Depends on the distance from the fulcrum point, as that will determine the angle. Assuming the fulcrum point is your shoulder, and using a 48" total length rifle.
View attachment 7517151
Image exaggerated for illustration purposes EDIT:
Note that the image shows a .1" barrel rise, which is a typo.
Your POA is rising .01" per 48". As
@C.R. Adams mentions the formula is rise at muzzle/distance to muzzle = POA rise at target/distance to target
For your example with my assumption of a 48" rifle: .01"/48" = .00021
So, POA rise = .00021 x distance to target
At 100 yards = .00021 x 100 yards = .021 yards or .756"
Actual POI will be altered by the drop over 100 yards - likely 0 since you'd probably be zeroed at 100, but not always the case.