Family Photograph


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Here are the newest "family" members.........
PGW Timberwolf .338
AI AW .338
AI AW .308
Rem.700 7mm Mag./Mcree Stock/Shillen Barrel [img:left]
Re: Family Photograph

I like to first say, Great collection of rifles.

With that said, what are your personnal opinion between the AI AWSM and the Timberwolf? In particular, accuracy, dependability, worksmanship, material, and shooting experience. I am in the process of getting an AI AWSM in 338 but have always wondered about the Timberwolf.

It is very hard getting info and feedback about the Timberwolf.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
Re: Family Photograph

let me know if you ever want to sell the Timberwolf. Ive tried for years to find one and always come up short. I hear the guys at Rifles Only are coming out with an INSANE bolt action rifle that will surpass all others. Its being made at GAP I believe