If the ATF is worried about losing revenue from tax stamps, maybe they shouldn't take 12 months to process a Form 4 while paying each examiner $60K + a year plus benefits.
I sure hope it turns out that way, but according to 2 acquaintances at the state level in Tally the groundswell for dem Phil Ehr in the last 60 days has been big. I know the western panhandle is supposedly always locked up for us, but being a Navy fighter jock helps this democrap turncoat reach a lot of otherwise relegated current/retired military.
If the ATF is worried about losing revenue from tax stamps, maybe they shouldn't take 12 months to process a Form 4 while paying each examiner $60K + a year plus benefits.
Get the Form 4 wait times down to the 1 month that is typical for Form 1s, and I'm pretty sure that gun nuts will buy enough tax stamps to fix the federal deficit.