ELR and wind


Area Man
Full Member
  • Jul 30, 2009
    Where's a good resource for those dipping their toes into the elr game for how to figure wind at 2,000+ yards? How are folks doing this at 3,000+? ? I doubt my Kestrel measuring wind at my immediate location will be much help. Thanks in advance!
    Experience is the only way imo. When shooting ELR the bullet is traveling 100-200+ ft above your line of sight. No way to get up there and measure wind speed or even direction. Being able to spot where the bullets hit is vital to learning the winds.
    there will be a million answers but they should all start with

    learn to use your natural wind indicators trees/leaves/mirage

    after that you choose the formula or program you like best

    if you cant tell the difference a 4-6MPH left to right and a 8-10MPH left to right

    your just volley fire at that distance no matter how good you weapon system is

    after that monitor and learn about how terrain pushes the wind around

    doesnt help you that to know a certain terrain feature pushes the wind a specific direction

    if you cant tell how fast it moving