This time of year I like Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan,Cooper's Sparkling Ale, Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock, Skullsplitter. When it warms up, I'll start on Ayinger Brau-Weisse, Paulaner Hefeweizen, Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat, Leibinger Seeradler classik. Another good summer beer was Shiner Smokehaus. The hops were mesquite smoked. It was damn good but the bastards stopped making it
I've probably tried 250-300 different beers and I'm always looking for a new one.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: maggot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ass's Bok. Norwegian, I believe, hard to find but worth the effort. </div></div>
Best beer I ever had was Mack beer from Norway; I can't find it anywhere - I am going to try to get the Aas's Bok.
Also had a beer flavored with a touch of cinammon in Tallin, Estonia which for the life of me I cannot remember. Enjoyed many stone mugs at Ole Hansa resturaunt.
I guess I'm just a broke dick, I drink what I like and lately there's nothing that tastes better to me after working outside than a Bud Light Lime.
Flame Away!!!!!
My uncle got me hooked on it when we went on a fishing trip over in Arkansas two summers ago. It was 106 degrees outside and we would go out in the boat in the morning, catch our limit of trout in about 20 minutes and then sit on the dock the rest of the day and drink beer. It was so hot out we would dunk 5 gallon buckets into the river and stick our feet in the bucket of ice cold water for "air conditioning" and have a wet rag around our necks. Pop a top on a BLL that's been sitting in salted ice for a few days and it was like being in antartica!
Iron Horse Brewing from Ellensburg Wa - Irish Mocha Death
7 Seas Brewing from Gig Harbor Wa - Ballz Deep IPA
Deschutes Brewing from Oregon - The Abyss Stout
Deschutes Brewing - Black Butte Porter
It's listed as a malt liquor, but tastes closer to a Scottish Ale. Not nearly as offensive as what comes to mind from the American experience of malts.
Bristols Laughing Lab is far and away my favorite.
I do also like the Left Hand Brewing Milk Stout on-tap. I'd bet it's the Nitro version, but I'm not certain. I did try the regular Milk Stout bottled version and didn't like it nearly so much.
Shiner Boc is my favorite. I just wished I lived somewhere I could get it.
But I'll be spending some time in DFW soon and will try to get enough to satisfy me for a while.
I like Amber Boc from Michelob, Yuengling, hell even a Bud Light will do.
Stouts and porters are at the top for me. Bourbon County Stout is a must try for anyone that likes stouts. At 15% ABV it could almost be considered a barley wine over a beer and it's excellent! It's aged in bourbon barrels before bottling and calling it dark is an understatement.
There is only one beer that i had to push away that i could not drink and that was Backwoods Bastard from Founders Brewery a very ummmm different beer for sure.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Inogame</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rouge Dead Guy Ale
Yeah man! Rogue is a fine ale! I like the Dead Guy & the Hazelnut Brown Nectar!
I went to the brewery about 10 years ago! That was AWESOME!
Some of my other favorites include Stone's Arrogant Bastard Ale, Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA, Saxer JackFrost Winter Doppelbock, Chimay Blue, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Samuel Adams Winter Lager & when I'm feeling especially sleazy Pabst Blue Ribbon! mmmmmmm!!!
Wow,I read all four pages of this thread,and see lots of old friends!Lots of things that I want to try,too!My beer fridge is a little low right now,due to the visitors we have had during duck season.I have one or more from these breweries;
New Belgium
Sam Adams
Diamond Bear
Sierra Nevada
Goose Island
North Coast
Maybe a few others.I'm sometimes known as a beer snob. Lightman