FL mayor shoots at SWAT during early morning raid

It's almost coming to the point where freedom loving types might start needing to properly barricade and put things in their houses to slow down attackers these days... kind of sad but seems if you want to not get murdered in your underwear you might have to start fortifying your house.
I don't know what kind of medicine he was practicing and whether is was under the Good Samaritan Act; immunity from civil liability. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes...ing=&URL=0700-0799/0768/Sections/0768.13.html
OR he was running a business. How was he getting his "drugs"? Still writing scrips?
He surrendered his medical license in 1992.
Here is the case I found:
Bethany Morris Age: 3 Procedure: Removal of facial "port wine stains." Date of death: Aug. 25, 1990
Bethany's parents could not find a doctor in their hometown who could use a laser under a local anesthetic to remove the skin discolorations known as "port wine stains" that covered much of the toddler's body. The Morrises said they worried that the stains could eventually harm their daughter's health.
Bethany's parents said they felt fortunate when the child's grandparents, who lived in the Tampa Bay area, saw an advertisement in a local newspaper for Dr. Dale Massad, of Palm Harbor.
Massad, a former emergency room physician, performed laser treatments on the child beginning in March 1990. The treatments were a spectacular success at first, removing most of the stains. But after a fourth treatment in the office, which was assisted by a dentist because it involved the area surrounding her mouth, the child had a seizure and turned blue, according to state health agency records.
No oxygen was available in the office, so paramedics were called and took the child to a hospital emergency room. She died three days later of what state medical-licensing records describe as "lidocaine toxicity," or a fatal dose of the anesthetic drug used during the laser surgery.
"Words cannot explain what this was like for my family," said Cheryl Ann Morris, a homemaker whose husband runs a trucking company. "It's been eight years and it seems like yesterday."
Morris took some solace in the fact that state medical-licensing officials charged the doctor in an administrative complaint with practicing substandard medicine and failing to notice early signs that the child's life was in danger. In October 1992, Massad agreed to surrender his Florida medical license. The family settled a lawsuit for $300,000.
Massad said he was "totally devastated" by the child's death, the first complaint about his competence in 17 years of medical practice. He blamed the dentist, whose license was revoked by the state, for the overdose, but said he accepted responsibility.
"I'm the captain of the ship. That's the bottom line," Massad said. "If I could be where that child is and let her be alive, I'd do that."
Can’t see the forest because of the trees.

The division is widening.

I see this as building and creating distrust in law enforcement. It’s working. Even on me. And I used to work at the Sheriffs Department.

Now, anytime one of these Raids go down. We are starting to distrust all law enforcement. And rightly so.

No Knocks need to disappear like Incriminating evidence on the Clintons.

In the mean time, flame throwers come to mind.
Lol, they went through all that trouble to get the door open then reteated behind an unarmed armor vehicle. "Why did you fuckin' run away like that? Me? I was following you. Do you know who is in charge here? Ain't you?"
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According to the local news, he's also been caught dealing and is a known drug user.
The fucker has a 6000sf house on the water and I can guarantee you his mayor income wouldn't pay the mortgage on that.
There's a much bigger story here that isn't public knowledge.
Sheriff Nocco is a good guy so there must have been more for him to authorize or even suggest a pre dawn raid.

Maybe the Mayor is a Democrat so they are withholding info??

Time will tell

Can't pay the mortgage on his salary? Ok sounds great to me. Go no knock all those tyrannical fucks in congress.
Edit. they didn't find any drugs so where's this drug user/seller bs coming from



You know after what 50 or 100 years? The "war on drugs" either wasn't winnable, or more likely too many people profit from it both the sale of drugs and the war against it, to stop it.
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They knocked
Tried to knock the door down with a battering ram.
Then went on to trying to shoot the hinges and lock off.
One would think that the borrowed SWAT team from a large city would have had a breaching charge.
There was a brodcast on a local station of the shit show, but has since been taken down.
Another thing I am wondering about,why didn't the US Marshal's task force do the entry?
For the LE guys here or anyone in the know, how much intelligence are the SWAT guys given before any raid is commenced? Do they have any say of why TF are they doing a no knock raid at 5am on the mayor for practicing medicine without a license or any other ridiculous reason to warrant such raid on someone else?

Yes, National Tactical Officers Organization (and FB1) has a "Use of Force " matrix for swat use and knock/vs/no knock, they recommend to all tactical entities.

Each department has their own level of competence or incompetence in the level of Intel given b4 serving a warrant.
The level of stupid starts when a head leo wants to show off, ahhh. Use swat. (These people are dumbfucks whose abortion left living tissue to grow into said dumb fuck.)

The team pretty much has no say when head leo says "just follow orders" other than resign right there, OR, Guerrilla warfare, take the call, but do it "legally right" and not the way head leo wanted.

If the warrants are valid on their face, and properly issued, and will stand up in court, the officers are by oath and lawfully bound to serve it in a manner that "does not shock the conscience".

The overuse of swat teams has been found "an excess use of force" in EVERY major court case to go federal with huge losses, and sometimes big gov oversight following. Three or more victims of a departments excessive use of force can file a class action law suit in federal court and be almost guaranteed a win every time with a less talented lawyer.

The United States attorney general IS the watchdog for this. The last three consecutive presidential terms have failed very miserably in doing their jobs on this.

U.S. wise, the Constitutional protections have failed here because elected leadership has failed to appoint honorable enforcement people or judges.

And the septic tank continues to overflow on us...
Generally a knock is followed by, “police, search warrant!” Not saying this was handled correctly or not as I’m sure there is a lot of info the media doesn’t have. Im just surprised he was able to get off a shot after a flash bang, most can’t. I bet there’s more to the story....as usual.
They knocked
Tried to knock the door down with a battering ram.
Then went on to trying to shoot the hinges and lock off.
One would think that the borrowed SWAT team from a large city would have had a breaching charge.
There was a brodcast on a local station of the shit show, but has since been taken down.
Another thing I am wondering about,why didn't the US Marshal's task force do the entry?

Didnt meet the requirements for Marshals to be used, state crime, state or local resources. FDLE is Florida Department of Law Enforcement, state bureau.
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Another question that will come to air over the course of this investigation is:

Why did FDLE not use their own SOT and instead ask the County SWAT.....

FDLE SOT is, well used to be (I have not dealt with them in a couple years) pretty legit Team.


Didnt meet the "level" requirement for SOT, same as using Marshals.... SOT uses the "threat matrix" on their deployment, if it's not their level, bump down.....
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Didnt meet the "level" requirement for SOT, same as using Marshals.... SOT uses the "threat matrix" on their deployment, if it's not their level, bump down.....


Yes Sir but you would think in liability terms IF it is your investigation, your warrants, etc and it does not meet requirements for YOUR SOT that you would find another avenue for apprehension than "Tactical" apprehension.

First thing lawyer is going to ask is FDLE Agent in Charge...Why did you not use your own SOT?
And then the ball rolls......

Can’t see the forest because of the trees.

The division is widening.

I see this as building and creating distrust in law enforcement. It’s working. Even on me. And I used to work at the Sheriffs Department.

Now, anytime one of these Raids go down. We are starting to distrust all law enforcement. And rightly so.

No Knocks need to disappear like Incriminating evidence on the Clintons.

In the mean time, flame throwers come to mind.
That's exactly why I am not a Rudy J. Fan he loves stop and frisk lack of due process even if the shitbags deserves it one step closer to kicking your fucking door in just because I think something might be there ? NAZI GERMANY ring a bell and others too numerous too mention. Something about that 200+yr old archaic document says I don't think so. One of my supervisors said that archaic document was 200 years old after he was watching the news referring to the second amendment he had the balls to tell me that I said how old is that bible you have on your desk? I didn't have a problem with the bible.

Yes Sir but you would think in liability terms IF it is your investigation, your warrants, etc and it does not meet requirements for YOUR SOT that you would find another avenue for apprehension than "Tactical" apprehension.

First thing lawyer is going to ask is FDLE Agent in Charge...Why did you not use your own SOT?
And then the ball rolls......


Standard big gov sop.... the marshals used us all the time on their junk. Their teams were on more dangerous (or important) details, bump it down.
FDLE does the same, their team tied up elsewhere, bump it down.
It's where the head shed sets the priorities. I dont see this one causing FDLE any grief bc they used Pasco.
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I had to laugh watching those guys wear themselves out trying to bust thru a door with big windows right next to it.
I see your point.
In general people dont go through windows. Especially the police. If I am awakened with door being pounded on and then a window breaks it is on like Donkey Kong.
Windows in my place would be a fatal funnel. Maybe not a hallway but close, one person (in full riot gear) would struggle to get through any window in my place.
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Coming soon...no-knock raids for overdue library books...

A certain quote by Benjamin Franklin comes to mind right now, and with more and more of the population ever willing to let the government be the solution to all of their daily problems...this nonsense will increase.

BTDT watched OJ get chased in an Alabama jail for, get this, the THIRD charge for the SAME book I'd returned already, a 1979 Chilton's auto repair manual which was already nearly 20yo and falling apart. Had to check the motherfucker out AGAIN to show the goddamn judge. Prosecuter STILL wasn't folding. So fucking glad I left that shit hole.

After they win the great gun ban war here, expect that everything will be handled this way and everything will be accompanied by a "no tolerance" policy.
BTDT watched OJ get chased in an Alabama jail for, get this, the THIRD charge for the SAME book I'd returned already, a 1979 Chilton's auto repair manual which was already nearly 20yo and falling apart. Had to check the motherfucker out AGAIN to show the goddamn judge. Prosecuter STILL wasn't folding. So fucking glad I left that shit hole.

After they win the great gun ban war here, expect that everything will be handled this way and everything will be accompanied by a "no tolerance" policy.

Sometimes...I have the earnest feeling that the ONLY thing that has kept this country from fast-tracking into an Orwellian dystopia...is the Second Amendment. That is it. The lone bonfire, tended by a handful of weary and battle-worn knights, that is keeping the wolves from leaping into a feeding frenzy.

If that fire is extinguished, the population may very well be a turtle flipped onto it's back...completely open to the sky and vulnerable in every sense of the word.
I think that no knocks should be made illegal unless the person is actively on the run already from the law. I have cop friends and I have done my fair share of work in a house. Why anyone would want to kick down a door for any but the most egregious and evasive criminals is baffling to me. Just send a notice that says, "Turn your self in for such and such a crime that you are charged with. If you don't do this within x amount of time we will be conducting a forcible arrest. Some crooks will get away. The ones that want to barricade themselves, let them do it. They get hungry eventually. This is a better solution than so frequently violating the 4th amendment and then charging the homeowner for his completely legitimate use of the 2nd amendment. (this mayor sounds like a dirt bag though)
the two tiered justice system feels threatened and needs budget fodder so they do the Stalinesq thing and invent drama no matter how many they have to kill or get killed... We need to disarm our government. They are untrustworthy and cant be held accountable...

This story has more questions than answers. That seems to be the pattern lately on these kind of stories.
Unless I missed it I have not heard anything about on national (news) sounds Just like the cop that shot the raghead in Az. It took over month for that to surface .
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I am envisioning SWAT or who ever coming to my door at the wee hours of the morning and knocking fast and then hitting the door with a ram with a dozen hooded agents executing a warrant because I failed to register my Social Media accounts (I'm in Illinois and they are building this up to execute US) and me jumping out of bed and lighting them up because I'm assuming this is a home invasion.

And we all go out in a blaze of glory except for my Wife and the little dogs that will die because we din't file our papers or genuflect in the presence of a greater power.

I cannot believe the Police State has come to America. I weep for US all. I kinda hope they kill me first so I don't have to suffer watching this nation descend into a hot civil war but I suspect it's a done deal now.

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