There are good amount of stocks available for the 455 now. Boyds offers 3 different ones, Richard microfit offers one based on like 12+ styles, Manners offers one, and I believe McMillan does as well. The boyds stock are great for the money but are not perfect. Better than the factory American or varmint stock though IMO. Like the factory stocks the boyds stocks still have some flex in the forend. This will affect groups off both the bench and especially when shooting from a bipod. I sat down to figure a way to fix this problem and had the pleasure of doing it on someone else's stock. It worked so now I'm doing it to one of mine . I ran out of epoxy so can't show it finished yet but can show you the other part. What I did was cut 3/16" steel rod at .780" long and hand filed them down to .774" for a perfect fit (stocks will vary so must be measured). I placed a total of 6 pieces in the stock and then fill the entire area in with acraglas (not the gel kind). This has proved to make for one rigid stick!!!