Whether or not they attend- makes no difference to me. If nothing else- it prevents them from making spectacles of themselves like the afore mentioned SOU being ripped dramatically on TV.
I just want to get this done, legally and efficiently and I REALLY hope that there's a stack of executive orders, a stack even more 'biggly' than what happened immediately after the last inauguration that will have certain folks going nuts for weeks to come.
I said this before in another thread, but while I'm excited for the election outcome, I also feel like there was a lot left on the table that was later taken advantage of during the past 4 years because of a lack of action. I sincerely hope that will be corrected this time around and I also don't think he has the time like he did before.
What wasn't 'fixed' in the first 4 years, I think he's got to address this time around in half that timespan (before midterms). I'm not talking crazy things either- but election reform needs to happen... now. Addressing the millions that entered the country illegally, again, needs to be addressed now. The rampant corruption and lawfare tactics that have been used by the 'other' side for the past 8+ years, needs to be addressed now.
We have their current playbook- the 'stack the courts', the 'hormones for all children', 'drug paraphernalia for all users', 'American Taxpayer money for all countries', 'imprison protestors no longer worthwhile and bury evidence of collusion', 'efforts to end energy independence and deplete our strategic reserves', etc, etc, etc. I can go on and on (but I'm often accused of being too wordy) but all of this corruption needs to be addressed....you guessed it.... now. I really hope that come Monday we start seeing significant efforts with some teeth on them to start correcting these matters.
So whether Michelle or Nancy attends... that's really the least of what I'm hoping for. Let's just get started, let's MAGA here, if nothing else, for once in a great while, please let this be a President that remembers who their constituents really are and that makes THEM the focus.
2 years...