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Faith in humanity restored!

Re: Faith in humanity restored!

Good stuff!

We had something similar happen after Lauren Burk was kidnapped, raped, and killed at Auburn. Westboro made it public that they'd protest on Samford lawn (that it was HER fault) and the time they'd be there. Well a few of us showed up ready to kick some ass and either they were bluffing or they chickened out as no one showed up.

Those ass-hats make a mockery of Christianity and hurt the ultimate cause they think they're helping.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

Well, looks like it's time to vent,

I've been born and raised a Christian, and it pains me that these people call themselves as such.

What could possibly be going on in their heads to think that they are correct in their judgement of these people? Not just in the hatred towards the troops, but in the anti homosexuality. Sure, I don't support it, but I don't belittle and treat them as if they were dirt or not even human. Yeah, I don't view the same beliefs as homosexuals, but I'm not going to picket their homes and yell at them telling them that they're wrong.

Now, to the troops; This is what gets me going the most. Sure, they can exhibit their right of the 1st Amendment, but it should not go to the point of protesting a Fallen Soldiers funeral. The absolute disrespect for the fact that these guys are putting their lives on the line to protect this Nation, and the Westboro Baptists protest this just creates a huge lack of understanding of their thinking methods, but I digress, as the feelings that I have towards them are just the same as about 99% of the folks on this site.

In response to the article, that did give me hope that those in my generation can stand for what's right.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

This is what we need more of. You have no idea how frustrating it is, from a LE pov, that there is little that can be done if if they are within their "rights". The way I see it, cops have to be sure to not violate First Amendment rights, not too much out their stopping other civilians though. I say there shouldn't be any cops there. That would tip the scales a bit away from Westboro's favor.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

Just like the flag burners but even worse. I wouldn't outlaw it, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't get your ass kicked for it.

DR has a good tactic for these morons who hate everyone around them - let them have their "debate" with those they protest against without the protection of the civil society those they hate provide for them. I'd believe I'd pay to see that.

Which brings up another point - principle is good, and we should never violate our principles for the sake of civility, but that doesn't mean you have to be an ass about it either. 99% of the people who run their mouth like overbearing jackasses have never had it mashed good before. Now that it is dang near a capitol offense to get in a fight at school, spank your child, and coupled with the fact that as adults the first thing a loud mouth jackass will do is sue when someone confronts them, there are not as many of these guys getting their mouths shut for them as there used to be. We have a whole generation of people in this country now who have never been held physically accountable for their mouth even one time in their whole life. I guarantee it would change some of their actions if not their perspective. I wouldn't mind trying to get through to them myself. I'll fight when I need to, but I've been hit enough times that I'm done gettin hit for being an ass on purpose. Though sometimes I just can't help it lol.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

I work with a few aggies and I always give them a hard time about them having yell leaders rather than actual female cheerleaders. Never got that, and it seems slightly "light in the loafers" to me if you know what I mean.

With that said, I have absolutely zero issues with homosexuals, and I hate how some people treat them. I also have a giant disgust for people picketing funerals, that is horrible. I have absolutely no respect for Westboro Baptist Church and its members.

That was a stand up thing for those students and alumni to do, much respect for them! This needs to happen more often!
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Blackops_2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Good that they're keeping protesters out. I have to ask why are they protesting at a funeral? Who does that? </div></div>

Bipolar Schizo's.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

I know how I would react to someone disrespecting a family members funeral, it would not be good. I cannot believe anyone can justify such actions.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

God help the Westboro Church Member who decides to come to a funeral where there are hide members. They are going to be leaving that funeral with a few holes in them.
Re: Faith in humanity restored!

This should restore your 'faith in humanity' back to normal levels:

CARYVILLE, Tenn. (CBS) — A developmentally disabled Algonquin woman abandoned by her mother in a bar in Tennessee has been made a ward of that state, after prosecutors determined her mother didn’t break any laws when she left her there.

As WBBM Newsradio’s Mike Krauser reports, Eva Cameron, 45 – according to news reports from Tennessee – told police she didn’t want her daughter, Lynn, anymore.

LISTEN: WBBM Newsradio’s Mike Krauser reports

Police originally said the mother would be charged with a crime, but prosecutors later determined she didn’t commit one.

Eva Cameron told police in the small town of Caryville, Tenn., that she took her daughter to the Big Orange Bar, directed the developmentally disabled 19-year-old to go to the restroom, and left.

Lynn Cameron cannot communicate, and for 10 days, police had no idea who she was.

News coverage of the disabled girl abandoned in a bar led to tips from 10 states, including the one that checked out and led to Lynn Cameron and her mother.

Speaking to the Northwest Herald, Eva Cameron said she brought her daughter to Tennessee because it has the “number 1 health care system” in the country, and that her church had directed her to the state because it has a larger population of Baptists.

Lynn Cameron suffers from multiple disabilities, including cerebral palsy and visual impairment, the newspaper reported.
<span style="color: #CC0000"><span style="font-weight: bold">
Eva Cameron told the newspaper that she also has another disabled child and couldn’t handle caring for both of them. She called the fallout from her choice to leave her daughter behind “just a big hoopla out of nothing,” the Northwest Herald reports.</span></span>

Lynn Cameron was to be taken to the Michael Dunn Center, a facility for children and adults with developmental disabilities in Roane County, Tenn. A ruling still must be issued on whether she will remain in Tennessee or be returned to Illinois, reports CBS affiliate WVLT-TV, Knoxville.

Re: Faith in humanity restored!

There was a funeral recently in Mississippi wherein the Westboro Bros were going to protest. In addition to the Patriot Guard (the Motorcyclist Group that honors military funerals) it was reported that any Kansas tag that was visible at any motel for miles around found a pickup truck parked behind the car at daybreak, and the police, et.al., couldn't find the owners until after the funeral. Hear say, of course.