ELR Target hit indicator: NEED INPUT


Full Member
Oct 14, 2010
Northern Colorado, United States
Im sure many of you are familiar with the IRIS system? for those that are not here is a link I.R.I.S.

I need somthing like this, actually the IRIS system does everything i could possibly want it to, but the problem is i need 6 of them and there is no way i can justify $3K for this.

What i am doing is building my own system from open source components and software, and when I'm done and have all the kinks worked out i plan to make the plans available for anyone and everyone for the price of FREE...

What i would like from the SH community is their input as far as what features they would like to see.
For example i could build a system that will do the job of the iris for about $35, the catch is it would not be wireless and you could not make it flash without hitting the target. this would be a bare bones system that just signaled when there was a bullet impact on steel.

Option 2 is to build the same system as above but the sensor on the steel is wireless. this would bring the final price up slightly but would help prevent damage to the wire leads and make set up simple. price guesstimate $75

Option 3 is to replicate the functions of the iris, remote control and all. i believe this could be done for about $150-$200 and $75 or so per additional target.

these prices are ballpark guesses and are only for the components. Assembly required (im not selling anything, all parts would be purchased from your choice of online vendor or local electronics store)

there are some other things i could do, i could make the system light up a display at the shooter position instead of or in conjunction with the the down range led, i could make it so the remote at the shooters position flashes all targets instead of selected ones, ect. if you have any good ideas throw them out there.

what im looking for is input, what features do you like or dislike, what do you want to see. do you want a bare bones cheap as dirt system that will do the job or do you want all the bells and whistles?
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I say have the plans for a bare bones and bells and whisltes options. I agree, Im a Computer engineer by degree with a minor in Electrical so knowing that I could do most of the work for a fraction of the cost is what keeps me from buying most things. The other side of it is time. I hardly have any time as is to design anything and the design takes way longer than the build. If you designed it, Ill build one off your plans to give feedback and show estimates of how long it would take the average person as well as cost.