Ethical question of the evening

She has never been and is never a friend to the same people of color that she is spouting off all the time about. As a DA she put many innocent black men behind bars while letting actual violent criminals continue to roam free on reduced sentences. Her constituents now are facing violent migrant gangs taking over their neighborhoods and apartment buildings and nothing is being done about it.
I didn't know she had done that, but if she did I'm assuming it has something to do with her ethnic heritage. Indians tend to be like that with tones.
yup. color and caste are tightly related (with exceptions). the darker sudras as the lowest caste.

Her constituents now are facing violent migrant gangs taking over their neighborhoods and apartment buildings and nothing is being done about it.

She’s hood winking the crap out of them right now and they are too ignorant to figure it out and will vote for her, just watch. They believe every lying word and will never check out what she does and will vote for her a second time too. And she will keep stuffing their hoods and screwing them over. My thought is, once the south of the boarder gangs really get going, they are going to clean house in the “African” America neighborhoods/ghettos they’ve been dumped in and the indigenous people are not going to know what hit them.

Things have gone down hill since those who don’t own land have gotten to vote…….
I'd really like to hear more about the people who peddle this hindu whore as African than more about her. For her entire adult life she has been a cum sponge for rich, politically connected men and now she's peddled as the first black woman president and every media outlet on earth is reporting it in lock step.

Who has that power?
I'd really like to hear more about the people who peddle this hindu whore as African than more about her. For her entire adult life she has been a cum sponge for rich, politically connected men and now she's peddled as the first black woman president and every media outlet on earth is reporting it in lock step.

Who has that power?
Larry Fink, Soros junior, and the deep state that holds the Epstein blackmail material.
I'd really like to hear more about the people who peddle this hindu whore as African than more about her. For her entire adult life she has been a cum sponge for rich, politically connected men and now she's peddled as the first black woman president and every media outlet on earth is reporting it in lock step.

Who has that power?

Further more, what adult aged idiots believe that nonsense and can’t see the obvious outright lie?? Oh, yeah, reminds me of this bible verse:

Second Thessalonians 2:11-12 says, “And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Also read Romans 1:18-32 which describes such people. Seems we are on the fast path to the end times in Revelation. Whats coming is not pretty.

Soros, the deep state, the media, etc. would not have such power if there were not millions of delusional people. Without the idiots, they would be powerless.

Edit. I must add, that while Trump is the obvious better choice in the election for a host of reasons including international respect, which she will not have, Trump is not our savior. Eventually, biblical prophecy will come true, you can’t vote it to not happen.
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Further more, what adult aged idiots believe that nonsense and can’t see the obvious outright lie?? Oh, yeah, reminds me of this bible verse:

Second Thessalonians 2:11-12 says, “And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Also read Romans 1:18-32 which describes such people. Seems we are on the fast path to the end times in Revelation. Whats coming is not pretty.

Soros, the deep state, the media, etc. would not have such power if there were not millions of delusional people. Without the idiots, they would be powerless.

Edit. I must add, that while Trump is the obvious better choice in the election for a host of reasons including international respect, which she will not have, Trump is not our savior. Eventually, biblical prophecy will come true, you can’t vote it to not happen.
the sheeple are delusional because most were subjected to 12+ years of free public "education". once MSM has put an issue and the "correct" opinion in their head,there is no getting them to even glimpse at the facts of the issue. once the lies,useing the goebells techniques,are installed in their heads,it's game over.