I hear what you are saying. It says in Matthew 24, that many things shall come to pass before Jesus return. Nations will rise against nations, people will be cold and turn on each other that used to be neighborly, Christians will be persecuted and killed for their beliefs, there will he famine and earthquakes, what’s right will be wrong and what’s wrong will be right and many other things shall come to pass. While all of these things, are part of the plan, as you say, I don’t believe that God doesn’t intend for us to defend ourselves. That’s what makes the US special. We are one of the only countries in the world where civilians can have arms, the fore fathers knew that the right to defend oneself is not granted by gov but my God himself therefore only he can take it away. Once the gov tries to enforce its will while taking up arms then you will know. In fact in history many wars were started when the people got to the point of having to defend themselves against an oppressive gov. The problem is, many of them started too late and were already disarmed. The US has always been kind of the last bastion of hope. At any rate, imo, we aren’t just supposed to roll over as Christians. Once someone tries to come after your God given rights then imo you have a duty to protect yourself and your values. With that said, your guidance is wise. In other words, guard yourself and your values by any means necessary but don’t join the offensive in inciting violence. Meh, it’s late. I didn’t explain my point well but maybe someone will get it. I don’t feel like retyping all that out lol.
Even Jesus told Peter to take a sword on his journeys and if he didn’t have one then to sell what he had and get one. That says go defend yourself in black and white. Just my .02 cents.