EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

Get ready guys. Obama is coming. He knows he can not get this through Congress. But with the stroke of a pen he can take away lead bullets. And don't think for a second that he will not do it, because he will do it. Tom.
Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

It's not about who's gonna do this; its about how soon the 'others' can get this crammed down the responsible gun owners' throat.

We keep electing folks to carry our banners and they perpetually turn on us. Doing the same things repeatedly in the expectation of change (or hope) is quite literally the definition of insanity. It's gotten so they don't even have to say what they mean by change and hope, the voters cast their votes in perfect Pavlovian obedience.

These folks need some object lessons about the consequences of institutionalized crapping on the voters.

As long as they can do it with impunity they will not only continue to do so, they will take extreme pleasure in the exercise.

'Will'? More like 'do'.

Bottom line. One can fool some of the people all the time.

Maybe that's not the majority, but if the majority can be discouraged from participation, it's more than enough.

This is the core truth of contemporary American government.

We need a new core truth. Badly.

Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

<span style="font-size: 20pt"><span style="color: #FF0000">EPA Rejects Calls to Ban Lead in Ammo, Fishing Tackle</span></span>


<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Environmental Protection Agency has denied a petition filed by environmental activists seeking to ban lead in ammunition and fishing tackle, saying such regulation is beyond the agency's authority.

The agency's decision, announced Friday shortly after FoxNews.com published its report on the issue, sided with hunters and fishermen who had argued that the such regulations weren't allowed under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.</div></div>

whoo-da-thunk it ?
Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

Bait and switch. Stage one, complete. The smoke and mirrors soon follow, now that we've been lulled into that false sense of security.
Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

It's what happened to Cap and Trade/Waxman Markey and whatever the newest name is. They "tabled" the bill altogether, meanwhile EPA is sneaking into oil producing/refining states and taking over local regulatory agencies permitting practices

Like any good facist government would do
Re: EPA trying to ban ammo and lead sinkers

Got an email this morning from the NRA that states that this is not true, the EPA knows nothing about lead ammo ban.
Sounds like a rumor.