DPMS LR 308 or LR 308B


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Full Member
Mar 11, 2013
I'm looking to trade off my Howa 308 for either the DPMS LR 308 or the 308B. I can't shoot up to the ability of either gun but is there that much difference between the two? I understand the diff in velocity between them but does the weight at the end of the day really make that much diff.? What are the true benefits of one over the other? Thanks.
I own a 308B. I like it for the portability over the 24" barreled version for both length and weight. The benefits depend on what you want to do with the rifle. Mine is set up to run as a truck gun when I'm out on the Father-in-Law's ranch. The weight does not make it a huge difference because of where it rides, but the length sure does. If I wanted a rifle for target use only I'd personally choose the standard LR308.