than 10%.

Seems like 50% of the people I know avoided the vax.
Same here. Think it depends on where you live.
Some of my buddies really blew my mind. Between the fear of losing the sole breadwinners job, apathetic attitudes, or swallowing the propaganda nearly whole, they just gave in. I thought some of these guys would have figured out a way not to succumb, but I was wrong. We moved to Montana from Washington in 2021 and every person I've talked with about this new world that is trying to put us under it's thumb has stated that, they did not, and will not take the clot shot. My wife works with quite a few folks that took it. Here I think you can pretty accurately guess based on political party affiliation whether or not a person got gene therapy'ed.
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Sadly the nature article is locked behind a pay wall.

That said, I have gone to the trouble to check the sources on this right wing wack a do site, and find out they are actually reporting what the findings are. I have little doubt the article they link in "nature" does not say what they say it says......that looks funny when you type it.

Long and short, I do trust these guys, but I will keep checking them from time to time, really when I hunger for more info then their article provides.
Some of my buddies really blew my mind. Between the fear of losing the sole breadwinners job, apathetic attitudes, or swallowing the propaganda nearly whole, they just gave in. I thought some of these guys would have figured out a way not to succumb, but I was wrong. We moved to Montana from Washington in 2021 and every person I've talked with about this new world that is trying to put us under it's thumb has stated that, they did not, and will not take the clot shot. My wife works with quite a few folks that took it. Here I think you can pretty accurately guess based on political party affiliation whether or not a person got gene therapy'ed.
I love that part in that last article,


Best part, as I read it is EU regs say there had to be "antigen" in the jab, but there are none in the covid shot. Did I read that right.
Sadly the nature article is locked behind a pay wall.

That said, I have gone to the trouble to check the sources on this right wing wack a do site, and find out they are actually reporting what the findings are. I have little doubt the article they link in "nature" does not say what they say it says......that looks funny when you type it.

Long and short, I do trust these guys, but I will keep checking them from time to time, really when I hunger for more info then their article provides.

There is a "continue without registration" option in the bottom of the pop up window that appears. At least, there is for me.
I think @LBC is actually right and here's why. The majority of people literally CAN NOT think a thing if the talking heads don't tell them to. Zero critical thinking skills. For whatever reason there is a slice of humanity that looks at things they are being told and say

I'm talking about regular people here. Not those that knew for a fact something was going on and pretended otherwise. <<<Which seems to me these are the people you are alluding to and I'd say they are probably fewer in number than those we've taken to calling purebloods. Just food for thought there.

So for the normies, the above statement is true. Should they have known better? I'd say of course. But it's kinda like the difference between street smarts and book smarts. Not a perfect analogy, but we've all seen the book smart people just be dumber than fuck in a street smarts situation.

This is all true... But would those "Normies" who are so gullible have been less taken in had people like Toby Keith and the other 'influencers' who were in a position to know... or who SHOULD have known... or who SHOULD have kept their yaps shut... actually either educated themselves or butted out.

No different from listening to that disgusting pile of refuse Taylor Swift.... an Historionic Personality Disorder freak... who is now leading milions of her "Swifty" fans off the cliff of communism because she thinks its all dreamy. All she has to do in life is wave her non-existant ass around and sing into Autotune so 50 producers can make her voice hypnotic to the easily-dazzled. (her music is more engineered than a Big Mac or a Newport).

But these people.... sadly including Toby Keith whose whole image was one of freedom and independence and 'American Values' needed to be relevant during a giant government psy op... and he went in hook, line and sinker. "Look at me and I'm going to tell you what to do. And blackmail my fans into death." Or is he just as dumb as Taylor Swift and let himself get used so he could feed his need for attention?

The masses are easily deceived. That's why psy ops and mass=hysteria works so well. And marketing (right Stanley?) .

The disgusting part is that Toby Keith used his platform to prey on his fans. And now that he'es in "No Refunds" land... his minions are erasing his crimes against humanity while pushing "sympathy record sales and air play" to get even richer. Instead of saying "Damn, Toby died of a clot shot and his fans should be demanding tribunals.

I don't disagree with LBC in principle. But on that one point, I wanted to get across the message that "Mr. RIP American Hero" is not all he seems.

The Taylor Swift of Country.... yup. That seems to fit. Maybe comparisons to the Dixie Chicks would be more appropriate. Seems they were cut from the same cloth.

no point in a discussion if we are just going to all agree with each other. there's another name for that.

according to the cdc:
81% of americans succumbed to the propaganda and had at least one clotshot. 90% of people 12 yrs or older.
69% took the initial series of clotshots and "boosters".
only 17% have taken the new shit.

basically, <10% of adults are purebloods.

I dont believe the shot numbers...,is/was just another way to manipulate...

"80% have it you heathen!"
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I have run into a lot of revisionist personal history these days. People pretending they stand against something when they will capitulate immediately when confronted.
You have to be careful there too. I will play the dumb or good guy when needed. I gain nothing from arguing with people, i'm likely to express something not true, just to avoid conflict. I pick and chose my battles and some are not worth it to me. Then again, I've seen so many evil things done to people, I have a good understanding of evil and I have played the long haul on evil before.

When it comes to someone questioning me about the vax, that's a battleground argument for me. You're getting a "fuck no", on that one. But I can see people answering a certain way to play the narrative. I'm not gonna lie, when they started talking about mandatory vax and OSHA bullshit, I was ready to become an outlaw, after never breaking laws in my life, including speed limits. I was ready to ruin lives, if they ruined my life for refusing a vaccine.
i don't feel bad for this one.

Can we get some of our Australian members to organize a trip to go piss on his grave?


People are terrified of what they have done to themselves and their loved ones. Expect a lot of emotional breakdowns and random violence from the NPCs when they finally face accountability for the first time in their lives.
Expecting they will do nothing but sit in the comfy chair and wait for death.

I’ve been hoping they would be an army of vengeance but they surrendered when they could have won the war, why would they fight now when they are defeated?
Expecting they will do nothing but sit in the comfy chair and wait for death.

I’ve been hoping they would be an army of vengeance but they surrendered when they could have won the war, why would they fight now when they are defeated?
Most of them were so very sure they had made the right choice, that they wanted everyone that knew better to be punished in anyway they could imagine. Now those same people want amnesty from their words and actions.
I worked with approximately 700 people. 3 of us said no to the vacc.

300 originally resisted, some of those already vaxxed.

1/2 put in for exemptions.

Unknown how many straight retired or resigned.

32 fighting it still in court.

20 marked for dishonorable discharge.

7 of those got their jobs back, 1 of those after going to India and getting a shot made with love and Ganges water.

13 Dishonorably Discharged.

Numbers don’t look good for freedom.