ERL range finders ??? Options ????


Full Member
Feb 19, 2008
Orem, Utah
Hi shooters!

Can anyone out there clarify for me what Vectronix is offering in the way of range finders?

I have been to their website and can see the PLRF 10's and 15's,

But could see no mention of the 25 nor any information about the PLRF 5 or the Terrapin.

So my question is, are all these different options available in the USA, or are some not available here??

Please help,

Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

The 05 is the Terrapin, a new slightly downgraded 10 that's targeted at civie shooters. Because it's not mil-rated it's not ITAR controlled for import/export. The 10 and 15 just blow the doors off of any of the common LRFs being talked about on shooting forums. They reliably range ELR distances but come at a stiff price. Hence the interest in a more affordable version (the 05). The 10C and 15C include a digital compass so that when you combine them with a GPS you get range and coords to targets. The 25 is the latest evolution of the series and very much miniaturized into a device easily half the size of the 10 if not smaller.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

The Terrapin and the 05 are the same unit. For some reason they are not listed on the US web site. But I just picked one up on the Snipers Hide group buy. (sorry you just missed it). Should still be able to order from Potomic River Group.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

What DogTown stated here above is 100% correct , I have the PLRF10C which is the heat indeed but it is very pricey and , some times , its performances are even beyond the needs of any standard long range shooter

PP out
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Darkphage</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What kind of ranges can you get with the 05?

Dark </div></div> Ranged a water tower at 3800 meters @ night. Ranged one @ 2600 during the day time. Was instant and repeatable. Hoping to get out this weekend and test it on my 24" plate, IF the weather holds out. Kicks my swaro right in the a$$.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

Darkphage said:
What kind of ranges can you get with the 05?

Dark [/quote

you can read many testimonials from 05 owners... but for sure it can do what no other LRF can do... I don't know of another brand you can buy at any price that does what the 05 can do... for sure Bushnell, Leica, Swaro, Zeiss cannot touch the 05 with any of their current SKUs, AFAIK.

For sure anything you'll range in broad daylight regardless of reflectivity, rock or car or person or whatever... you can for sure get out to 2000 yards, no matter what. Most of the time you can get to 2400 in broad daylight... at dawn, dusk or cloudy conditions you can increase out to maybe 3000 to almost 5000 yards depending.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">For sure anything you'll range in broad daylight regardless of reflectivity, rock or car or person or whatever... you can for sure get out to 2000 yards, no matter what. Most of the time you can get to 2400 in broad daylight... at dawn, dusk or cloudy conditions you can increase out to maybe 3000 to almost 5000 yards depending.</div></div>

And I figure since 2000 Meters / 2200 yards is on the far end of my first-second shot confidence with a .338 Lapua / 300-grain Scenar between 2750 and 2850 at the muzzle I'm fairly happy with that.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

thank you for the responses.

been thinking about getting one for a long time.

seems like the 05 might be the ticket and has a great price tag, just wished i'd have gotten in on the group buy.

If anyone has an extra from the group buy i'd be really interested.


Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

Just got a used PLRF15 yesterday and had some fun late yesterday afternoon ranging stuff, through the snow that was falling, at distances anywhere from about 50m to nearly 700m - limited only by what I could see from the house. Going to go see what I can range with it today in better weather but it looks like my little Zeiss may be looking for a new home soon.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

that would be an impressive upgrade since my Bushnell 1500 would rarely make it to 1000 yards in the sun. Very frustrating device.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ring</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cali_tz</div><div class="ubbcode-body">that would be an impressive upgrade since my Bushnell 1500 would rarely make it to 1000 yards in the sun. Very frustrating device. </div></div>


Watched the video. First thing evident in the video is that's a partly cloudy day which definitely helps all ELRs do their thing farther. That being said, the ranging performance shown is definitely better than the Elite 1500 which is just plain useless for ELR out to a mile. I'd say the performance for the money is pretty darn good then for the 1600. I wonder how it would perform side by side to the Terrapin in full sun.
Re: ERL range finders ??? Options ????

on the first question, it's not clear. I've seen documentation that says it does compensate for angle, and then I've seen other documentation that says it does not.

I would tend to conclude that the Terrapin does not compensate for angle, mainly because there are a variety of formulas to compensate for angle, and if they did include that math, then we would have been told in the manual which computation is being done for compensation. More likely is that if they were detecting slope, they would just report it in the display for the user to put into his own ballistic software solution.