Yes he was! When I say 'first mechanized attack'... it was because he ran a group of automobiles with Pershing. Coming from a wealthy California Family, he was one of the first officers in the US Army to own his own automobile. As a VERY junior officer. It caused some real jealousy and friction.
But when it came time to pursue Villa, automobiles made sense. And Patton was among the few who could handle them. He literally had to fight is way onto the Punitive Expedition. But once there, he was a %$@ing tiger.
Yup that Single Action Army was sure as Hell not for show. And Patton was as lethal as he was motivated!
Just a bit earlier, he had represented the United States in the Olympics... as a pistol shooter and he almost died after running the Marathon... and collapsing at the finish in front of his father. Fine line between brave and crazy! And he was both! In a good way!
If you want a great book to read... Carlo D'Este's biography is one of the great military histories. Carlo was one of my professors... and a brilliant historian. And a great gentleman and scholar in the truest sense of the terms.