So I have a concern of sorts. Yesterday I was doing some velocity checks on some loads for 6.5 CM.
Alpha Brass 1x
205m primer
H4350 ( 42-42.4 )
140 ELD-M
The reason for the velocity check was to see where my 1x fired was in relation to virgin brass. Most of the sets followed a fairly consistent baseline that I'm used to seeing, right around 4 SD and 10 ES. Two of the sets threw what I felt was an oddly low velocity.
42.1 grains 42.4 grains
2761 2767
2748 2780
2765 2785
2766 2778
2759 2769
I would shoot one, wait a minute shoot another so it was fairly controlled barrel / chamber temp. Between strings I would let the barrel cool to relatively ambient temp to the touch. The 42.4 lowball I could feasibly write off as cold bore, it actually didn't catch my eye as off til I was looking at the data to do this post. The 42.1 I can't call a cold shot.
So now I'm done with the criteria part. Today I was on high alert while doing some more loading. Been working through some concentricity issues. While I was priming my cases I noticed that some 5/100 of my FGMM 205M primers have an AR stamp on the cup. Now I know that Federal makes an AR specific primer. I've never bought any so I can't compare hence why Im writing this post. Am I drunk or did my 205M primers somehow get AR primers mixed in with them in packaging? Seeing as consistency is the name of the game seems odd Federal would stamp 1/20th of their primers. This was the last box in a 1000 cube so I would have to assume the whole lot was like that. I have another 1000 cube of the same lot. Not particularly wanting to look through 1000 primers to see if they are all like this when I can just check when I'm priming.
I was noticing an occasional flyer that hit not close to where it should have. The kind that when you see it impact makes you say wtf was that. This lead me to find the concentricity issue which was being caused by my sizing die.
Anyway pretty long winded but any input is appreciated.
Alpha Brass 1x
205m primer
H4350 ( 42-42.4 )
140 ELD-M
The reason for the velocity check was to see where my 1x fired was in relation to virgin brass. Most of the sets followed a fairly consistent baseline that I'm used to seeing, right around 4 SD and 10 ES. Two of the sets threw what I felt was an oddly low velocity.
42.1 grains 42.4 grains
2761 2767
2748 2780
2765 2785
2766 2778
2759 2769
I would shoot one, wait a minute shoot another so it was fairly controlled barrel / chamber temp. Between strings I would let the barrel cool to relatively ambient temp to the touch. The 42.4 lowball I could feasibly write off as cold bore, it actually didn't catch my eye as off til I was looking at the data to do this post. The 42.1 I can't call a cold shot.
So now I'm done with the criteria part. Today I was on high alert while doing some more loading. Been working through some concentricity issues. While I was priming my cases I noticed that some 5/100 of my FGMM 205M primers have an AR stamp on the cup. Now I know that Federal makes an AR specific primer. I've never bought any so I can't compare hence why Im writing this post. Am I drunk or did my 205M primers somehow get AR primers mixed in with them in packaging? Seeing as consistency is the name of the game seems odd Federal would stamp 1/20th of their primers. This was the last box in a 1000 cube so I would have to assume the whole lot was like that. I have another 1000 cube of the same lot. Not particularly wanting to look through 1000 primers to see if they are all like this when I can just check when I'm priming.
I was noticing an occasional flyer that hit not close to where it should have. The kind that when you see it impact makes you say wtf was that. This lead me to find the concentricity issue which was being caused by my sizing die.
Anyway pretty long winded but any input is appreciated.