There are no guns in my kids school. I am certain there are drugs, and tuition basically costs a new car every year. I was a bad kid, so I know what goes on. Part of the reason to pay so much is to buy into to a school where the other parents give a fuck. The ones who it doesn't hurt to write teh check worry me the most. That said, you can only do your best and then hope they make good decisions.I don’t remember legality influencing my decision in high school, I was just busy working and playing 3 sports to be interested. I also tried it when I got out of the marine corps after 3 tours and I had the same result, anxiety from hell and that impending sense of “doom”. That said, some vets say it gives them relief which is good enough for me. I don’t think them being able to have a little help feeling normal should take a backseat others feelings as long as their consumption doesn’t affect others, ie. driving. The “for the kids” is verbatim what the gun grabbers use to justify their laws. “If it saves just one kid”, “nobody needs an ar-15”, “banning assault weapons would prevent criminals from using them”, etc, etc.
My parents owned a business while I was in high school and someone had put some pamphlets in there about drugs. I flipped through the marijuana one and it had all sorts of side effects listed like “aggression, hallucinations, heart attacks…”, you get the picture. I asked them, if weed is really so bad, why would they have to make shit up to convince people not to use it? There’s a lot of myths out there that were started by the government long ago and people keep regurgitating it. I don’t use any drugs but I have a major issue with the government telling me what I can and can’t grow in my yard.
I did not. I am not on a high horse here. I'm just realistic.