FL mayor shoots at SWAT during early morning raid


General Lee Incoherent
Full Member
Jul 1, 2011

Police went to a mayor's house with a warrant and they say he shot at them

(CNN) The mayor of Port Richey, Florida, is "lucky he's not dead" after firing two shots at a SWAT team at his house to serve a warrant, Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco told reporters Thursday.
Dale Massad, who was elected mayor in 2015, was arrested by the officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and accused of practicing medicine without a license. He now also faces two charges of attempted murder.
Nocco said no one was hurt at Massad's home after the predawn incident in which the sheriff's SWAT officers were assisting FDLE.
According to a complaint affidavit, SWAT officers knocked several times on the front doors of the mayor's home and tried unsuccessfully to use a battering ram to force them open. Another officer tried shooting the locks of the doors with a shotgun.

After they swung the doors open, a SWAT member set off a flash bang grenade inside the doorway.
When officers heard two shots, they retreated behind an armored vehicle, the court document says.
The mayor had a gun in his hand, so officers ordered him to drop the weapon, Nocco said.
"If somebody is firing at us we have every means and every right to fire back at them," the sheriff said. "They did what they thought was appropriate at the time.
"He's lucky he's not dead."
Authorities said Massad, 68, was in jail Thursday. It is unclear whether he has an attorney. CNN called his home number and reached out to family members but didn't get a response.
Massad relinquished his medical license in 1992 but was still practicing medicine, the FDLE said. Patients were coming to his home, the agency said in a news release.

"He had performed medical procedures at his residence, with one procedure requiring additional hospital treatment for the patient," the statement said.
No knock SWAT invasion for "practicing medicine without a license"?

This shit has to stop. No knocks are not supposed to be used in these types of crimes.

Also, how is one charged with attempted murder while defending one's home during a no knock? I thought there was a court ruling stating that one could not be charged with this type of charge during a no knock warrant due to the fact that the homeowner/resident is only protecting themselves inside their home and since it's a no knock door kicking in, the resident can have no idea it's the police serving a warrant. Since it's a no knock. And if you think someone kicking in my door and yelling "Police!" is going to stop me from defending my home and family...
WTF do they expect? Predawn raid for a "practicing medicine without a license" charge. That hardly justifies putting LEO lives at risks I would say.
Who ever planned the raid should take a course on risk assessment.
Would think it to be similar to a high speed pursuit. Does the reward out weigh the risk??

This is not a LEO bashing post. Just an observation that nothing was learned from Waco/ Ruby Ridge.
This stuff drives me nuts....as a guy who carries at home and has a gun at all times and as a guy who is not a criminal nor expecting to have my door kicked down I would meet this kind of a threat with live fire or at least a gun in my hand.

Who in the hell forces entry on a warrant for non violent crimes? This is kind of like entrapment as if the Police were looking for an excuse to gun him down if he reacted...like he reacted. He probably *is* lucky to be alive.

No knock SWAT invasion for "practicing medicine without a license"?

Coming soon...no-knock raids for overdue library books...

A certain quote by Benjamin Franklin comes to mind right now, and with more and more of the population ever willing to let the government be the solution to all of their daily problems...this nonsense will increase.
This day and age I get very very few visitors to my home unannounced. As we become less and less social this becomes the norm. Knock on my door at 5am (predawn) will have me answering with a firearm in hand. Just saying.

I'm not LE. I was sincerely thinking there was more to a no knock than meets the eye.
I too am anti social and respond, armed, to a knock.
My mistake. Certainly shoot the door and throw flash bangs for this dangerous criminal. The streets are safer for sure. I hope they throw the book at him and the attempted murder charges stick. Said no one ever in a free society.
The whole thing was a cluster fuck,they tried to shoot the hinges off the door,AFTER the attempted battering ram failed.
Let's think about our laws here in Florida,we as home owners do not have the burden to retreat,it's called stand your ground.
Now can you imagine being old and trying to get your bearings after all the noise these idiots made?
According to the local news, he's also been caught dealing and is a known drug user.
The fucker has a 6000sf house on the water and I can guarantee you his mayor income wouldn't pay the mortgage on that.
There's a much bigger story here that isn't public knowledge.
Sheriff Nocco is a good guy so there must have been more for him to authorize or even suggest a pre dawn raid.

Maybe the Mayor is a Democrat so they are withholding info??

Time will tell

David Koresh went into town 3-4 times a week- no need for an execution raid on his church

Why is someone practicing medicine without a warrant a SWAT team raid?

Dale Massad, who was elected mayor in 2015, was arrested by the officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and accused of practicing medicine without a license. He now also faces two charges of attempted murder.
According to the local news, he's also been caught dealing and is a known drug user.
The fucker has a 6000sf house on the water and I can guarantee you his mayor income wouldn't pay the mortgage on that.
There's a much bigger story here that isn't public knowledge.
Sheriff Nocco is a good guy so there must have been more for him to authorize or even suggest a pre dawn raid.

Maybe the Mayor is a Democrat so they are withholding info??

Time will tell

nocco is a good guy, never really hear anything bad pop up on pasco sd
WTF do they expect? Predawn raid for a "practicing medicine without a license" charge. That hardly justifies putting LEO lives at risks I would say.
Who ever planned the raid should take a course on risk assessment.
Would think it to be similar to a high speed pursuit. Does the reward out weigh the risk??

This is not a LEO bashing post. Just an observation that nothing was learned from Waco/ Ruby Ridge.

There were plenty of lessons learned at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

The first was that, by and large, they can get away with whatever they want..............
I'm not LE. I was sincerely thinking there was more to a no knock than meets the eye.
I too am anti social and respond, armed, to a knock.

It is only perfectly normal to have such a reaction especially when faced with the unknown. There is nothing 'antisocial' about being very careful about the safety of yourself and your family.

There is very little good that can come from someone or multiple individuals demanding to be let in your home, especially in the dead hours of night. Way too many entries in crime blotters all over the country to illustrate that.

My home defense / carry guns are all night-capable with phosphorescent sight paint or aftermarket illuminated sights.

Usually when I answer the door, I only do it verbally, from a slight distance inside. (Just in case it gets kicked or shoved in) I do not open up unless it is someone I am expecting. Otherwise I ask questions from inside. And if it is not someone I want to see, I just tell them that I am not interested and have a nice day. A firearm is always within reach when I am at home, as well as additional chains on the door. Even if one manages to bypass the lock or partially force past them, the chains will hold out a little longer...............Long enough for me to acquire a reasonable sight picture and as soon as they are fully inside, instantly deliver a head or center of mass blast of 500 - 600 foot-pounds of kinetic energy.
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It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the local "Law Enforcement" arm of the political parties are going for Maximum violence, Maximum Terror Tactics and whatever gives them the biggest chance of Killing everyone & not being asked questions later.

From the local City cops to the FBI and things like the farm food administration. It's all look how SS we can be and how we can come in the dead of night to be as violent as possible.

The time may come when they get to find out what it feels like on the other side thanks to their own Communist rulers not wanting them around anymore.... then nobody will sympathize with them or feel sorry for them.
It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the local "Law Enforcement" arm of the political parties are going for Maximum violence, Maximum Terror Tactics and whatever gives them the biggest chance of Killing everyone & not being asked questions later.

From the local City cops to the FBI and things like the farm food administration. It's all look how SS we can be and how we can come in the dead of night to be as violent as possible.

The time may come when they get to find out what it feels like on the other side thanks to their own Communist rulers not wanting them around anymore.... then nobody will sympathize with them or feel sorry for them.

Once the capacities of the useful idiots are fully expended, a significant number of them will be purged, simply because they know too much that can endanger the future security of the new leaders. Those who were the most loyal members of the inner circle on their ascension to power would not be allowed to live because they were too close with the leading individuals and probably knows all about them, from favorite foods to odd habits and sexual deviances..................Information that will be too risky to leak if these inner members ever lose faith in the party and decide to spill the beans.

Since it is extremely hard to carry out such a high number of hits and assassinations without the public noticing that something is wrong, a shadowy and vague, but serious threat will always be used by the leaders to justify such a purge. Capital offenses such as treason, an attempt at a coup, and collaborating with foreign agents will be cited.

Finally, as the controlled purge wraps up and the final body count is listed, the state will ultimately use the crimes that the dead former Party members are charged with as a justification for increased national security. Now, permanent emergency powers will be declared and any remaining rights that the citizens had will be stripped away, in the name of preventing a future mass scare.
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, SWAT officers knocked several times on the front doors of the mayor's home and tried unsuccessfully to use a battering ram to force them open. Another officer tried shooting the locks of the doors with a shotgun.

Apparently some folks reading comprehension is not up to snuff.
This was not a "no knock" warrant, this was a knock and announce warrant.
They likely had the SWAT team to serve the warrant because the suspect had a predisposition to violence.
The police might have sent a CI in to have a case of crotch rash treated at this illegal Dr's house.
Then to a judge to get a no knock/ or a knock knock knock blam warrant with an address, not saying it was the Mayor's house.
Just this man, about 68 years old dealing antifungal drugs, at bla bla bla street address, with a CCW permit, and known to be violent.
The Sheriff is proud of his men risking their lives by not firing back.

Would the same procedure have been followed if his Honor had not been at home?
"No one home, let's go in, we's got a warrant"
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they probably have intel that she sleeps in the nude and cant afford to have all their officers out on disability while they are getting their eyes lasered out
I must be getting old,sometimes when I look at her I wonder what those tits looked like 45 years ago.
They do look like pretty good leftovers, however I bet that gash of hers would be like rolling a hotdog down a hallway.
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It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that the local "Law Enforcement" arm of the political parties are going for Maximum violence, Maximum Terror Tactics and whatever gives them the biggest chance of Killing everyone & not being asked questions later.

From the local City cops to the FBI and things like the farm food administration. It's all look how SS we can be and how we can come in the dead of night to be as violent as possible.

The time may come when they get to find out what it feels like on the other side thanks to their own Communist rulers not wanting them around anymore.... then nobody will sympathize with them or feel sorry for them.

This.^^^^ Raiding a family of farmers with SWAT, to destroy all their dairy, is beyond ridiculous.

Even off they found illegal drugs, would they not be inadmissible in court since the warrant was not related to that?

Makes me think there is not much more to this.

This them vs us mentality that is being perpetuated is not good for either side.
All these no knock warrants are just a public display of force on the citizens. Getting them conditioned as this is the "norm". Everything will be a no knock warrant eventually.

Just kick in the door and start shooting.

Official report: "We succesfully enforced a no knock warrant on Mr. Conservative. The gentleman made a move to get out of bed and we engaged the perp with rifles, pistols, shotguns and grenades. The streets are now safer. Youre welcome!"
According to the local news, he's also been caught dealing and is a known drug user.
The fucker has a 6000sf house on the water and I can guarantee you his mayor income wouldn't pay the mortgage on that.
There's a much bigger story here that isn't public knowledge.
Sheriff Nocco is a good guy so there must have been more for him to authorize or even suggest a pre dawn raid.

Maybe the Mayor is a Democrat so they are withholding info??

Time will tell

There's certainly two sides to this story and I'm willing to listen. It's going to be difficult to justify the force to me.
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For the LE guys here or anyone in the know, how much intelligence are the SWAT guys given before any raid is commenced? Do they have any say of why TF are they doing a no knock raid at 5am on the mayor for practicing medicine without a license or any other ridiculous reason to warrant such raid on someone else?
Sorry for the misleading title. I'm certain all early morning warrants being served by a SWAT team, including the No Knock ones, get a knock on the door of some sort. Maybe the battering ram constitutes knocking. And I'm certain the residents are given more than ample time to address the early morning visitors. So I suppose the term 'no knock warrant' is really an UNPOSSIBLE term.
If the level of concern necessitates the use of a SWAT team, elevated breaching methods, and flash bangs why would they have knocked on the door and waited for a response? Knock knock knock, ready or not, here we come?
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Sorry for the misleading title. I'm certain all early morning warrants being served by a SWAT team, including the No Knock ones, get a knock on the door of some sort. Maybe the battering ram was them knocking. And I'm certain the residents are given more than ample time to address the early morning visitors. So I suppose the term 'no knock warrant' is really an UNPOSSIBLE term.
If the level of concern necessitates the use of a SWAT team, elevated breaching methods, and flash bangs why would they have knocked on the door and waited for a response? Knock knock knock, ready or not, here we come?

The ninjas want to get inside and keep evidence from being destroyed, it's pretty standard practice to carry out a search warrant using forced entry tactics if they are not given access to the structure. Usually if you have an arrest warrant then you have a search warrant as well, and usually search warrants lead to arrest warrants with the resulting evidence in hand.

Safe bet they were legally inclined to make it go down this way, though they probably should not have been. 68 years old, a fucking mayor "practising medicine" with an expired license, and a CCW holder. Those of us with silencers, SBRs, and CCPs on the books are getting very nervous over this type of shit, it's downright uncalled for in my opinion. What's next for a small guy like me, my door gets fucked for driving with expired insurance?