Don't Get Stomach "Flu"

Dude, San Diego has the worst stomach "flu" there is. All those dumbass tourists take the cruise ships to Mexico and eat and drink everything that smells good to them in Mexico. Their stomachs cannot take what they eat. By the time they return to San Diego, they are contagious and infecting everyone around them. Every week there is a new crop of them. I feel for ya brother.
I just went on the tub girl search for a bit.... nothing I haven't seen before. search for 'special fried rice' if you want to really throw stuff at your computer screen.
Hey on the upside, you have already started your new year weight loss program.
I fell your pain, my wife and I got it last Febuary. I broke my 17 year no puke run because of it, I still haven't gone back to Carl'Jr. It wasent where I got it, just the last thing I ate before I found myself in the fetal position on the bathroom floor wishing I could die. It was a whole week before I had a normal BM.
Drink plenty of water, and stay the hell home with that.
You sick bastards sound like you look at this stuff on a regular basis. Freaks

Years ago someone got me with two girls, one cup. And I once clicked a Shankster link I regretted. And a buddy once sent me a really clear vid of a guy offing himself in a police station without warning me. I'm sure I'll screw up again in the future and need to wash my eyes out with soap, but I'm a lot more careful and did not let curiosity get the best of me with the suggestions above. I don't know -- and I don't want to know -- what they're all about.
I had this once, traced back to a mexican taco joint in a local to wn, daughter and I both got it and that was the only thing we had in common.

When they say "explosive" they are not kidding. You just give in and realize you'll be cleaning the wall as well LOL

Little did I know you are not supposed to drink for 2hrs after last vomit, so I kept d rinking water to stave off the intense dehydration.

That's when I sat watching Dirty Harry all day, decided I wanted a model 29 :) But it SUCKS>

And it is 100%, *always* caused/spread by someone wiping their ass and not washing their hands.

The good part is that secondary infections (family etc) are generally NOT as bad as the original infection.

And there is no immunity, 2 weeks after you get over it, you can get it again, that SUCKS.
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