Re: Falling Skies on TNT
Excuse me if I sound like a psycho sci fi fan. I have been reading post-apocalyptic scenarios since I was a little kid. I grew up on Heinlien, Asimov, and old guys like John W. Campbell (who wrote "Who Goes There" which was adapted to "The Thing"). I started reading Sci Fi, at 9 years of age, when we lived at Edwards AFB, during the X-15 era. I was ready to go to space next weekend, saw ALL the b-grade black and white monster movies (way before Godzilla).
This particular story line is extremely weak, and I doubt Dale Dye ever got a chance to mention some of the military weaknesses to the producers.
First off, there are no such things as civilians in a situation as bad as this. Only able bodied people willing to carry a weapon, and kill aliens, or dead people. There is no way any realistic scenario includes shepherding a bunch of dependents except perhaps some mothers and children, (I have a photo of a pregnant Israeli woman carrying an Uzi on yard duty in a school yard). Everyone takes a turn on a gun, everyone takes a turn scavenging/foraging.
Second, why no heavy hitters? Even barring the poor effect of the weapons being carried surely there are a few .50 BMG's around, and no matter WHAT a center hit on the head of one of the skitters is taking it down. Splatto.
Antitank weapons to take out the robot forms.
The "harness" is a take off on Heinlien's "Puppet Masters", and not a very good one. Consider the burning off of the harness on the kids: what about all that intense heat transferring into the body?
The weak spot on the aliens is in their mouth? Again, a single 50 cal BMG round to the head, and game over.
I agree that saddled with the sort of situation the lead role is saddled with, I would take some ass-kickers, and splinter off. I think the writers are trying to show that he is better off staying with the doctor, so he can hopefully recover his kid once he repatriates him. Probably can't do that as an outlaw.
Where are these people going? The alien emplacement is the key. Warriors should be near it not running away. And why the harnessed kids are just gathering scrap, instead of some realistic form of scavenging. If the aliens need metal, what about all the tanks, and girders in big buildings? This looks like a scrap drive in elementary school.
Finally, I have missed (recorded) the last two Sundays, so I don't know if they ever explained what the robot form is about. What is inside, and why bipedal? Maybe later.
I am not as impressed as I hoped to be. Typical weak, third-rate-network quality.
It may be "Just fiction" but it isn't done very well.
I expect more.