Fast twist 22-250 or .22 Creed?

22 Creed can be pushed hotter.
more guys have 6/6.5 creed brass to neck down
creed is a more efficient case design, meaning better barrel life
a normal 22-250 doesn't have the twist for the heavies that guys are gonna run in a 22 Creed (88,90,95)
need to AI a 22-250 to maybe push the 3200 speed limit

that being said, i went 22LRV from WTO. i have a surplus of 6XC brass and with a 26" barrel i won't need the extra few grains of powder in a Creed case to hit max velocity and i expect better barrel life
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I doubt the 22 Creedmoor will have any better barrel life, but the advantages to me are that the brass is cheap and easy to find if you don't mind necking it down, you get 22-250 ackley performance without fireforming and a longer neck. The Creedmoor should be a little faster than a standard 22-250 and about the same as a 22-250 AI. My main reason is i want to run a 22"ish barrel with 75 or 80 eld fast and have an abundance of 1x fired creed brass im not using.
The 22-250 case has a taper appropriate for running in banana shaped AK mags. For running through a straight mag well, something with less case taper is more desirable. Granted with Magpul 5 round mags. I never had any trouble with my 22-250s feeding.
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The 22-250 case is prone to strech, worse, than 22creed. It requires trimming every firing, the 22 creed probably can be trimmed every other firing. The 22-250ai has more case capacity, great brass options and is a more stable case design. Zero body taper and 40° shoulders make trimming brass history and also keeps more combustion heat in case, instead 9f throat area. Plus Ackley cases feed as good as creed cases and look wicked with that 40° shoulder.
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The 22-250 case is prone to strech, worse, than 22creed. It requires trimming every firing, the 22 creed probably can be trimmed every other firing. The 22-250ai has more case capacity, great brass options and is a more stable case design. Zero body taper and 40° shoulders make trimming brass history and also keeps more combustion heat in case, instead 9f throat area. Plus Ackley cases feed as good as creed cases and look wicked with that 40° shoulder.

Creed has more capacity than 22-250ai if it's the typical Ackley design. 47gr on the AI and 52 on the creed.
I have a HH 7T in 22-250 screwed on one of my AIAWs. I haven't shot it past the 600 yard mark but it's been accurate as hell with both the 77SMK and 88 ELD-M ahead of H4350. Not overdriving it but seeing right at 3,100 FPS from a 26" barrel. As for feeding, it will feed nicely from AW using the HRD-Gear spacers or just pushing them forward. It will feed the 88ELDM well without any "fussiness" due to it being a bit longer COAL.
As long as this combination is working I have no need for a 22 Creedmoor but sill take a serious look at it when the time comes to chamber another one.
I have a HH 7T in 22-250 screwed on one of my AIAWs. I haven't shot it past the 600 yard mark but it's been accurate as hell with both the 77SMK and 88 ELD-M ahead of H4350. Not overdriving it but seeing right at 3,100 FPS from a 26" barrel. As for feeding, it will feed nicely from AW using the HRD-Gear spacers or just pushing them forward. It will feed the 88ELDM well without any "fussiness" due to it being a bit longer COAL.
As long as this combination is working I have no need for a 22 Creedmoor but sill take a serious look at it when the time comes to chamber another one.
Used any Sierra Tmks yet? Just got a box...
I doubt the 22 Creedmoor will have any better barrel life, but the advantages to me are that the brass is cheap and easy to find if you don't mind necking it down, you get 22-250 ackley performance without fireforming and a longer neck. The Creedmoor should be a little faster than a standard 22-250 and about the same as a 22-250 AI. My main reason is i want to run a 22"ish barrel with 75 or 80 eld fast and have an abundance of 1x fired creed brass im not using.
I have all of them and while I dig the 250ai the fact that you get the same performance without fire forming is a bonus to me. If I were you I’d decide on bullet weight and barrel length you want and see which case will put you in the speed range you want....loot good brass options with the creed based stuff now but the 250 is still holding area in my heart. I have a new TS Customs 22 creed I’d sell if your interested.
SD is making 22-250 work in an ar based platform....I wonder what the trick is to getting magazine performance?

My justification for severe overlap:
I like the 14 twist 250 for 40-50 gr (bdl ultralight walking varminter)
8” 250ai for the 75’ish gr “deer hunting” (light adl)
7” 250 for 69-95gr all rounder (bdl)
7.5” 22 creed for 80’ish gr hammer on whatever (ai fed)

I think the light being shown on high B.C. performance of heavy .22 the 22 creed will be standardized in the next of the line creedmoor based offerings! Alpha just came out with small pocket brass too but the popularity of the creedmoor is creating offerings from lots of places and a rising tide raises all ships so you’ll be in good shape in the brass department.
I have all of them and while I dig the 250ai the fact that you get the same performance without fire forming is a bonus to me. If I were you I’d decide on bullet weight and barrel length you want and see which case will put you in the speed range you want....loot good brass options with the creed based stuff now but the 250 is still holding area in my heart. I have a new TS Customs 22 creed I’d sell if your interested.

What does the barrel fit?
It’s a complete rifle...
Lone peak razor
Benchmark #5 1:7.5 22”
Manners eh2 elite moss (or swamp...looks a lot like GAP)
Hawkins dbm Ai mag
Blasted SS
Bedded and threaded
tS customs built
Brand new
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I still have quite a few of the 77SMK but it appears, at least from Sierra's info, the 77TMK has a much higher BC. I love the SMK because they have just been so easy to tune for most all the rifles I won (regardless of caliber). Is the TMK as forgiving?
I’ve been shooting this 22 creedmoor for about a year now. I had originally been intending a 22-250AI but went with the 22 creedmoor to avoid fireforming. 6mm hornady brass is easy to neck down, alpha makes excellent brass for it and I hear hornady is planning on bringing out factory brass in 2019.

I’m really glad I did. 95gr SMK @ 3085fps are impressive to say the least. Great accuracy and easy to load for. They feed great from AICS magazines.


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@Thebear_78 would you care to share some more details about your gun and load?
- what barrel twist and length?
- what powder and weight you are using to get that velocity?

It seems that most of the data for the 90 and 95gr pills is trying to push them as fast as possible.... I think that with a slow burning powder and these heavy bullets that it could be essensially the 22cal version of the 6mm Comp Match - good B.C.'s, Decent Velocities, and good barrel life.
My rifle has a 1-7 Schneider 26” long barrel using Re26 powder 41.5gr in hornady 6mm CM brass. LRI did the action and barrel work.

I found good accuracy at this velocity and didn’t feel the need to run it any harder. I was hoping to extend barrel life using heavy bullets at slightly slower velocities.
I have a HH 7T in 22-250 screwed on one of my AIAWs. I haven't shot it past the 600 yard mark but it's been accurate as hell with both the 77SMK and 88 ELD-M ahead of H4350. Not overdriving it but seeing right at 3,100 FPS from a 26" barrel. As for feeding, it will feed nicely from AW using the HRD-Gear spacers or just pushing them forward. It will feed the 88ELDM well without any "fussiness" due to it being a bit longer COAL.
As long as this combination is working I have no need for a 22 Creedmoor but sill take a serious look at it when the time comes to chamber another one.
What charge are you running with H4350 ? I worked up with H4350 in my 22-250 with 88 ELD's and at 34.1 grains it seemed to fall apart ? At 32 grains the load was low single digit SD's and it just went up from there. The groups were good all under an inch just didn't get the spped .
22 Creed can be pushed hotter.
more guys have 6/6.5 creed brass to neck down
creed is a more efficient case design, meaning better barrel life
a normal 22-250 doesn't have the twist for the heavies that guys are gonna run in a 22 Creed (88,90,95)
need to AI a 22-250 to maybe push the 3200 speed limit

that being said, i went 22LRV from WTO. i have a surplus of 6XC brass and with a 26" barrel i won't need the extra few grains of powder in a Creed case to hit max velocity and i expect better barrel life

How does this 22LRV preform that you speak of? I emailed WTO today asking them about it but have yet to get a response on it. Where did you get dies for this cartridge also? TIA