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Eighty... count them 80... Hispanic channels on my Satellite?


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?

Once upon a time, Immigrant parents insisted that their kids learn English. They did not allow them to speak native languages.

Now I have to scroll through 80 channels of Hispanic TV... created for people who will not assimilate.

Heck, I speak fluent Spanish, French, some German, some Russian and a bit of Pashtu... but Americans are considered isolationist and xenophobic because we don't speak other languages.

But right now, I don't see millions of illegals and tens of thousands of legal immigrants trying to assimilate.

BTW, has anyone ever seen companies like Rosetta Stone offer a package for "Hey Immigrants, learn English with our program?" No, it's always "Hey Latte-sucking suburbian white-folks... learn LBP languages because it will get you ahead..." sales pitches aimed at white-guilt leftards... or people who want to go to Thailand and do "A thing..." that they advertise for.

Shouldn't Rosetta Stone be advertising "Learn English" to millions of immigrants?

Just having a pissed-off moment... Since when were we supposed to spend tens of millions of tax dollars providing some kind of bushman click-language translators at DMV because those we allow into our nation... won't learn English. Here's some news... we're all homo sapiens. Everyone from the rainforest to Greenwich, CT. has the same basic genome and capacity for learning. If you are coming to America, you need to learn English. It's not beyond you. Every human being (short of some of the leftist retards here on SH) is able to learn English and could probably become a nuclear engineer.

But those who refuse to learn English should have a year and then... Adios. Get your un-assimilated a** back to the African bush.

Pardon my comments. I am pretty pissed off having to scroll through dozens of channels of Spanish on my TV. BTW, when I travel to EU... guess how many English channels they have? That would be %$$#ing none.


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It's a squirt of piss in the face I agree.
This same thing has aggravated me for years.
I even called my cable supplier awhile back and asked them what my bill would be if they removed all the garbage channels to include CNN and the other shit news channels and all that were not in english, I think you know the answer.
So I dropped everything but basic and cut it down significantly to say fuck you very much.
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My wife is an immigrant. She came here unable to understand, speak or write English. She learned English.

The clinic she works in is in an Everythings Free in America neighborhood. Walking into the lobby and yelling "Immigras" would clear the place out quicker than OC spray.

She actually got dinged on a performance appraisal because she couldn't converse with the Spanish only EBT card holders, her native language being other than Spanish.

For the record, I have nothing against any race, religion, or any of that shit. What I can’t stand are the people who are too fucking lazy to join the society that they want reap the benefits of. You know the entitled mother fuckers who have their fucking hand out and say “it’s not my fault that I am a worthless piece of dog shit”. That absolutely includes those who are born into this society.
Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?

Once upon a time, Immigrant parents insisted that their kids learn English. They did not allow them to speak native languages.

Now I have to scroll through 80 channels of Hispanic TV... created for people who will not assimilate.

Heck, I speak fluent Spanish, French, some German, some Russian and a bit of Pashtu... but Americans are considered isolationist and xenophobic because we don't speak other languages.

But right now, I don't see millions of illegals and tens of thousands of legal immigrants trying to assimilate.

BTW, has anyone ever seen companies like Rosetta Stone offer a package for "Hey Wets... learn English with our program?" No, it's always "Hey Latte-sucking suburbian white-folks... learn LBP languages because it will get you ahead..." sales pitches aimed at white-guilt leftards... or people who want to go to Thailand and do "A thing..." that they advertise for.

Shouldn't Rosetta Stone be advertising "Learn English" to millions of immigrants?

Just having a pissed-off moment... Since when were we supposed to spend tens of millions of tax dollars providing some kind of bushman click-language translators at DMV because those we allow into our nation... won't learn English. Here's some news... we're all homo sapiens. Everyone from the rainforest to Greenwich, CT. has the same basic genome and capacity for learning. If you are coming to America, you need to learn English. It's not beyond you. Every human being (short of some of the leftist retards here on SH) is able to learn English and could probably become a nuclear engineer.

But those who refuse to learn English should have a year and then... Adios. Get your un-assimilated a** back to the African bush.

Pardon my comments. I am pretty pissed off having to scroll through dozens of channels of Wetback on my TV. BTW, when I travel to EU... guess how many English channels they have? That would be %$$#ing none.


When my parents came here in the 50s they had to:
  1. Have a sponsor and a job waiting
  2. Learn the language via night school
  3. Become a US Citizen when they were eligible
Seemed like it worked well with weaving you into the fabric of the US. People are always concerned with losing their culture but the fact is you don't. My parents enjoyed being in their cultural neighborhoods but also deeply respected the right to live your life. My dad believed the BOR to be one of the most amazing documents of its kind.

When I call a customer support number and listen to someone speak in Spanish before I hear it in English, I am not very happy
I'm supposed to learn wet back so I can talk to the tractor operators. I say fuck that shit.
Just speak English with a mexican accent. Very funny. Building something for Koreans. Walking the job and (somewhat) talking to the head koreans, my super started talking to them like he does to the mex operators. Mex accent, adds a vowel at the end of words, fucking embarrassing and hilarious. Head korean looks at me like wtf...
You motherfuckers have no clue, my wife, a school teacher at an elementary school in Colorado, was fired because she does not speak Spanish. Do you understand what I'm saying?:mad: An American teaching English at an American school was fired because she does not speak Spanish. We are being replaced by more obedient slaves. In 20 years you will be lucky if all the TV stations are not in foreign languages.
When you GIVE everyone everything they just don't give a flying fuck. This lesson has been proven time and time again. When you hand out food, housing, health care, education, etc. there's no appreciation because there's no investment of sweat and time. Keep kissing the ass of illegals who slip into your home and then expect you cater to their needs because their feet now rest on our soil. Fuck you. Learn the language of the country you just snuck into you useless fucks.
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Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?

Once upon a time, Immigrant parents insisted that their kids learn English. They did not allow them to speak native languages.

Now I have to scroll through 80 channels of Hispanic TV... created for people who will not assimilate.

Heck, I speak fluent Spanish, French, some German, some Russian and a bit of Pashtu... but Americans are considered isolationist and xenophobic because we don't speak other languages.

But right now, I don't see millions of illegals and tens of thousands of legal immigrants trying to assimilate.

BTW, has anyone ever seen companies like Rosetta Stone offer a package for "Hey Wets... learn English with our program?" No, it's always "Hey Latte-sucking suburbian white-folks... learn LBP languages because it will get you ahead..." sales pitches aimed at white-guilt leftards... or people who want to go to Thailand and do "A thing..." that they advertise for.

Shouldn't Rosetta Stone be advertising "Learn English" to millions of immigrants?

Just having a pissed-off moment... Since when were we supposed to spend tens of millions of tax dollars providing some kind of bushman click-language translators at DMV because those we allow into our nation... won't learn English. Here's some news... we're all homo sapiens. Everyone from the rainforest to Greenwich, CT. has the same basic genome and capacity for learning. If you are coming to America, you need to learn English. It's not beyond you. Every human being (short of some of the leftist retards here on SH) is able to learn English and could probably become a nuclear engineer.

But those who refuse to learn English should have a year and then... Adios. Get your un-assimilated a** back to the African bush.

Pardon my comments. I am pretty pissed off having to scroll through dozens of channels of Wetback on my TV. BTW, when I travel to EU... guess how many English channels they have? That would be %$$#ing none.


Hey, I'm with you. My ancestors were Scottish. Damnit, they came to this country and learned the damn language. :LOL:
Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?
Seriously, up by you?
I figured by "wetbacks" you were talking about le sneaky Quebecois swimming down Lac Champlain.
Last time they invaded, they made it as far as Burlington... then realized it was too gay and rude even for them.

Edit... yeah, yeah, you can't swim to Bennington. This is what happens when work bugs me during SH time.
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My wife is an immigrant and love other cultures. having traveled the world I appreciate everyone for who they are. But what I see happening is a slow invasion of our country with cultures that do not share the founding values of the USA. The question is what to do about it?
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Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?

Once upon a time, Immigrant parents insisted that their kids learn English. They did not allow them to speak native languages.

Now I have to scroll through 80 channels of Hispanic TV... created for people who will not assimilate.

Heck, I speak fluent Spanish, French, some German, some Russian and a bit of Pashtu... but Americans are considered isolationist and xenophobic because we don't speak other languages.

But right now, I don't see millions of illegals and tens of thousands of legal immigrants trying to assimilate.

BTW, has anyone ever seen companies like Rosetta Stone offer a package for "Hey Wets... learn English with our program?" No, it's always "Hey Latte-sucking suburbian white-folks... learn LBP languages because it will get you ahead..." sales pitches aimed at white-guilt leftards... or people who want to go to Thailand and do "A thing..." that they advertise for.

Shouldn't Rosetta Stone be advertising "Learn English" to millions of immigrants?

Just having a pissed-off moment... Since when were we supposed to spend tens of millions of tax dollars providing some kind of bushman click-language translators at DMV because those we allow into our nation... won't learn English. Here's some news... we're all homo sapiens. Everyone from the rainforest to Greenwich, CT. has the same basic genome and capacity for learning. If you are coming to America, you need to learn English. It's not beyond you. Every human being (short of some of the leftist retards here on SH) is able to learn English and could probably become a nuclear engineer.

But those who refuse to learn English should have a year and then... Adios. Get your un-assimilated a** back to the African bush.

Pardon my comments. I am pretty pissed off having to scroll through dozens of channels of Wetback on my TV. BTW, when I travel to EU... guess how many English channels they have? That would be %$$#ing none.


Sirhr, I have usually agreed with your comments and posts but this one was completely out of line and I hope it doesn't show your myopic and backwards-ass (excuse the language) homophobic ideology! I am a first-generation American and we were taught to respect and love this country and I have taught the same thing to my children who I have worked hard and educated via a Tier 1 division, conservative university (if you can believe one still exists). I understand that these times we are seeing and living are hard and make MOST of us upset but don't make idiotic comments! If you wish to discuss the matter further send me a PM. Best regards, SoTex
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All of these wets living off of EBT, not contributing a dime to the local economy and they get 50% off cable, internet, streaming services for using that EBT card.

Motherfuckers are living off of free tax payer dollars that they don't rate and get a fucking discount on shit I got to pay full price for. That is why you have 80 channels of bullshit to wade through.
Sirhr, I have usually agreed with your comments and posts but this one was completely out of line and I hope it doesn't show your myopic and backwards-ass (excuse the language) homophobic ideology! I am a first-generation American and we were taught to respect and love this country and I have taught the same thing to my children who I have worked hard and educated via a Tier 1 division, conservative university (if you can believe one still exists). I understand that these times we are seeing and living are hard and make MOST of us upset but don't make idiotic comments! If you wish to discuss the matter further send me a PM. Best regards, SoTex
Stex: Your literate, erudite and well-phrased comments are a clear indication that you are the type of person we need in the USA.... no matter where you were born or where your parents were born.

Immigration is a great thing. I have said many times here in SH that the USA should be draining the world if it’s best and brightest... it’s most motivated... and offering them a home. At some level we are all immigrants.

But sometime in the past 20 years or so, we went from allowing in national assets... to bringing in a fifth column of people who don’t want to build their new land... but want to destroy it from within. Part of that is reflected by the utter unwillingness to recognize their new Country, and instead to continue to worship the one they escaped from while blaming their adopted country for all their ills.

Don’t get me wrong... when yuppie urbanites escape their now unsafe urban hovels and come to rural America... they do the same thing. Perhaps worse. This is not limited to any ethnic group... instead to a type of person regardless of their background.

Moreover, the whole “press 1 for Spanish” or the fact that you can take a drivers test in Bantu is not the fault of immigrants, imho, but of the people who want to control immigrant populations in the US and even in EU. How to control them? Make them unemployable by ensuring they don’t learn English or their adoptive country’s language, for one. Remind them they are inferior and make it easy to not get ahead... watch your TV (where we brainwash you further) and blame others for not getting ahead.... you will note in my original post that I pointed out that any immigrant is able to learn the language... we are all fundamentally built around the same brain. But when the same forces that want a herd of votes (and cheap labor... believe me, it’s not all votes) work to keep people down, then it makes sense for them to dangle out nice soft cages like tv and a ready-made captive culture that becomes the velvet pit from which no one is motivated to escape.

80 channels of satellite propaganda... press 1 for Language X... all engineered by people who don’t want assimilation, they want control. And the best way to control someone is to keep them isolated... scared... believing everyone is against them.

I admit, the title of my original post does not help that belief. But the reality is that, as a nation, we generally have no problem with immigrants... it’s not the 1880’s and those damn Irish any more. We have a problem with seeing the very foundations of our society being torn down not by immigration that improves our population, but by a hoard that is bent on destroying it. And it’s not just Americans. Look at the National anger in Sweden, Germany, France, UK and everywhere else where native national culture is being expunged.

Want to be empowered in America? Press 1 and learn English. It is the key to a job. To opportunity. To becoming the very thing you, or your parents or grandparents... sought when they risked everything to come here. That is the quest to become successful people in the only land on earth where everything was a blank slate... where a family could start over without Kings and potentates and tribal lands.... Yeah, I know. It was more complicated than that. Still is. But the land of opportunity is still here... for those who go after it.

You don’t go after it moping about public housing, watching 80 channels of native-language propaganda all day, waiting for the check that keeps you fed just enough that it’s not worth trying to improve. Comfortable enough that ‘why bother’ trying to get ahead and grab for the brass ring. All while and becoming temporarily useful every few years when some pandering politician harvests you for a ballot...

My apologies, Stex, if I offended you and yours. But the fact that we can have this discussion makes you clearly part of the solution... Not the problem everyone recognizes... but will get stomped for pointing out.


Ps, pardon the less-than-literate typos and punctuation errors above. I hate composing on a phone! I also changed the title because you are correct... it was beneath me.
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The legal entries normally speak English after the first gen. The problem is the illegal entries. The people making money don't care if their customers are legal or not. They just see $$$$. JMHO
Just wondering why there are 80 Mexican channels on American Satellite TV?

Once upon a time, Immigrant parents insisted that their kids learn English. They did not allow them to speak native languages.

Now I have to scroll through 80 channels of Hispanic TV... created for people who will not assimilate.

Heck, I speak fluent Spanish, French, some German, some Russian and a bit of Pashtu... but Americans are considered isolationist and xenophobic because we don't speak other languages.

But right now, I don't see millions of illegals and tens of thousands of legal immigrants trying to assimilate.

BTW, has anyone ever seen companies like Rosetta Stone offer a package for "Hey Immigrants, learn English with our program?" No, it's always "Hey Latte-sucking suburbian white-folks... learn LBP languages because it will get you ahead..." sales pitches aimed at white-guilt leftards... or people who want to go to Thailand and do "A thing..." that they advertise for.

Shouldn't Rosetta Stone be advertising "Learn English" to millions of immigrants?

Just having a pissed-off moment... Since when were we supposed to spend tens of millions of tax dollars providing some kind of bushman click-language translators at DMV because those we allow into our nation... won't learn English. Here's some news... we're all homo sapiens. Everyone from the rainforest to Greenwich, CT. has the same basic genome and capacity for learning. If you are coming to America, you need to learn English. It's not beyond you. Every human being (short of some of the leftist retards here on SH) is able to learn English and could probably become a nuclear engineer.

But those who refuse to learn English should have a year and then... Adios. Get your un-assimilated a** back to the African bush.

Pardon my comments. I am pretty pissed off having to scroll through dozens of channels of Spanish on my TV. BTW, when I travel to EU... guess how many English channels they have? That would be %$$#ing none.


The acronym on many eyedrops bottles is 'BAK'. Used to tell patients it stands for 'Buy Another Kind'.
I agree with Heavy Assault! Some of those senoritas are off the charts. I cannot comment on why there are so many cholo channels, I have no idea....but once again I would like to help fellow members with my own insight and personal experiences in the cholo culture with a simple question....

What do Mexicans and cue balls have in common?

The harder you hit them, the better the english....😂
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