Re: Feeling ripped and not from the gym
Today, my pride in my Countrymen swelled, a little bit more.
Me and the boys took a road trip this morning....we hit up Lowe's for some dog kennel parts, we hit up the junk yard for a new driver's door handle for a truck we're working on, and we stopped at a few gunshops in the area.
Not really driven consumers today beyond the things I'd been needing lately, which included another box of 40 cal critical defense ammo, and a box of some cheap ass junk in the same grain weight to just hit steel with and punch holes in man targets, and some lunch at The Cookout.
One of the shops we hit, not very far at all from Virginia Tech, was one that was started up almost 20 years ago, and it's grown leaps and bounds since he opened. The owner is a good dude whom I've known all this time, being one of his first original customers back when he wasn't sure if the shop would fly or not.
At face value, as soon as I walked in today, I could have been easily agravated by the number of people in there. Damn, this is going to take forever to get waited on. It was packed solid, for no other apparent reason beyond folks getting up this morning and making a point to stop in there and get something they wanted/needed.
But, when you look a little deeper, and listen to what was going on around the place, those people in my way were propogating the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Spending money and exercising a God Given Right. These were people of the same mindset as me and my sons. One old boy in there had his girlfriend, or wife, or whatever she was, and SHE was filling out paper work for a new was her first gun purchase.
Rock on Baby, you're not hold me up one little bit, do what you came here to do, you're making me DAMN proud to be an American.......