FJB will drop out

We have been screaming election fraud for years. Have we done anything to ensure it can’t happen again? Anything?



Yes. It's state run so it was done in each state and some still isn't done yet but by enlarge, yes. We didn't get great results in 2 of the 7 or 8 states but in the others we pretty much did. Covid presented a unique opportunity for them to cheat but it's way beyond that. You can all go read it yourselves but it goes back many decades to a consent decree made as well as all the covid crap. Good old Perkins coi has been cheating for dems for a long long time (recognize the name of that law firm anyone?)

Therea a lot to it to follow but several states was just state laws that needed passing. This is why Trump will now win GA, NC, and some others he won last time bit got fake ballotted out of it in those states. It's a matter if qualifying ballots and voter roles and signatures in many cases. If any signature will do then its easy to just fake a bunch of ballots and there's "no proof of widespread fraud"(heard that before haven't we). That doesn't mean the correct person actually requested a ballot, nor does it mean the ballot that came in was from said person. It just means that "someone sent a ballot in" and there is not way to prove or disprove its the people it is supposed to be. This is why the turnout numbers were so far off what they should be and this is what they did in many cases last time, which they can't do now in I think 5 of the 7 states where it would be possible do it again.
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Biden will be their top name on the ticket unless he drops dead.

The next debate he'll be all juiced up and they will tell us he looks sharp just like they have for the last several years.

I wouldn't underestimate Karmala as a candidate either. She will automatically get a bunch of positive media because Cunt + POC and then she'll squeal a bunch of woman stuff about abortion or Trump being a pervert until election day.
the problem is that they know most people on both sides despise kneepads harris, but replacing her will seem racist.
apparently she's not prepared to bow out gracefully, but then who knows?
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What happens to all the primary votes for FJB if he drops out that have already been cast? They can't go to another candidate can they?
DNC is going to be a sh*t show if FJB drops out.
Wonder how much cash is being offered to Jill and the crackhead to talk old Joe into stepping aside?
What happens to all the primary votes for FJB if he drops out that have already been cast? They can't go to another candidate can they?
DNC is going to be a sh*t show if FJB drops out.
Wonder how much cash is being offered to Jill and the crackhead to talk old Joe into stepping aside?
This is a key point. No matter what happens the DNC is a dumpster fire and everyone sees it. When you are looking for a leader you don’t want that. It’s weakness. And it never translates into safety or security for those that have that as the primary objective in their leadership.
He gone. Dropped out. Just agreed to it a bit ago. That’s not good but exactly how I figured it would go. Hoody would believe that Biden won again so in an effort to make the steal believable they had to get him to drop out and get someone else in, like a first black female president. Sad times boys. This is not good.
hail mary? starting a nuc with russia,taking down the grid,trying start a war with iran,another pandemic,being false flag nuced by NK,bribe xi to turn his embedded 5 divisions loose,dream up a reason to declare marshal law and "postpone" the election? they still have many possible paths to try.
yes,my paranoia knows few limits.
You forgot unleashing a fancy pandemic on the earth.
He gone. Dropped out. Just agreed to it a bit ago. That’s not good but exactly how I figured it would go. Hoody would believe that Biden won again so in an effort to make the steal believable they had to get him to drop out and get someone else in, like a first black female president. Sad times boys. This is not good.

Link? His spokesman was just on twitter saying Biden is here to stay.
Biden will be their top name on the ticket unless he drops dead.

The next debate he'll be all juiced up and they will tell us he looks sharp just like they have for the last several years.

I wouldn't underestimate Karmala as a candidate either. She will automatically get a bunch of positive media because Cunt + POC and then she'll squeal a bunch of woman stuff about abortion or Trump being a pervert until election day.
Lemme see if I can remember this: What happened will be again. What happens in the future will be again in the past. What happens in the past will... fuck it.

This is what happens when you pinch a whore's nose too long when she's giving you a BJ.
Lemme see if I can remember this: What happened will be again. What happens in the future will be again in the past. What happens in the past will... fuck it.

This is what happens when you pinch a whore's nose too long when she's giving you a BJ.
Also, while on the topic, a young wise man once surmised that if your wife or girlfriend is giving you a BJ and you let go of one of those green egg farts that wilts flowers at 20 paces and she keeps going, that is true love.
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I’m with you, but I don’t know that this is really a good thing for us. This pretty much ensures the people believe the steal is real.
Diehard potato fans will continue in their delusion. This does show the DNC in disarray.

They are going to steal or try to steal the election, either way.

And I don't think anyone, including DNC, did not see this coming. Privately, I expected this at any time from his VP job on up. He was losing cognitive abilites back then and it has only gotten worse.

I see it everyday where my wife lives. Guys his age and they need medication and often, they need a diaper change. And that is not an insult but a fact of life. And that is where he should be. Or, back in his basement with home health, such as he is now with his bat flu.
i still hold the position that this is very bad for us. Yeah they might have done the steal either way, but now it’s actually believable so people that might have motivated to do something will now just do nothing even more because this will make them think it was legit, despite them starting to question things. And if she gets in, we are toast. Then again, many said that about Biden too and America is still here but I feel like all we are doing is buying time to the inevitable.