Re: expectations of military snipers(first round h
Rick, Please continue to comment, don't refrain.
There is an ongoing study on some things related to hits and the methodology is going to be as follows:
a. Highest speed low drag outfit puts forth X number of shooters and the results average will be taken. This eliminates the gun specific guy who does it all on his own and is way better than the rest.
b. The next high speed unit puts forth X number of shooters and the results average will be taken.
c. The third tier will put forth X number of shooters and the results average will be taken.
d. Standard line units will put forth X number of shooters an the results average will be taken.
e. Cooks, Bakers, and Support units will put forth X number of shooters and the results average will be taken.
The results are predictable in that Unit A will have the highest hit probability due to their mission specific training and dedication (and resources allocated) to training. Then Unit B, then Unit C, etc, until we get to the support units.
The individual figures for each group will provide training needs for each group to meet a set criteria.
The average of Units A, B, and C, being who they are will be further averaged to give a cross the board average of special units that give higher priority to training and mission specific results, and the figures will be correspondingly appropriate.
Unit D, all regular units with similar mission specific requirements will have lower results and hit probability based on unit training allowances balanced against other unit duty requirements that require daily attention.
Unit E is being done simply because they have to meet specific requirements to function in combat and have any probability of survivable.
This methodology has been proven in military testing and the results parrallel after action reports with an amazing correlation of correctness. This methodology provides the solid data and mathematics to give a reasonable picture of what is going to happen, given attainable training requirements.
FWIW, the hit results quoted with the KAC rifle were obtained using the above methodolgy and are accurate.
Using proven Sniper weapons systems, the hit results go up, some, but not to the degree many would think.
Any of you guys who want to make the mistake of questioning Longrange1947 are so far out in left field that you would be much better off keeping your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove any doubt the rest of the world had about your being a fool.
If that statement offends any of you, TS, because you obviously don't know who he is, what background he has, or know that he is one of the longest running people involved with this type of stuff related to Sniping, and recognized as such in the professional Sniper community.