We have added a feedback system to the site
If you abuse the system your account will be banned with no warning permanently
If you have an issue with your feedback a fee will be invoked to look at it, in other words you will pay to have a moderator resolve the issue. Otherwise your feedback will remain how it was administered.
if we find both parties are at issue or cannot settle the discrepancy in the transaction both will be removed for 10 days as a cooling off period
The feedback system is for transactions and not general content
Any issues, known or unknown resulting from gaming the feedback system will result in your removal from the site, permanently.
If you abuse the system your account will be banned with no warning permanently
If you have an issue with your feedback a fee will be invoked to look at it, in other words you will pay to have a moderator resolve the issue. Otherwise your feedback will remain how it was administered.
if we find both parties are at issue or cannot settle the discrepancy in the transaction both will be removed for 10 days as a cooling off period
The feedback system is for transactions and not general content
Any issues, known or unknown resulting from gaming the feedback system will result in your removal from the site, permanently.