Night Vision E-Coti

I can get a photograph of the COTI (AN/PAS-29A) with L3 UF WP within the next couple of days. E-COTI might take me a little longer as I don't currently have one on hand.

COTI is 320x240 / 30Hz, 20 deg. FOV, E-COTI is 640x480 / 60 Hz, 30 deg. FOV.

Best I could do for the moment, dogs in the backyard with AN/PAS-29A COTI and L3 UF WP tube.

It was pretty bright tonight, and the COTI does not photograph very well, and the dogs didn’t really want to cooperate...

Range is about 35 yards give or take, dog on the left is about 30lbs, and the one on the right is about 10lbs.

Will try to get better photographs later this week at a training event, but figured something was better than nothing.


Is it just the photo, or the combination of WP and the Coti? Because I only see a hard to see white blur where the dogs are supposed to be.

I thought it highlighted them in orange? Are there other settings on Coti kinda like PSQ20? Like outline vs. full and contrasting colors like orange against green?

When will the new integrated thermal/NV stuff be available? I really like the FSQ36.

And what about "true color" NV? Vic I think showed me a picture of it, currently the technology fits in a large shoebox but it's a prototype. That'll be the end all be all of night vision, it looked like a PERFECTLY lit twilight daytime with color and all. Gotta see it to believe it. That's what I have my mind on, and all it needs is a rudimentary thermal like Coti built in simply to highlight targets easier, because full thermal is not needed the way the color setup works.

Man I hope that comes along sooner than later. I don't wanna be 80 and waiting for it.
The photograph is pretty bad—night vision doesn’t really photograph all that well, nor does the COTI, the naked eye visual is much clearer and cleaner.

Moreover, the setting that the photograph was taken doesn’t necessarily highlight what the COTI is most useful for, it was just what I was able to take last night to give a general idea of what it looked like with an UF WP tube.

This is a better demonstration of the COTI in use (thin filmed OMNI VIII Green tube) in an urban area with mixed lighting during one of our Night Fighter classes, students are attempting to use concealment approximately 50+ yards away or so, and I cycle through the different detection modes (full thermal, patrol, and outline):

The COTI and E-COTI are front projection, so through the image intensifier tube, the thermal image will always be “white,” as the tube is not capable of replicating color, unlike dedicated fusion systems like the FGE or ENVG that can generate color thermal.

Beyond that, there’s not really much available on the horizon yet for commercial available fusion systems besides the COTI besides gray market goods, though I personally am a big fan and would love to see (and will do anything I can to help) wider availability of fusion systems.

One of the issues that adds complexity and sensitivity—and therefore cost to many currently fielded fusion systems is that fused NV and thermal is arguably the least interesting thing they do, rather, it’s the suite of augmented reality capabilities that they have that aren’t really something the commercial or even most LE markets can really take advantage of without networked capabilities which make the goggle itself seem like the cheap part of the system.

Think of it this way: a PVS-31A is about $10-$12,000 depending on the kit, and an E-COTI (which does also have some augmented reality capabilities) is $7,850, with a system cost of ~$20,000 give or take, yet the PSQ-36A FGE runs about $37-$43,000. Even L3 is not so brazen as to charge $17,000+ just for “synergy” just for combining the two.

I’d love to have a fusion goggle... it would be awesome. But for now I’d just like them to stop restricting all the things to mil/le. Pvs31s. GPNVGs. Certain thermal/nv clip ons. It’s incredibly annoying to be told by a manufacturer you can’t buy something that’s totally legal for you to own. I almost feel like they hate us.

I understand military contracts. But rather than be told you can’t buy one, it would be nicer to hear: yeah you can buy one, but we’re filling mil orders so there’s a waiting list and it’s gonna be a while.

I’m sure a lot of us would be ok with the demo, overrun, slight blem stuff, etc... at a reduced price.

But no, I am apparently a communist.

/endrant. Sorry for the derail.