FBI Seizes $86 Million From Safe Deposit Boxes, "Permanently Confiscated"

“You’re offending half the membership “
No, I'm not. The membership understands the difference between innocent until proven guilty and guilty until proven innocent. I believe they also understand and believe in the Constitution while trying to keep communities safe (I've seen what happens when there is no rule of law and it isn't good). That goes to say that there is still a lot of improvement that can be had and Civil Asset Forfeiture is definitely one of them.
No, I'm not. The membership understands the difference between innocent until proven guilty and guilty until proven innocent. I believe they also understand and believe in the Constitution while trying to keep communities safe (I've seen what happens when there is no rule of law and it isn't good). That goes to say that there is still a lot of improvement that can be had and Civil Asset Forfeiture is definitely one of them.
Well. They’re cops. So.