Made it out to the Laramie Rifle Range today - first time I've taken my rifle out to an outdoor range. Biggest bummer is how far - 2.5hr one way. Good news is that it's a pretty good looking drive.
Reminder of the rifle I have.
Road to infinity!
Had to be there at 10am for orientation so I could become a member. Very nice facilities!
Brought 60 rounds with me and started off at the 600yrd deck.
Got on-target at 600yds within 6 shots. After that, I was about 80% on-target at the human silhouette with misses due to wind. I was honestly surprised how easy 600yds was with this rifle.
I then backed it out to 1000yds and shot at the same silhouette. I was about 60% on-target as well, only took 3 shots to get on target (I doubled my elevation on the optic and it was darn near on, hence the three shots to get on). The Vortex Gen3 6-36 is more than enough optic for that distance. I actually backed it out a little so it was easier to see misses.
The brake also made a HUGE difference, like, more than I even thought possible. It's just a simple Thunder Beast brake/adapter for their suppressors (I haven't bought the suppressor yet) but the difference in recoil was substantial. The first time I shot this rifle, I put 60rds through it at an indoor 100yd range and my shoulder was SORE. This time, not a single pain.
I wish ammo wasn't so expensive - I had 20rds of Hornady 140gr Match ammo and bought 40 rds of the 143gr ELD-X hunting ammo. Both seem to shoot quite well with this rifle. Those two boxes of ELD-X were $103. Woof. Not to mention gas for a 5hr round trip! I think this might be a once-a-month kind of visit. lol
Still some snow on the mountains down by Laramie. Those buildings in the foreground are the rest of the range where they have their pistol, 100 & 200yd rifle ranges, rimfire range, bays for 3-gun practice, and... something else. The slanted roof is the clubhouse.

Road to infinity!
Had to be there at 10am for orientation so I could become a member. Very nice facilities!
Brought 60 rounds with me and started off at the 600yrd deck.

Got on-target at 600yds within 6 shots. After that, I was about 80% on-target at the human silhouette with misses due to wind. I was honestly surprised how easy 600yds was with this rifle.
I then backed it out to 1000yds and shot at the same silhouette. I was about 60% on-target as well, only took 3 shots to get on target (I doubled my elevation on the optic and it was darn near on, hence the three shots to get on). The Vortex Gen3 6-36 is more than enough optic for that distance. I actually backed it out a little so it was easier to see misses.

The brake also made a HUGE difference, like, more than I even thought possible. It's just a simple Thunder Beast brake/adapter for their suppressors (I haven't bought the suppressor yet) but the difference in recoil was substantial. The first time I shot this rifle, I put 60rds through it at an indoor 100yd range and my shoulder was SORE. This time, not a single pain.
I wish ammo wasn't so expensive - I had 20rds of Hornady 140gr Match ammo and bought 40 rds of the 143gr ELD-X hunting ammo. Both seem to shoot quite well with this rifle. Those two boxes of ELD-X were $103. Woof. Not to mention gas for a 5hr round trip! I think this might be a once-a-month kind of visit. lol