For a long time, the going rate for a PLANT a plant mind you, was a dollar a gallon. Lots of other factors there, but it was a good rule of thumb.The ww treatment infrastructure in some places is far behind what it should be. The millions of dollars we have sent to shit hole countries like ukraine could be going towards these badly needed upgrades.
This does not address hundreds of miles of antiquated pipes. Lift stations, manholes, etc.
When I retired, we were making upgrades to deal strictly with I&I at the PLANT.
Fix the hole.
This was a 30+ million project.
Fix the hole.
One part of the project was a high flow primary clarifier 12million on its own.
Fix the hole.
Only AFTER the HRPC was nearly complete, did we, the LEAD operators learn. The only place this piece of equipment exists...and can be seen in in a drinking water plant!
Fix the hole.
My paperwork for retirement was in, and date set. So I had no fear of repercussion when I looked at my boss, and told him I would hate to be his dumb ass, when they put the HRPC on line.
Fix the hole.
Everyone knew there was a hole.
No one was allowed to talk about it, cause it was too hard and too expensive to fix. Evidently more than 30M.
Its gonna take trillions to upgrade the antiquated systems in this country.