I'm not the one who has it backwards and wrong, and yes I have had someone charged and convicted of trespassing with a drone. he was given a warning by the police chief the first time but was too stupid to listen. what I stated earlier is a fact. If you want to fly your drone over 400 ft then it has to be registered with ffa and follow all there regs.
The ffa ruled a long time ago that all private property owners own the airspace over there property up to 500 ft. there is a 500ft ceiling for helicopters and 400 ft ceiling for airplanes. So if your flying around and HARASSING someone with your drone over there property and less than 400 ft then you ARE trespassing.
Believe what you want and if you don't then bring your drone to my property and see how fast I have the local law enforcement serving you a warrant.
Now i will emphasize the fact that doing a simple fly over at 300 ft verses hovering around (harassing) at 20 ft around buildings , is two TOTALLY DIFFERENT different things.
And yes when you go to court you are going to need a hell of lot of documentation (not arguinging that).
Yes your right you cant just shoot down a plane with people in it , but at the same time someone can't just show up with a helicopter at your property hovering around at 100ft.
You're wrong on the height numbers for aircraft. https://www.faa.gov/about/office_or...re/media/FAA_Guide_to_Low-Flying_Aircraft.pdf