FL sizing issues


Full Member
Mar 1, 2010
Austin, TX
I am trying full length size some 308 cases and I am having issues that I hope someone can help. The stroke down to size the case goes relatively easy but the upstroke to pull the button out take a lot of effort? I am using Redding FL sizing dies with carbide button. Does anyone know why and recommend a soltution. BTW, I am using RCBS lubing pad to lube the case but not the neck.
Re: FL sizing issues

What is happening is the "expander ball" is catching in the case neck as you pull it out of the case. Depending on if you have the new style dies or the old style dies, you may just be able to remove the expander ball from the decapping rod and continue. On the old style dies you had to have an expander ball of some kind to keep the decapping pin in place. If that is the case just go to either a smaller caliber expander ball (6mm for a 308 die etc...). I have them by turning them down myself. But if you don't have the tooling, just get a smaller expander ball or use a Q-tip and lube the insides of the case necks before sizing. You will need to remove the sizing lube before loading the cases. If you are using a bushing die with a bushing, you are defeating the purpose by using the expander ball.

But don't trust me. Ask someone else. They will chime in shortly.
Re: FL sizing issues

I have been experimenting with and without expander balls. Jury is still out. I'm not sure I will be able to tell the difference.
Anybody know a good way?

Sometimes I run a universal decapper in station 1 of my Dillon 550, then clean the cases, then put the FL sizing die in and go to town with no pin.

I did try running a Lee die with expander ball, and ran a little lube on the inside of the case neck. After a while the die got gummed up. I pulled the pin to find a lot of lube covering the ball. The cases ran through easily though!
Re: FL sizing issues

The whole point of having a bushing die is to use the bushing to control the neck tension. If you still have the same caliber expander ball on the decapping rod the expander ball is controlling the neck tension. Using both is shooting yourself in the foot. Like wearing belt and suspenders with COVERALLS or jumpsuits. It kind of gets in the way of doing something right.

If you're having problems with dirty necks I use a new bore brush with 4/0 steel wool woven into the bristles. These fit really nice in the "screwdriver" handles from RCBS. Push it in as you twist. Pull it out as you twist. Bingo, clean case necks. When it gets easy to do, your brush is worn out. If you use a tumbler for case cleaning, do the case necks first then tumble.

Good luck.
Re: FL sizing issues

I use a 308 cleaning brush (a soft one) and place a little case lube on it and run it in the neck, but dont soak it with lube ya jus need a little. Then i use the lube pad but ya really cant put to much lube on that pad as long as ya rub the lube in after putting it on there. I have never had a case get stuck using this method. Good luck
Re: FL sizing issues

I had a similar problem with 223 Remington. I too am using Redding FL die with their carbide button. The force needed still seemed excessively high. Here is what I found.

1) Make sure the decapping pin/expander ball assembly is down far enough so that the ball does not try to come through the neck while the neck is still in the neck part of the die. This will surely cause you problems as you are pinching the brass between the interior of the die and the expander ball.

2) Make sure the neck is clean.

3) Make sure there are no burrs on the interior of the neck.

4) Use Imperial Neck Lube media (tiny round balls w/lube).

5) Check your brass. I found distinct differences between different brass brands. Some are tough to get the expander ball back through.

Using BlackHills once fired brass, cleaned necks, the neck lube, carbide button, and properly adjusted die, extracting the expander ball takes less effort than sizing the brass. I am using a Forster Co-Ax press. Run out and stretching of the brass is seemingly reduced, perhaps due to reduced drag on the neck. Note, I am very new to reloading, but this is what I have learned so far.

- Phil