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Favorite Rimfire Rifle?

What is everyone’s favorite rimfire rifle. If you had to pick one what do you pick and why?

Tikka T1x
CZ 457

I’d probably go for an opt for a voodoo or a tricked out CZ. I’d go for a voodoo for pure accuracy and perfection but I’m a big CZ fan and I think they are a great value for the money. I would enjoy the process of tinkering with a CZ to get closer to voodoo quality but at the end of the day I just want to shoot so voodoo for me. Also I don’t own a voodoo so I’d just like to say that I am apart of the “most accurate rimfire rifle owner club”.
I am a big vudoo fan personally but at this moment I think I’d have to take my ultimatum deuce! I love it. The timing could be slightly better but something about the looks, feel and accuracy it’s proving to be excellent so far. Little more picky with mag seating than the vudoo’s. My vudoo’s just shot super as well though. 457’s are incredibly difficult to beat at the lower price point! Excellent aftermarket support now, super reliable, and shoot fantastic. Rimx will be my next one. I have a bunch of experience with them but don’t own one yet
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I made the jump from RPRR to CZ455 to Vudoo really quick. I still own the CZ455 and we love that rifle, but I shoot the Vudoo 99% of the time as I'm a lefty and that's what I had made.

If $ was no object, I would own them all.

Kinda itching to get into rimX.....
I absolutely love my RimX. I shoot it all the time and it always comes with me to the range. It feeds perfectly and shoots a wide range of ammo well to great. The RimX mags are just so well engineered and built. I would say it’s my most “fun”’gun to shoot. I can shoot a couple hundred rounds of ammo and not feel bad because it’s still relatively cheap. These Remington pattern rifles were a game changer for me personally. Never thought I would love shooting 22lr like I do.
I've been a very happy Vudoo owner since early 2019. I moved to Vudoo after a season of trying to get a CZ-455 "Tacticool" to shoot consistently (biggest improvement was trying a Harrell tuner on it but it still couldn't hang with my Vudoo). I compete in a variety of PRS and little club matches, and the Vudoo with lot-tested Center-X is comfortably predictable out to 425 yards (which is the farthest I've seen competitions run).

After two buddies of mine had more feeding issues with their Vudoos than they were willing to work out, they went to RimX and both are very happy . Their rifles are delightfully accurate. One of them competes in the same little club matches I do, and whether it's his RimX or my Vudoo on the podium often comes down to who had a bad puff of wind.

So I am in the process of breaking in and tuning my own RimX build. I'm seeing the same tuning needs as I did with my Vudoo - magazines have to be aligned perfectly or neither rifle will feed as it should.

The one thing I do NOT like about the RimX is that rounds MUST be fed from a magazine (which run $125 apiece; they are individually-adjustable works of art but... $125?) due to bolt design, while a Vudoo can be single-fed (some people make sleds to facilitate this). On the other hand, RimXs can take prefit barrels - again, facilitated by bolt design - while Vudoo bolts require cuts in the breech face for the extractors.

It's too early in my RimX journey to see if the RimX will be as amazing as my Vudoo has been.
Dont forget about anschutz.

Apart from the brand fanboy-isms,
the dream 22 has alot to do with how
big and heavy or complex you want it.

theres alot to be said for a 22 that
you can go pinking or hunt squirrels with,
that doesn weigh 18 pounds etc

although if you shoot PRS those traits
have a functional purpose.

which brings me back to a question,
is this your first, last, or "one of a quiver"
type of 22 you are deaming about 🤠
The Lithgow I handled didn't impress me at all. Both on aesthetics and function.

I'm still pissed that we never got shit for support for the 77/22 and yet you can't throw a dead cat and not hit some component for the POS 10/22. And please don't tell me how your POS 10/22 is high fucking science....I do not care.

If I were King for the Day....we'd see Remington Custom Shop fire back up and offer 40XB barreled actions with the "brand new" magazine feed option....use your imagination. Take what we want now with what they did pretty good back when. And being the Custom Shop is doing the work and not Big Green....it should be fairly easy to pump out a product that we could then take and make our own with them doing no extraneous major hand fitting and whatnot on stocks and triggers.

But to point of the OP's primary question....I see no point comparing $2500 guns to $600 (or anywhere in between). You are in fact getting something for the money, otherwise they couldn't charge it. I like many of the options....but if you think I'm not opting for the $2500 gun....your crazy.
I have been fortunate to have owned a few decent rimfire rifles over the years and shot many more, so it is hard to pick my favorite. However if I had to it would come down to a close race between an Anschutz 1827B that I built with a 1907 stock that I inlet for the magazine and bedded and had Mark Penrod install a 26” Benchmark 3 groove 15t on:

Or a Sauer 200STR that I had both the centerfire and rimfire conversion. The rimfire conversion was every bit as accurate as any of the several custom Anschutz, Vudoo, Rim X, 2500XR, or Sako Finnfire Range that I have owned. It is a centerfire rifle with a factory conversion that hammered and after many many thousands of rounds never had one failure to chamber, fire, extract, or eject. I truly miss this rifle:
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Wow, tough call. I guess it mainly has to come down to the purpose I’m putting it to.
Precision slug placement on squirrels in nice weather?
In no particular order,
Kleinguenther, Cooper, Anschutz, H&K, CZ, Browning, Steyr, Sako, Remington, the list goes on and on…
Overcast with a strong possibility of rain or freezing conditions?
Ruger 77/22 All Weather, Ruger 10/22 Int. Stainless Laminate.
MARS type barricade shooting from 25-400+ yards?
Bergara B14R, or the CZ 457 VPC, and hopefully soon, an AR-Conversion.
Silhouette? Likely any of the squirrel rifles.
Prone and 3/4P?
Diana (Mayer & Grammelspacher), Schultz & Larsen, Winchester, Remington…
Gun for the purpose, and you can never have too many!
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My buddy's Mossberg Plinkster he bought for $50 with a Redfield that shoots Remington Thunderbolt ~ 1.50" at 100 yards on the worst day. Rust all over it flipping hilarious. With Federal it's right at 1". Tried to buy it from him, but wouldn't sell it so have a CZ 457 and like it just as well.
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Vudoo please. Thank you. I get it, they're expensive. My Vudoo cost as much as my centerfire. Buy once, cry once, move on to smacking steel with no worries about your equipment.

That being said, there is something to be said for an Annie with a Fortner action.
My highest end Vudoo is for sale on here now........I know most people are going up to Vudoo, I'm going the other direction.

My primary 22lrs are now a CZ 457 built by Kenny at DPG, and another I built using a Proof carbon barrel prefit.
My RimX was built by Kenny at DPG and he did a great job. I know he does a great job with those 457s.
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My RimX was built by Kenny at DPG and he did a great job. I know he does a great job with those 457s.
The barrel I have is amazing.....and no feeding issues. Shoots SK, Lapua, and Eley equally well. Reliability is crazy important, along with accuracy.

My new Manners arrives cut for that barrel thickness this week, then I'll compare them all to the KRG Bravo, and MDT ACC, and pick the winner.
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Savage 3c, and Browning auto.22 made in Belgium. I hunt with them when I want to remember the hunts with my Grandfather, and Father.

A Savage MkII BVT, when I want to hunt with my Son.

A Tikka in a Bravo chassis , when I want to kill Tree Rats at a distant.

A Anchultz 64r when I want to make little bitty holes in paper.

And a Ruger 77/22 BVZ when I just want to kill shit in the woods...

Like 1 rimfire?

Like 1 kid?

Damm! Its the Hide! We love all our guns!!! We just buy more! ( and then think of an excuse to tell the Wife, or in my case, Ex-Wife).
I have Rim X and Vudoo, Anschutz, Kidd builds. Toss up between Vudoo and Rim X, not the barreled action, but I like the Manners my Rim X is in over the Foundation of the Vudoo. I have a new TCS, can't decide how to move things around, boomer issues, lol
I own the Tikka and Bergara both in chassis and they both shoot great, but one gun would one of my 10/22s the reason why is within 30 minutes I can change my receiver from sub 3 pound steel challenge rifle to my bull barrell and chassis and shoot close to my bolt guns accuracy. None are going anywhere and a CZ and a vudoo are coming next.
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  • Wow
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Great info here - I just finished my “get bigger” climb with a 33XC build last year. Thinking about starting 2023 in 22LR.

If anyone has a friend that may be parting with a RimX barreled action or complete let me know
RTH1800 like your style.

I am also a fan of old school stuff, though my collection is limited. Of handguns in 22, I really enjoy my S&W 34 2” snub.
for rifles, performance wise my Kidd. In a number of the matches I shoot the semi helps a lot for follow up shots and at least to 300 yards, gives me all the accuracy I need.
while there is absolutely no doubt the high end bolt guns are more inherently accurate, my opinion is past 100 yards, reading and adjusting to the wind is a bigger factor in getting hits than the edge in accuracy the bolt gun has. To put it another way, a good win caller with a high quality semi will get more long range hits than a bolt gun with poor wind calls.
for old classics I recently picked up a Remington 521 -T with the classic Lyman peep which I am enjoying a lot too.
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My match rifle is a Vudoo. But the bar-none most fun rifle to shoot is my Kidd Supergrade. I recently swapped scopes, and zeroed the Kidd yesterday. I was firing 2-3 shots at 300 yard steel plates, and I could squeeze the third shot off before the first would impact. I also took that rifle to 500 yards, which as a civilian, is the furthest I’ve ever fired a rifle (M2, M60, and M240 were fired in a prior life). 28.5 mils of dialing (Athlon Cronus, hands down favorite scope) and I could see the puddle in front of the target splash, and hear the steel ring 1-2 seconds later.

It took some tweaking of the magazines and the action torque to make the Kidd run flawlessly, but now it brings smiles for days.
What is everyone’s favorite rimfire rifle. If you had to pick one what do you pick and why?

Tikka T1x
CZ 457

I’d probably go for an opt for a voodoo or a tricked out CZ. I’d go for a voodoo for pure accuracy and perfection but I’m a big CZ fan and I think they are a great value for the money. I would enjoy the process of tinkering with a CZ to get closer to voodoo quality but at the end of the day I just want to shoot so voodoo for me. Also I don’t own a voodoo so I’d just like to say that I am apart of the “most accurate rimfire rifle owner club”.
My Christensen Arms Ranger 22…

But, I think everyone should also have a Ruger 10/22 in their safe. 👍🏼
I've got Vudoo, Anschutz and Kidd; still "need" a Cooper Jackson Squirrel and a Kimber Super America. If I could only have one, it would probably be one of my Anschutz rifles. Vudoo is an amazing rifle, but I'm not carrying that heavy rascal though the woods.
You mean a Nighthawk Customs jackson squirrel :LOL:. Kidding, they'll still say Cooper. Mark Stone just bought them and is moving them to Arkanasas as we speak.
  • Haha
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We'll have to wait and see what they put out.

Three of my Anschutz rifles, I put D3 Precision trigger shoes in them today.
View attachment 8041240
I wouldn't worry. The ENTIRE shop and most, if not all, of the crew are being relocated. I don't think anything will change.
Fun fact... The Jackson squirrel rifle is named after AGFC officer Clifton Jackson. I know his niece Nia.
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I wouldn't worry. The ENTIRE shop and most, if not all, of the crew are being relocated. I don't think anything will change.
Fun fact... The Jackson squirrel is named after AGFC officer Clifton Jackson. I know his niece Nia.
I hadn't heard that the shop and crew were being relocated; there was some speculation if that was in the works from what I saw on another forum.

Edit add: I won't be the first one on the waiting list...will have to wait and see what comes out of the new shop.
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I hadn't heard that the shop and crew were being relocated; there was some speculation if that was in the works from what I saw on another forum.

Edit add: I won't be the first one on the waiting list...will have to wait and see what comes out of the new shop.
From the e-mail I recieved yesterday...
January 5, 2023 in Berryville, Arkansas -

Mark Stone - Owner/CEO of Nighthawk Custom:

I am pleased to announce that Nighthawk Custom LLC has acquired Cooper Firearms of Montana, known for custom bolt-action rifles. The rifle company will now operate as Cooper Rifles of Arkansas LLC and will be located on the same campus as Nighthawk Custom in Northwest Arkansas. Nighthawk Custom will proudly be the exclusive distributor of all Cooper Rifles.

Customers of Cooper will be pleased to know that the name, legacy, and reputation of building high quality custom rifles will continue, and we as a company look forward to strengthening the brand and even improve upon the quality of the past.

We ask for your patience during this time of transition as we move all operations to Berryville, Arkansas. At this time, we are not able to give you an exact date that Cooper Rifles will begin operations. The process will take time, and our goal is to ensure the same great products and customer service from Cooper Rifles that you have come to know and expect from Nighthawk Custom. It will be worth the wait, and we know that you will be thrilled with the quality, craftsmanship, and our excellent customer support.

As owner and CEO of Nighthawk Custom, I am very excited about this acquisition. Cooper has a long reputation of building fine and accurate rifles for over 30 years. Each rifle will be built with 100% fully machined parts, stunning wood, hand checkering, and beautiful finishes that are a perfect fit with our existing offerings that we are known for.

Please like and follow Cooper Rifles social media and check out the website for the latest news and information. We will do our best to keep you up to date and informed on our progress.

Thank you for your continued support. We are excited for what 2023 holds and we are thankful that you are a part of it.

Mark Stone
Owner & CEO"

Better put my order in. I can assure you Mark won't let junk leave his shops! He has a rule that if a pistol comes back for an issue the gunsmith gets "fined" a couple hundred bucks. The only issue I ever had was the idiot mark I put in my Counselor and they offered to refinish it gratis.
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From the e-mail I recieved yesterday...
January 5, 2023 in Berryville, Arkansas -

Mark Stone - Owner/CEO of Nighthawk Custom:

I am pleased to announce that Nighthawk Custom LLC has acquired Cooper Firearms of Montana, known for custom bolt-action rifles. The rifle company will now operate as Cooper Rifles of Arkansas LLC and will be located on the same campus as Nighthawk Custom in Northwest Arkansas. Nighthawk Custom will proudly be the exclusive distributor of all Cooper Rifles.

Customers of Cooper will be pleased to know that the name, legacy, and reputation of building high quality custom rifles will continue, and we as a company look forward to strengthening the brand and even improve upon the quality of the past.

We ask for your patience during this time of transition as we move all operations to Berryville, Arkansas. At this time, we are not able to give you an exact date that Cooper Rifles will begin operations. The process will take time, and our goal is to ensure the same great products and customer service from Cooper Rifles that you have come to know and expect from Nighthawk Custom. It will be worth the wait, and we know that you will be thrilled with the quality, craftsmanship, and our excellent customer support.

As owner and CEO of Nighthawk Custom, I am very excited about this acquisition. Cooper has a long reputation of building fine and accurate rifles for over 30 years. Each rifle will be built with 100% fully machined parts, stunning wood, hand checkering, and beautiful finishes that are a perfect fit with our existing offerings that we are known for.

Please like and follow Cooper Rifles social media and check out the website for the latest news and information. We will do our best to keep you up to date and informed on our progress.

Thank you for your continued support. We are excited for what 2023 holds and we are thankful that you are a part of it.

Mark Stone
Owner & CEO"

Better put my order in. I can assure you Mark won't let junk leave his shops! He has a rule that if a pistol comes back for an issue the gunsmith gets "fined" a couple hundred bucks. The only issue I ever had was the idiot mark I put in my Counselor and they offered to refinish it gratis.
I've seen several messages along the same lines. I'll still hold off until the proof is in the pudding. ;)
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