I watched an angus bull walk and put its nose on the top rung of a 6ft drill pipe holding pen. The rear back and jump right over. It kind of lifted and kicked its back legs like it had done it before and didn't make all the way. Then took off.
My buddy had bull just show up with their cows this spring. They brought it home while they were looking for the owner. IT was super nice bull. It had almost undoubtedly been hand fed. We were filling tubs with manure out of the alleyways, and the bull would start dancing around like a puppy when we would walk by with a bucket. My wife said, "Ithoght he was going to smash the fence and attack you guys." I said "Na, he was just happy thinking it was treat time."
My buddy had bull just show up with their cows this spring. They brought it home while they were looking for the owner. IT was super nice bull. It had almost undoubtedly been hand fed. We were filling tubs with manure out of the alleyways, and the bull would start dancing around like a puppy when we would walk by with a bucket. My wife said, "Ithoght he was going to smash the fence and attack you guys." I said "Na, he was just happy thinking it was treat time."